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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. Adding all 6 rice fish at the same time is the way to go imo. Less opportunities to introduce disease. Its not like 6 rice fish have a crazy bioload anyway. I would wait until your first algae bloom to add the snails. Cories can be a little sensitive so i would wait til the rank is well established to add them. Shrimp also like a well established tank as well. I would be hesitant to add both a nerite and otos, since theyll be competing for the same food.
  2. Theyll be fine for 2 days probably. If thry are gasping at the top or breathing heavily. You could consider baking soda, but only with extreme caution. A little goes a long way.
  3. Thank you @TheSwissAquaristand @nabokovfan87for the advice and kind words. Thankfully. the female seems to have made a full or near-full recovery. However, the male has gotten much worse. This makes since as the female is bigger so is likely less effected by temperature swings in the tank. This is also compounded by the females harrassing of the poor guy. Definetely wish i had the space of a quarantine tank. I'm not sure if i'll replace the male as the female is a bit of a menace, so i might keep her solo unless i kind find a beefier male.
  4. I would add some equilibrium if you can get a hold of it until the cc arrives. If not, a small amount of marine salt is basically the same.
  5. I re-tested just now, and the pH is in the high sevens. I dont have an airstone with me so ill drain the water so the hob splashes a bit. The fish seem to be doing better, swimming at an angle still but not completely vertical.
  6. Big time screw up: So few several days now the fish have not been eating. I thought the food may have been stale, so i pick up some frozen food. However, the showed no interest in this either. I though it may be internal parasites so i treated for it. Later the fish seemed to be "breathing" heavy and swimming at an angle. I thought this may have been an ammonia spike and did a water change. This is when i discovered the heater was unplugged. With no lid and no heater the tank temperature was getting very low. I then made the big mistake of trying to raise the water temperature with warm tap water instead of letting to heater raise the temp gradually. This made the swim bladder issue worse and now they are swimming vertically. The only thing i can think of is an epsom salt bath but more than likely i have lost them. I think i made a lot of mistakes with this tank, but the biggest was trying something new when i didnt have the time or resourses to give it the attention it needed. This semester has been more intensive then last. If i lose these two i think ill switch to white clouds or some other hardy cool water species i can more easily care for.
  7. My guess is that it is biofilm and not algae. Could be easily wrong though.
  8. Guppy fry usually hide on the top or bottom of the tank, so the midwater can b.e completely open one trick i use is having river stones for the substrate, as the fry can hide between them while the adults would not be able to get to them. The best thing for fry is floating plants imo.
  9. Since you have a 75 you can have a bn pleco in the 10 for a year or so and then move it yo the 75. Honestly you could probably keep it in the ten its whole life. Its not like it needs a ton of swim space. For the main fish i think guppies would be a great choice. I think the kids would get a big kick out of all the babies. Would need to raise the pH a bit but there are a million and a half ways to do that.
  10. Is it cheating to name a rasbora? Bc emerald eye rasbora was the first fish to come to mind. If we are limited to tetras, just get one that you think looks the coolest. The smaller ones tend to be more docile. I dont think any of the mellower tetras have that interesting behavior, outside of the tighter schooling ones.
  11. Compost has a lot of the same problems i mentioned dirt has. Worm castings should be available where ever garden supplies are sold.
  12. I would just cap the dirt with sand or gravel, the ecocomplete wont lock in the dirt and you hqrdly need it with how neutrient dense dirt is.. Instead of using dirt dirt, like a potting mix or from your yard, i recommend Worm castings. Dirt needs to be broken down b4 being utilized by the planta, and could burn plant roots. Worm castings are already broken down by worms and can be used by plants immediately.
  13. The tap water here is pretty gross tasting so i use a britta filter. Is it a good idea to use this for top offs and water changes? From what i can tell, the filter mostly just removes chlorine/chloramine but im not sure.
  14. I think i know who your talking about lol. If terms of why they tear down tanks often is for content. If he left tanks for years, he'd only be able to make a new video every month or so at lost. Another thing about them is they are a rather new fiah keeper, so at the time of the discus tank they were keeping fish for less than two years i believe. Their later discus tanks had lids, so they are learning. The sorority debate is always a contentious one, but i do imagine 60 in a heavily planted 4 foot tank has the best chance of working. Like you said, more sororities are 5-10 bettas. Far easier for it to devolve into bloodshed.
  15. I definetely could have gone about this better. Still, it seems like the aggression has died down. She is letting him stay near her for far longer than yesterday. I only saw her half heartedly chase him off once or twice while is was doing my chemistry homework, and i had a lot of chem homework. That said, i did not feed today, so tomorrow when i do will be quite telling. The female has also colored up quite a bit since getting her.
