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Everything posted by Colu

  1. There from different Genus so very unlikely to interbred
  2. What i would do is treat him were he is as kanaplex can be harmful to snails and the salt will kill your plants at the level I recommend
  3. Bettas come from soft with a pH from 6.5-7.5 so I don't think low KH or GH would be the cause I would recommend doing the treatment I recommended @bubsthename
  4. The parasite that causes neon tetra disease can survive for months without a host I would recommend waiting and then I would steriliser the tank before adding anything else
  5. I think it would be worth treating the pond with prazipro once a week for 4 weeks add an extra air stone during treatment@flytrapboba
  6. Doesn't look live velvet he's a picture of a betta with velvet for comparison it could have a bacterial component the fact he's not eating and lethargic what I would do is a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which every one is more readily available and up the aquarium salt to 1 table spoon for 1 gallon @bubsthename
  7. Colu

    Possible camallanus

    Active ingredient is levamisole it can take four full courses of treatment to deal with camallanus worms make sure you have enough medication
  8. It's difficult to tell off your picture if it's fuzzy or not I would have the medication to hand and monitor for now
  9. Colu

    Possible camallanus

    I haven't seen it called by that name before looking online it seems to be fenbendazole The recommended dose is 2mg a liter for 7 days doing three full courses of treatment @face
  10. If the white on the mouth has a fuzzy appearance I would go ahead and treat with ick X if it doesn't I would just monitor for now
  11. Not much experience with snails what have you been feeding what your KH and GH
  12. Did you treat the new goldfish for parasites before introducing them to the pond @flytrapboba
  13. Colu

    Possible camallanus

    Definitely looks like camallanus worms you would need levamisole fenbendazole or flubendazole you could try a vet as @Tony ssuggested Amazon or eBay might ship fritz expel p you would need enough medication to do 4 full course of treatment and you would have to treat all the fish in the tank with the bolivian ram @face
  14. Colu

    Tail issues

    Looking at the pictures it could have a bacterial component with the fuzzy appearance you described it could have a secondary fungal infection what I would do is quarantine if you can and treat with maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and dose the tank with ick X combination of the two medication will treat bacterial and fungal infections and you could add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes @TeeJay
  15. The level of salt needed to treat some types external parasite would be harmful to your bristlenose salt isn't effective at treating internal parasites What you could do is move both goldfish back to the main tank stop treating with metroplex and start treating with paracleanse active ingredient is metronidazole and praziquantel it treats Gill and skin flukes Hexamita spironucleus you would need to do three courses of treatment two weeks apart so you would want to treat on week 1 week 3 week 5
  16. The amount of nitrofurazone in jungal fungus clear fizz tabs is under dosed so dosing it daily isn't going to overdose your fish
  17. First picture is a callus on a broken fin rays other look picture looks like damage to the fins could be due to aggression or swimming into something as you have mentioned @saminator0107 I would monitor the aggression levels in this tank if you have a very aggressive fish you might consider permanently removing or temporary isolating it
  18. Your picture looks like the progression of NTD it's highly unlikely to have NTD and fish mycobacterium in the same I have never seen a case where the two were present in the same tank
  19. With kanaplex I do a large water change before treating then after full course of treatment which is 3 dose over 6 days then I do a large water on day 7 metroplex if your dosing the tank over an extended period of time I would just do regular testing and do water changes as needed and add back in the appropriate medication to keep it at a therapeutic level for instance if you did a 10 gallon water change I would put 1 scoop of metroplex back in the dosing instructions depend on how severe the protozoa or anaerobic bacterial infections is two scoops I would use for more advanced infection @nabokovfan87
  20. I have used 1 table spoon for 3 gallons with my bristlenose I always dissolve the salt in a cup of warm water before adding it to the tank and monitor to make sure there not having a reaction to the salt white stringy poop can be caused by your fish not eating and it just the mucus lining or parasitic infections are they eating any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out weight loss have you added any new fish to this tank recently that could have bought in a parasitic infection
  21. NTD can cause spinal deformities as it progresses
  22. I have never used the fritz ammonia remover it wouldn't hurt to use it if your concerned about ammonia spike in the smaller tank it won't affect the salt or oral medication
  23. Hopefully you will see some improvement after the five days of epsom salt and fasting
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