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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. I think we are coming to the conclusion that your tank never cycled OR maybe it did but if you added fish quickly it crashed the cycle. New tank cycles are fragile.
  2. I would like to say I have a Fluval Flex 9. I had issues with water parameters too. I even hot rodded the back chamber when i first got it when others in a thread I started recommended it. Then one day the pump stopped without my knowing and of course there was an ammonia spike, followed by an Ich outbreak, and later even Columnaris or something like it I never exactly ID'd. In the end, I bought an aftermarket pump that had variable speed, keep it relatively high flow AND I put a Co-Op nano sponge in the main chamber backed by a lithium backed air pump so the pump break down issue never happens to me again. I haven't had an issue since. Just saying "maybe", since I found it lacking, your Flex needs a little hot rodding too.
  3. I found ONE more google video it's a minute long (and catches me talking to my cat he's right behind me on the cat tree this day) At this time I wasn't sure if it was a hawk or a falcon but I think I pretty quickly determined it was more likely a hawk at least in my area. Completely fearless as I'm standing right in front of my slider door. https://photos.app.goo.gl/4Kf2y8VxFQywpaVHA Have your kid watch that one @Fish Folk 😉
  4. @Odd Duck I did take a look at the sharp shinned last night when @Fish Folk and I were going back and forth it came up as an alternate search and you're right they look VERY similar. Then I woke up this morning and saw some more back and forth on the thread. Fish Folk posted the feather tail comparison. In the 3rd pic at the beginning It's squared and notched (Sharpie), in the video I can clearly see white tips (Coopers). I'm wondering though if I've caught TWO species in my backyard because I feel like my 2018 pic is a different bird than all the other pics!
  5. Well just based on that it's a high probability @Fish Folk They are rather common around here and I see them on the tops of streetlights pretty often. I live in an older part of the city so the house lots are bigger, there's about a half acre behind me, I'm sure they get somebody from time to time but not from my patio. Thanks for helping to ID, you are likely right about it being a Cooper I just feel like mine aren't quite as pretty as those pictures. I guess that's what the poor things get for living in a city!
  6. Oh gosh! Lol Now I really don't know 😄 @Fish Folk
  7. Short google video of it from my chair and through my giant cat tree haha) https://photos.app.goo.gl/t7MJq6VhLXSksbrU9
  8. That's a good possibility @Fish Folk. I dug into my photos here is a visit from 2018. It could be a Gray, what do you think?
  9. I have not seen them catch anyone in my near decade where I am @Fish Folk. I think the covered patio and the trees feet away help big time. Once after a failed catch they hopped down onto a pot that has a ceramic bunny in it. And it flew off irritated then as well This is the offending bunny 😄
  10. I'm not positive what she might be @Fish Folk not quite like the goshawk you've pointed out. Pretty sure she's a hawk though. She and the older pic (pretty sure the older pic is an adult) are more dingy colored. Super bright yellow legs and a striped tail. Nothing super high contrast in color.
  11. Lots of us are lucky enough to live in beautiful country and I've seen some great threads from them. Well, I live in the middle of an urban city. Of course we have wildlife. I feed the local House Sparrow and Mourning Dove population by throwing seed out on the ground every morning. I have during this time a year 30 or so Doves waiting for me on the power lines in the morning and dozens of Sparrows. My patio is covered and over the fence there is a meyer lemon tree they hide in so the birds have a very quick get away from the resident predatory birds. This is one of my semi-regular visitors- she has nevery caught anyone to my knowledge and is usually quite irritated by it (my phone pics suck but this is what I have in the moment and they are quick shots thru my slider door)! The 3rd pic is a prior visit but the first 2 are from last week, she was telling me how she felt about things and was filing a complaint.
  12. Beautiful babies!! Occasional spots of yellow/gold so pretty!
  13. My water never seems to like to come down from 40ppm Nitrate so I'm afraid to use ferts!
  14. It should come off ok or you can cut the pieces off near the roots that are glued. Just be gentle 🙂 The glue eventually erodes, by that time the plant has usually gripped whatever you glued it to by its roots.
  15. This is what mine looks like. I only use less than a half inch of tubing so you can tie the rhizone to the suction cup. Java fern is awesome too, I have narrow leaf which kind of looks like what you got, and Windelov which has neat shaped leaves.
  16. Ha! I love it, not at all what I do with mine but that could work, don't bury any of the java rhizone in the substrate, have it sit above your gravel but that trick should keep the plant from floating!
  17. You can see my Tiger's story on my journal. It may never entirely heal. My Tiger is going to the vet next week for further consultation.
  18. Hi, I'm sorry. I have recent experience with popeye as one of my beloved Tiger Otos has it. I have learned that "unilateral" popeye (1 eye) is typically from an eye injury. The concern is the fish getting bacterial infection due to injury. @Odd Duck recommended I use Kanaplex (which I did) to help with that. I also did 20 minute Epsom bath soaks to help with swelling and treated his QT tank with Aquarium salt. Check his tank for possible culprits for the injury, sharp objects- usually in the area where they hang out. If it truly is both eyes (bilateral) then he has an infection which should be treated. Often this is caused by tank conditions.
  19. I've used the trick on other plants- typically tougher ones. Just be careful with tying stuff in tanks- always cut excess and make sure your inhabitants won't get caught on it. I've never had it happen but it can if you're not careful! 🙂
  20. I LOVE Anubias, all of them. Petites are cool because they stay small. Anubias are rhizone plants so you can glue them to wood, a rock, decorations. I've also used airline suction cups with a little piece of airline attached, and tied the Anubias to it, then attached it to the aquarium wall. This way I can move the plant whenever I need/want! The only downside to some people is that they don't grow fast, but to me that's just fine. They are some of the prettiest plants I have in my tanks. Techically you can float any plant and not plant them in substrate. @Guppysnail's tanks are a prime example of this so if there's a plant you're interested in you can try that. I like to put plants in pots in my tanks- they're still mobile that way and creates visual interest.
  21. @smoore funny. I feel bad for people who have cats like this. Neither of my boys do this to me. lol!
  22. Welcome to the forum! I echo @bettta999, you have beautful floating plants!
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