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Everything posted by timQ

  1. 20L gives them more space. Make sure to have some plants to seperate and caves. Honeslty a single male and 2 females (Harem) would be good
  2. Anyone ID this Krib, given to me by someone who had to many
  3. Ill be honest, I have noticed a single Medaka juvenile that died. Eaten yes but by natural causes no. Might be eaten by the others but They are super hardy
  4. Update: Well, Co-Op replaced my nano net that arrived damaged at the T-bar but now my "small" sized one broke at the same spot. Not sure if I got a bad batch or if QC hasnt been done on them but so far im not impressed with these nets and I was really hoping to like them. Love the Carbon Fiber and Love the mesh but that T-Bar is super weak.
  5. Just curious of the T Bar is suppose to be off? I ordered 4 of them and 1 was a broken package (Like cut) and had the pieces all out. THe T Bar that goes to the actual net wasnt there and the otheres had it? Well, Co-Op replaced my nano net that arrived damaged at the T-bar but now my "small" sized one broke at the same spot. Not sure if I got a bad batch or if QC hasnt been done on them but so far im not impressed with these nets and I was really hoping to like them. Love the Carbon Fiber and Love the mesh but that T-Bar is super weak.
  6. Yeah, but you are still liable for anything right? Like a hack on the store getting users PII etc..
  7. Has anyone set up an LLC for their online or in person sales? Seems like a good way to seperate personal and "business" ventures. Maybe write off some of the hobby equipment and fish? Thoughts?
  8. Found in my medaka pond. Forgot I had some shrimp in there too and they are hugeeeee Anyway, this single guy is the only one out of place
  9. I have a can filter so maybe the flow is high. Spray bar would be better
  10. Crazy couple days. All of a sudden my Midnight Rams started spawning, now I have a ton of fry. Medaka population is at 300 Convicts Spawned and free swimming fry everywhere (not sure how I feel on this) Cobalt Angels finally spawned but the male ended up eating the eggs (Anyone have suggestions) Giant Bettas spawned Crystal Red Shrimp are all berried Something in the air or what?!?!!?!
  11. Awesome! Im starting my red cap and Pearl Galaxy line right now. Have a strong Platinum line going but I love the variations and how hardy they are
  12. Pulled my pond along filter for.the first time in months...what are these? Worms? Larvae of some sort
  13. Mixture of cyclops, bbs, co-op fry food. Older ones get extreme pellets and bbs sometimes I grind up krill and go e them a paste of that
  14. Tons of Medaka fry, they really started laying eggs during the heatwave in WA and are producing a ton for me to this day. These are fry from the last 2-3 weeks. I probably have 300-400 now between this tank and my 100gallon "pond" One of my favorite fish so far. Still looking for red caps and oranges
  15. Platinum and Red Cap Medaka Longfin Blue Eye Bristlenose Giant Bettas Guppies Rainbow Tawa Cherry/Snowball/Orange Shrimp Peppered Corys Rams Super Red Apisto
  16. 300 Gallon tub. Have my guppies, Paradise Gourami and a few other species in here. All have bred
  17. Think it's a Salt and Pepper Cory from my summer pond. I have 3 salt and peppers in a 100 gallon with my medaka to help cleanup. Weather's been warm so it's working well. Guess this little nugget hitched a.ride as an egg on a piece of hornwort
  18. Cleaning my shrimp tank and found this guy? Only thing I have in the tank are neos and 1 Otto? This little dude justed popped out of nowhere?
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