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Everything posted by timQ

  1. Sold to me as Australian Rainbows. The yellow was super vivid when I picked up. In Quarantine right now but just curious if these are actually rainbows?
  2. I toss in a large coop sponge filter to prevent pond scum on the surface. Feed the fry 2-3 times a day. Mostly first bites and brine shrimp.
  3. Curious, what would a red cap crossed with a platinum look like? Has anyone messed with different strains before? Is redcap recessive? Have about 4 red caps but a bunch of platinums
  4. Finally got my Paradise fish to breed. Learned so much from this forum and community. I believe this is my 13th species ive successfully bred! Mom and Dad + Eggs (White Dots in the bubbles)
  5. Honestly don't know, got them from someone moving. I put them in and.this is the first time they sparred.
  6. I have what I believe are rosy barbs in my little 40 gallon tub. Tossed them in for some color.theyre doing this and I've never bred barbs before so not sure the breeding characteristics of them. Anyone have ideas? Rosy barbs
  7. What kind do you recommend. I have a 100 gallon with guppies and white clouds already and the other hundred with platinum medaka
  8. If I can breed for profit to cover the hobby that would be fine with me, this is super fun though haha.
  9. First go at Pond setups. Added a 300, (2) 100's and ill have 3 more 50s all setup. Decided to try putting up a greenhouse type setup (cheapy) So far its doing well with my platinum medakas and guppies. Going to start adding some species in the 300 Any suggestions?
  10. Anyone have leads on rainbow shiners? Stocked at the Co Op? Looking for a breeding start to get a colony going
  11. Yeah, not sure either. Thinking a Sculpin or a darter? Caught in my Lake along with the Bluegill and LMB
  12. Trying to figure out what it is. Looks like a Sculpin?
  13. Went fishing with the daughter and going to start a PNW Pond, have some LMB and Yellow Perch. Also grabbed some of this floating around and wondering what it was. Looks like hornwart and not sure the other
  14. Man oh man its been a good week. Finally got Fry for my Platinum Medaka/Betta/Shrimp (Orange/Snowball/Cherrys) and Plecos!!!! Thought it would never happen but im getting steady results! Thanks to the forum and Co-Op for all the info! 1. Combtail Betta 2.Betta mahachaiensis 3.Red Cherry / Medaka Platinums in Egg tumbler 4.Bristlenose Plecos
  15. Awesome! Im seeing alot more Medaka eggs as well! I added 2 more mops to my 100 gallon tub. Also saw a fry swimming around my frogbit in the tub so im hoping there are more that I havent seen!
  16. I checked mop on a whim and found 1 egg, my first egg!
  17. Well, I tossed my King Betta Halfmoon and my female Crowntail into a 1 gallon divided tank to get use to each other for a couple days. I left a tiny gap to allow for more water on each side. Well, somehow the lady got through and now I have fertilized eggs. A good thing since this big guy killed 2 other females. Sucks because its on half of the divided side. Can I move them or should i just let them hatch?
  18. Sounds Exactly like my setup. How long did it take before you got eggs? Been trying for 2 months with my Platinum Medaks. I have 24 of them right now
  19. Maybe its all the heaters that are running. Most of my tanks are in the garage and it gets cold until June starts warming it up. I have RAMs, Angels, Apistos so most of my tanks need to be heated
  20. Just curious, what are you guys averaging for your electric bill? I've noticed a.significant.difference prior and agter I started.the hobby. Almost doubled, I do have quite a few tanks though
  21. Hey all, My female super red decided to lay some eggs in the cave. I saw alot of salmon colored eggs on the top of the cave at night one day. Next day I go and check and they are gone. Is it common for the female/male to eat them?
  22. Nice, maybe ill take some out and see if I can get them going
  23. Updated First post with pic of the params. They look fine to me though?
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