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Nanci B

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Everything posted by Nanci B

  1. @Ken Burke I have a small sponge filter in it, and some live plants. Also some snails that hitched a ride. They make such a mess. I don’t know if this is enough, but I certainly hoped so.
  2. @Guppysnail @lefty o Oh gosh, I am so sorry that I asked this question that is not ok. I will go re-read the guidelines. 😥
  3. Thanks @lefty o This is after a 100% loss of 10 green neons. This one was the last and only one who showed signs of ick. I never found out what was happening except that 2 died in the bag on the way home. I posted about that dreadful series of events in another post about green neons dying I am also a lefty!
  4. I will be buying some new fish to quarantine this next week. I have been looking for chili rasboras and other nano fish and it seems as if now a lot of nano fish are available. I know that Aquarium Co-Op suggests Aquahuna, but I am curious about folks actual experiences and also if anyone has experience buying from Flip Aquatics. Any advice? TIA
  5. Well my last green neon tetra developed ick and didn’t make it through the ick-x treatment. It really sucks. so now I need to sterilize the plants, filter and heater. I have read about the ways to use bleach to sterilize the tank and equipment, but am not sure the best way to sterilize the plants. I don’t want to compost or throw away, I have some great plants in there just floating. No substrate. There are also 6-7 red cherry shrimp in there—shrimplets to full adults. what to do with them? Thanks you guys—you have all been wonderful. sincerely, Nanci
  6. After losing nine, I actually have one lone survivor. He/she is doing well swimming calmly and has a great appetite. So it’s a huge loss, but I love this one fish and I’m going to get some buddies for him in another 3 weeks. Thanks everyone for your support!
  7. @Guppysnail Thanks, I have seen the video, she does have a seeded sponge filter in her qt tank.
  8. @xXInkedPhoenixXand @Guppysnail—would you feel comfortable putting other new fish in that qt tank with the neons? I’m buying some new fish and plants at our local club’s big auction this Saturday and I don’t have another qt tank. I do have anther established tank that I am selling all the shrimp in it which only leaves snails and plants but I was planning on doing the med trio. These new fish are all coming from local breeders. I feel like I am playing musical tanks. And I am running out of seeded sponge filters. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  9. So one more question—when you use products like Prime, does it affect your test kit results ? So even if the ammonia is detoxified by the Prime, it will still show up on the test?
  10. @xXInkedPhoenixX and @Guppysnail I will call the store today. I do remember that the guy said they just got them in. On a strange note, one of the fish bags had the inside of the bag taped and it created creases inside the bag that one fish got trapped in. I have seen bags taped on the bottom to prevent corners but never like this.
  11. @xXInkedPhoenixX The qt tank has heater, lights, some plants that are loose, a couple of botanicals, and a nano sponge filter taken from a 6 month fully running tank. The filter hadn’t been in there for very long.
  12. Besides erratic swimming, no. I am going to a fish auction this Saturday and was waiting to start med trio until I added the new fish. I am now considering putting any new fish in a tank I was planning on breaking down but is still fully planted and stable. @Scapeghost I thought losing one in the bag suggested stress.
  13. Hey everyone, I have been searching for months for green neon tetras. I love them and found 10 last weekend. I lost one on the way home in the bag, but didn’t want to deal with the store that’s over an hour away. Anyway, the 10 gallon QT tank has only had loose floating plants with bladder snails for a while. I changed out half the water, added a nano sponge filter which has been in another tank and tested the water. All seemed fine. Added the fish. Lost 2 overnight. Another water test, and finally grabbed my liquid ammonia test. The ammonia was between 0-25. So another water change and all these time used Prime when doing water changes. I have removed/killed all the bladder snails I can. over the past several days I have lost one or 2 per day. I am now down to two fish. Something is dreadfully wrong and I can’t figure out what it is. This is heartbreaking. since I’ve been using Prime with every water change, doesn’t that affect test results, particularly ammonia? Can anyone please help me figure out what am I doing wrong? And how I can fix this? Very depressed, Nanci
  14. Hey folks! So as some of you know I am setting up a 75 and and had planned on moving the sponge filter to speed up the cycle, (which is overrun with green hair algae) and reusing the substrate from the smaller tank (and adding more new eco complete) to increase the beneficial bacteria in the new 75 However, I read somewhere that disturbing substrate will kill the beneficial bacteria colony and cause serious problems. Finally just discovered a hydra outbreak. I don’t know if anything in the old tank can be used, except the plants which I can dip. So my questions are: 1) pros and cons of reusing the substrate? 2] should I use the seeded sponge filter with algae in it? —I will of course remove as much algae as possible. I don’t know if there are hydra in the sponge. If anyone has ideas or has done this, I would love to hear from you!
  15. Can you share how your tank is doing with this light? Anything you like or dislike? Would you buy it again? Thanks! Nanci
  16. Anyone have the Fluval plant 3.0 light? I am looking for information about how good it really is. Setting up a 75, no CO2 would this be a good light for this tank? Due to the divided rim, I am considering getting a 48” since 2 24” cost more. TIA!
  17. @Guppysnail thanks that’s a great idea! In your picture, have you used duct tape to seal the gloves?
  18. @Ken @darkG @Guppysnail @Tihshho @Scott P. @Colu i really appreciate everyone’s thoughts and ideas. I decided to order a glass trap and will use it for the six days I have before leaving. And I am going to fast the tank that entire time. i will report back on the success of the planaria glass trap, but I must say, I am trying to figure out a way to get the trap out of the tank without picking it up and placing my finger over the holes. the more I see these worms, the more creeped out I am becoming. I don’t mind a lot of things, but typically like to observe, rather than touch very small critters. any thoughts on removing these traps? I was considering using 2 shrimp nets doubled up and bleaching the heck out of them to both kill the planaria and clean the nets. Other ideas?
  19. @KaitieG That’s great news! How many of each do you have in your tank?
  20. @Guppysnail Thanks for letting me know what your experiences have been with the glass trap. Do you think that since I have just started seeing the planaria that the population of them are small or have they overrun the tank?
  21. @Colu I thought Panacur C was shrimp safe. Do you know?
  22. @Guppysnail have you have good experiences with the glass traps?
  23. Thank you! That seems right in line with what I read. For some reason I thought I heard a long YouTube video where Cory mentioning that planaria weren’t necessarily a problem in a planted tank. At first I wasn’t too worried, but I have new shrimp hatching every few days days/weeks and I don’t anything to happen to them. I do feed this tank heavily since I have about 12 Pygmy corys, 5 Venezuelan corys and only 4 nano rasboras. I have searching for more chili rasboras to add to the tank but no one has them. Plus 50 or more shrimp. with so many bottom feeders, but only 4 very small fish, I am not sure how to exactly make sure everyone is getting enough food. I feed usually 2 foods once a day Fish flakes and insect bites, or frozen daphnia and hikari shrimp pellets, or freeze dried tubifex worms and golden pearls so I try to give the nano fish something, but the bottom feeders will eat anything and it’s hard to make sure they both get enough. Plus I am leaving for almost 2 weeks soon and was going to increase feeding them and fast them while I was gone Any thoughts on feeding? TIA
  24. Hi all, soon I will be setting up a 75 gallon planted tank with nano fish. I love dwarf chain loaches and am looking forward to finally having a large school of them. But I also have 5 Venezuelan corys in a smallish 20 long and I feel they need more space, plus I would love to see if they might breed in the 75. Both of these species mostly inhabit the bottom of the tank, although the dwarf chain loaches tend to use the whole water column. can I have a good sized school of each that will be happy in the same 75 gallon? TIA!
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