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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Having experience feeding my cats a raw food diet, I keep freeze dried raw around for "emergencies" when my frozen is unavailable. I'd like to point out freeze dried foods keep about 90% of their original nutrional value. This is one of the reasons survivalists/armies also keep supplies of freeze dried and do some of it themselves. Don't shy away from freeze dried! 🙂
  2. You can. The only concern with feeding and medicating typically is they create ammonia through waste. Bettas are don't eat much, 1-3 pellets are typically good enough. If the volume of water is big enough, you likely don't need to be concerned.
  3. Poor guy. If it still moves and eats I would have a hard time doing it. Our aquatic friends are so resilient. It's such a hard judgment call.
  4. Wish you lived close I'd give you a batch of my tank raised, tank raised offspring Otos! I would love for my baby Otos to live in your tank. I have an Olive Nerite too, she cleans well but not better than the horned ones. Weirdly I've found every Nerite type has a cleaning specialty. Horned ones seem to clean EVERYTHING.
  5. Post a pic of TLR when you get a chance, even the Betta, would be neat to see!
  6. I was thinking that's what you were going for when you said the sensory room- and I think it's a great idea to have that kind of thing for our elderly care population so that's pretty awesome. The platies could stay there if Loner moves home with you and the 20 gallon would never have to be upgraded. I might grab a couple dalmation platies and orange platies maybe some long fin, so you have a variety for sure!
  7. You need some Horned Nerites my friend. One of my tanks has nary a hair of algae in it because of my 3 little Roombas.
  8. Thanks for the update! That's great! So, before we start with tankmates lets talk goldfish. You know, they have a large bio load and often times 1 or 2 adult goldfish are kept in a minimum of a 50-55 gallon tank. They are part of the carp family and can live a very long time. (Had a friend that had a rather fussy little goldfish that was 20yo or more, but I've heard of some that lived a lot longer). The reason I bring that up may be obvious now. Is Loner going to be a permanent resident at the care facility? I know he's probably small now but as you saw with the 3.5 he may also grow into that 20 pretty easily. These are things to consider as you may want to think about backup plans. If the answer is: I'll have a back up plan and I still want to get some tankmates: Personally I'd skip the pleco and the mystery snail as both have larger bio loads so the tank would be a cleaning issue for you (and we think of the future!). While he's (Mr Loner) small the platies could work but I wouldn't put a lot of them. Maybe the back up plan is to get them and if Loner gets too big or aggressive for them they could be future tankmates for the Betta if they get a tank upgrade. Platies have smaller bio loads and will give the residents plenty of visual action- I wouldn't get more than 6 and I'd only GET MALES so you have the color but not the reproduction. If you want snails to help with clean up but are low on the bio load get a couple of Nerite snails, they come in lots of different patterns/colors. I would be concerned with goldfish and Mystery snails (maybe not now but certainly eventually) as they could become nippy with their lovely long antennae (they look like worms!) and could hurt them- Nerites have much smaller antennae and could also potentially be moved in with the Betta fish in the future (and will be fine with them for the same concerns- potential nipping)
  9. I agree with @Beardedbillygoat1975 it takes time for them to transition to commercial foods if they ever do- I've even had a hard time with most veggies (mine will only ever consistently eat English Cucumber (with the skin cut off). Biofilm and algae are the most important things for them to have access to when you first get them. Mine have eventually eaten Hikari Algae Wafers and some Repashy gel foods. But by no means do I want you not to try and feed them commercial food if you have it! Definitely try! Also possibly try feeding at night as I have found my Otos do most of their out and about eating then. I put food in a small bowl in my tanks, that way I can monitor food intake (and it's generally easier to clean)
  10. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA (TIGER): The 2 Gallon QT I've been relatively inactive on the forum the last week as I have not been feeling great but the fish are still getting their daily maintenance. I've been in contact with the local University Veterinary division and they put me in email contact with an Aquatics Vet. I filled out a history form, sent pictures and my own synopsis. Dr Jungers, DVM CertAqV is interested in doing a physical exam on my little patient after reviewing the information. They only have aquatic patients on Tuesdays at 10. Sadly I have a mandatory work training class THIS Tuesday so the appointment is delayed until the 25th- though I'm still waiting on someone to contact me to finalize the appointment (read: I'll likely have to call them myself on my days off to confirm). It's gonna cost me but I'm interested in seeing what the Doc is going to say and if there is anythiing she can do to help the fish. This is the price of being a caretaker and I'm willing to pay it. Used to keep pet rats and people would always look at me weird when I'd mention I take them to the vet (had them spayed even- which cuts down on their chances for tumors DRASTICALLY), even a few emergency visits under my belt. Why would you do that for a $5 animal they'd ask....um, because that's what you're supposed to do when you take on another life form and it depends on you. 😑 (plus, pets are priceless)....
  11. As much time as I spend on this forum I never saw the thread until today. Now there is 1 more answer for you.
  12. It does not appear to be anything harmful and the plant may just be adjusting to your tank- the leaves may even melt. If they concern you you can cut them off as long as the plant has other healthy leaves with which to live. 🙂
  13. I think that's part of the fun, is asking yourself these questions and watching things even out- which I think will happen for you eventually. It would have to be quite a pH difference for you to shock your fish but if there's ever a worrry all you have to do is put the new fish in a smaller container and add some of the new tank water every 15 minutes or so until new tank water is more than half of what was in there to begin with- but I think once your tanks settle they won't be that far apart. Aquariums are like our tiny slice of life experiments!
  14. When I blew up one of the pictures it almost looked like mineral deposits. Are you able to rub the spots off at all?
  15. Great start! pH may be wonky for a while as you are still cycling so I wouldn't worry about it much. The difference between the two tanks could be as simple as size difference and of course what's in the tanks. I have 5 tanks of varying sizes and they vary in pH though they are fully cycled. pH isn't a number I chase anymore- it's only worth it if it's very specific to a species you're keeping. I might have missed it, how big is the QT tank? p.s. everything you do to the tanks will mess with your parameters for a while. adding too many fish at once can easily crash a new tank's cycle so it can be a fine balance. Just something to keep an eye on!
  16. Wow! How cool is that! What a good fish keeper you are, look forward to pics of the new tank!
  17. It's worth a shot, I've been doing that for my more recent Otos and they seem like they occassionally munch on it. Giving them a variety will give them a better chance at survival too!
  18. Congratulations! Honestly I had the same issue with my Otocinclus Vittatus and having babies was MY first post here! So welcome to the club! I crushed the same food that my adults were eating (in my case Hikari Algae wafers) between 2 spoons and have raised several Oto babies since. The powder should work, and any crushed adult food. There may be others here who have suggestions as well!
  19. Queen Mab, legendary Queen of the Faerie. Does she exist? Maybe, for those lucky enough to see her.
  20. What a funny little fattie that fish is! I say that in the most positive of ways of course. 🙃
  21. This plant is tough as evidenced by the fact that *I* can keep it alive and thriving in my low tech tanks with no ferts! I agree with the advice above! It may be that the bottom isn't getting enough light, the plant seems healthy otherwise though!
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