  16. Ooh thats rough. I guess thats just the natural order. Im sure in nature a lot of kribs get killed trying to find a suitor. I guess its worth risking 1 or 2 kribs for the goal of creating dozens of kribs. Will adding a third krib make things better or worse?
  17. So, if you've seen my Journal, you know i've gotten a male and female krib. Unfortunately, the two are not getting along. The female is chasing the male. This seems limited to feeding time, and the male is able to get away since there are a lot of hiding spots, although his tail fin is a little frayed. It has only been a few days, as i got the fish on saturday. I am watching them now, and it seems like sometimes shes ok with him being close, but then she'll snap and chase him away? Will they ever make a breeding pair? Do i need to seperate them for his safety?
  18. You cant have to much filtration but you can have to much flow. Youre probably good though.
  19. Personally i dont think size matters too much since most of it is emersed grown and will die off when it converts anyway. Val should do fine in sand. I dont think there is a difficult anubias.
  20. So some of you may have followed my last dorm tank journal, and I am starting another one for my new tank. The last tank is being taken care of by family members right now, so I'm starting a new tank, trying something i have never done before. More precisely, three things i have never done before. When planning this tank, I wanted to try three new things: a blackwater setup Emersed grown plants breeding an egg layer Since I was only planning on using ribsome plants, floating plants, and a peace lily, i did not use any form of active substrate, like i have been for many of my recent tanks. Since i wasnt planning on planting any plants into the substrate, i used pool filter sand, since i was planning on getting fish that dig, more on that later. I decided to upgrade in tank size from last semester, so i took my old 10 gallon quarantine tank, since i didnt really need a quarantine tank anymore. Its just a topfin kit tank i got for $30 way back when. This tank had many problems, starting with what i forgot. I forgot the nerite snail, the floaters, and the java fern. There is a fish store near by campus, but it is mostly saltwater and monster fish focused, so their plant selection is weak. It seems like a bit of a missed opportunity to not focus on nano fish when your store is under a mile aware from a college campus. Gives me an idea for a backup plan if this engineerimg thing doesnt work out. the one plant i did remember has had its one problems. This plant i purchased to early, and i dont think it survived the two weeks between purchase and me putting a light on the fish tank. It is down to one green leaf at the moment. The light i decided to go with was this. Certainly can't complain about the price, and i needed a light that was raised up a bit since i was using emersed grown plants. I have to use a rubber band to hold it in the correct position, but it works. This light is designed for houseplants which is what im growing in the tank. Important thing to note is that this light has a usb port. I have no clue what the intended purpose of it is, but it is very important to my purpose. If you use a light that plugs in the wall and it falls into the tank, all your fish will die, you might die, and it will trip the circuit breaker, which would be very akward to explain to your family or neighbors, if you are still alive to explain it. To make up for the plants i forgot and killed, i bought some lucky bamboo at a nearby walmart. I also had a family member ship me some water lettuce, anacharis, and ramshorn snails. The satter lettuce did poorly but is slowly bouncing back. Some of the ramshorn survived and the anacharis is doing ok as well. While i set up the tank in mid january, i only put in fish saturday. This is due to ammonia and general busyness. While a was planning on apistos, a settled on kribs do to thr lfs's recommendation. Kribs in a 10 may be somewhat controvercial, but they look like theyre doing fine. The kribs spend much of their time im my homemade coconut huts. I got the coconut shells from some fancy sherbet icecream from cosco. As it turns out, coconuts are very, very hard. My battery powered drill couldnt handle it so i had to pull out the plug in power drill. The botanicles are primarily oak leaves and acorn husks collected from around campus. Despite the tannic acid, thanks to the high alkalinity of the water, the pH still maxes out the api pH test kit. I didnt bother with the high range pH kit, since i was only worryed about a pH crash. Due to the light being well above the tank, it causes glares with my cluttered desk. So, good pics are hard to come by. The still arent used to me, and im sure a 10 minute bike ride is a stressful experience for a fish. I only have pics of the female for now, since her coconut cave is closer to me. The wood was covered in that white stuff wood gets covered in, im not sure if its a fungus or algae, but whatever it is, kribs loved it. Cleaned up the wood pretty well. They seem to have a taste for dead plant matter as well, so i'll feed sparingly until the fi ish cleaning up there new home. Not that im one to talk... Stay tuned for better pics once i clean the desk and the inside glass
  21. It comes to housing sizes. Europeans have smaller homes, so have fewer and smaller tanks. So they spend more time on each tank. Americans want big tanks and big fish and more tanks and more fish. Im sure there are monster fish keepers or african cichlid keepers in europe who envy the US's market of those.
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