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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. With some exceptions, most aquarium plants can grow out of water as well. However, the leaf structure is different when they grow in and out of water. The submerged grown leaves lose water much faster. Those leaves appear to have been grown out of water, so now that you have it under water, those leaves will die and get replaced by new ones. Totally normal.
  2. Maybe it's due to their tails? Guppies with less extravigant tails are faster and can more easily predate their fries.
  3. Predator is a horror movie disguised as an action movie.
  4. The thing, the shining, alien, predator, the omen, all come to mind as horror movies with compitent protagonists. The omen is probably the only one where the protagonists dont have a fighting chance.
  5. Whats your water change schedule
  6. Ill Plug my guppy journal. Assuming you already know how to keep guppies alive, the hardest thing is keeping the fry from being eaten. Guppies arent nearly as bad as platies and swordtails, but they aren't parent-of-the-year material either. Floating plants help a lot, i use water lettuce. Coarse, natural colored gravel helps a lot as well. The newborns will actually wedge themselves between the grains to hide from predators. Feeding heavy helps a lot as well. No only to help the fry grow as fast as possible, but to discourage the parents from finding alternative food sources. If you are feeding heavy, a snail colony and/or a shrimp colony will help manage the excess food.
  7. Thats interesting. Is it bc of osmosis or something?
  8. Has anyone ever tried this? Would it work? After like ten years or whatever of breeding, could i get amanoi-sized cherries?
  9. Update: shirmp. I ordered some cherry shrimp from aquahuna last monday. They came in yesterday but i wanted to wait a day for them to color up before taking pics for the journal. I bought a few shrimp before, but all but one died. I assume my tank wasnt ready for shrimp yet, but one was a trooper and managed to last until the tank was ready. That guys been thriving for 2 months now, so pretty confident these will fair better. Still, with the amount of guppies in the tank rn, i wonder if a thriving colony is possible. What do you guys think? Is there enough cover for the baby shrimp to survive, or will i need more? Another question, whats the ideal amount of floating plants to have? I like that they clear the water column and provide cover for the fry, but they block a lot of light.
  10. I think the mifnight trait came from ebs, so it would just look like an eb
  11. Guppies. https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/26379-dorm-tank-journal
  12. I've had some fish like mollies eat it. They munch on it but they don't really wipe it out. They do a good job keeping plants clean but it's clear they'd prefer fish food over it. Sort of like how bn plecos will wipe a tank clean of diatoms over night, I'd like a fish that would do the same with hair algae.
  13. Nope. But my little brother's is. He got a tank for his birthday, but since he was a little kid, i helped him take care of it. That's how i got interested in the hobby. I got my own tank for christmas later that year, hense why it's a little debatable when i actually got into the hobby.
  14. May 17, 2018 or dec 25, 2018 debatably. 2021 is when i got really into it.
  15. A gar that tops out at 8"-12" A shark looking fish that swam like a shark A social betta A tight-schooling livebearer Tiny mermaids A fish that just loved hair algae A cherry shrimp the size of an amano shrimp A fish that swims like a dolphin
  16. There is liquid fertilizer for house plants out there. I check the ingredients for one, 12% nitrogen. Assuming fish tank water is 40 ppm nitrate, and nitrate is 23% nitrogen, that would make the fertilizer 13000 times more potent than fish tank water. If someone sold you a gallon of fish tank water for a penny, theyd be ripping you off.
  17. The fact that theyre even comperable is pretty amazing. Such a good strain.
  18. Just a reflection. You nailed it, dumbo mosaic.
  19. Look at some aquascaped tanks. They're like 75% hardscape. I wouldnt worry.
  20. Big update, since both thursday and friday were quite eventful. Monday, I order a plant. I ordered the plant from this cute little mom-&-pop store in washington call Aquarium Co-Op, make sure to check them out if you havent heard of the 😉. Thursday, the plant arrived. It was a microsword. I had a little micro sword in the tank, but i wanted some more. Hopefully it'll be able to carpet before i hsve to tear the tank down at the end of the semester. I also removed most of the floaters to let light reach the new and old plants. I also cut and replanted the stems. I also did my first water change in the tank since less than a week after setting it up. This was mostly to combat the tannin build up rather than nitrogen build up, as the floaters and stems handle that. I almost dumped my last cherry shrimp down the sink drain, trying pick the wet little bug out of the sink as it jumped around without crushing it was... interesting. Friday, a month and two days after her last one, mamma guppy dropped another batch of fry! This is the forth since she came into my care and second since moving to the dorm with me. This happened around noon so I caught a few be born, but the month old fry, while not big enough to eat the newborns, we're plenty big enough to harass them. I turned of the light so the little guys could spend their first few moments in relative peace, and it looks like things are going better as they learn to get along with their new little brothers and sisters. Next: I'vd created a lot of guppies, a lot of ramshorns, and a lot of water lettuce. Next, I want to create a ton of cherry shrimp. I haven't had crazy success with shrimp in the past, I've created a few but never had a thriving colony. Hopefully this kind of setup will help change thst as I order some shrimp from aquahuna this weekend. Pictures:
  21. I would watch an unboxing video and see how many guppies in the bags. Probably way more the 30 but itd be good to get sn idea of whats typical.
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