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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. If ordered from the coop 4 times, first time probably over a year ago, most recently monday. Usually its stuff my lfs doesnt carry, like tweesers or the stingray
  2. 1) get a bucket 2) fill it with water 3) wait If you want to speed up the process, add an airstone
  3. You can check here to see if your municipality uses chloramine.
  4. Coop will replace plants if the freeze. They have heat packs and liners. Don't order if youre expecting a raging blizzard but elsewise you should be fine.
  5. So, I want to order some plants from the coop for my tank, 3 bc of the discount. I'm currently thinking pink flamingo, microsword, and dwarf hair grass, but I would like suggestions.
  6. Not sure why you would be afraid, its a totally reasonable thing to ask. By a small portion and see if your corries like it. Thats all that really matters.
  7. I think that should be fine. Females are less aggressive than males and there are plenty of guppy fraternities that work out fine. I would add 2 more little ladies
  8. If neither tank is cycled, he'd be better off in the larger tank. Feed sparingly, like once every 3 days, and do daily water changes until tank is cycled. Because of the way bettas are raised and sold, proactive treatment isnt necessary. This. Since neither tank is cycled, the ammonia will build up 20 times faster in the .5
  9. It seems that if i introduce ramshorns into tanks with pest/pond/bladder snails, the rams pop grows and the other shrinks. I assume its bc the rams are bigger and faster. Has anyone experience this is ramshorns or other species?
  10. Quick update. Sorry about the brurry photos but i wanted to post something b4 batch #2 is born These are a little better
  11. Like you said anything centerpiece worthy will chow down on those shrimp. Maybe give it a few month for the colony of shrimp to get going before adding a betta. That way, even if the betta does get a few, the colony will be big enough to overcome a few losses
  12. I mean its basic but what about a ton of guppies? Or a really big school or tetras
  13. I would try one of the small snail species, like ramshorns or trumpets
  14. Its like cory says, when you buy plants, you are paying for the roots. For plants, it depends on the lighting. What kind of light do you have?
  15. Have big plants in the back and small plants in the front
  16. I think its more likely that a fish sees a bunch of baby guppies swimming around and this signals to them that it is a safe place to raise fry. Could be both though, either, or neither, im just speculating.
  17. If theres only 2 tanks id just use heaters
  18. I could be wrong but i heard nitrite interferes with the nitrate test.
  19. Add some dwarf water lettuce. It will absorb excess neutrient and potentially out compete the algae.
  20. Brown algae is ugly put its actually a good sign. It shows the tank is alive. I would consider doing a big water change, get the nitrite down to under .5 ppm, and add some hardy fish like zebra danios to help finish the cycle. Feed every third day and do water changes as needed to keep the nitrite down. Ignore the brown algae for now. Once the tank is cycled, add a nerite snail or a bristlenose pleco (depending of the size of the rank) and theyll deal with that brown algae for you.
  21. Many its just unsettled by the move. See if it calms down in a couple days.
  22. It would be the current that is the issue not voltage. Think of voltage as height and current as falling. Something i've heard about but not experienced
  23. He might just be spooked from a change in environment, or there is something else about the five putting him on edge. I'd doubt the size is playing a role. Perhaps in a huge tank this could happen, but in a 5 it seems very unlikely.
  24. Good for breeding. Keeps water clean, makes it harder for adults to see the babies, and serves as a food source for the babies.
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