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MickS77 last won the day on January 7 2021

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  1. I'd have to go with Darter Tetras, they've been so much fun to watch buzzing around the tank.
  2. I found one of my Easy Flows was slowed down and gunked up. Wanting to really clean it out beyond a brush. I found the straw of an air duster fits perfectly into the Easy Flow inlet. Just pinch and hold to create a tight seal. A quick burst of air blew out the holes restoring max airflow.
  3. I witnessed totality in Cleveland OH. It is truly an incredible experience. The darkness and cold air of totality, the 360° sunset, amazing. The ring of fire during totality is incredible. I stared every second I could without glasses, over 4 minutes. I was able to get some pictures with a small Telescope and solar filter. If you're ever close to one it is absolutely worth the trip
  4. They do sell pre-bent conduit at a 90° angle. You could just add straight pieces with couplers, for affixing to the stand and extending over the tank
  5. Daydreaming about a rimless paladarium, half land mass with tropical houseplants lit from above, Amazon river fish below, à la Serpa Designs inspired.
  6. Finally made the investment yesterday. Currently under a blizzard warning, single digit temperatures, wind gusts up to 70 mph, and up to 15in. of snow through the weekend. Should I lose power this will keep my 110g African Cichlid tank warm and happy. I would have liked the next biggest model of generator but they were sold out at the stores around me. I'm hoping I don't need to use it so I can return it and get the bigger one. My plan is to wait until I'm without power for 6-8 hours. I'll be able to keep air and heat in most tanks. I'll have to let some livebearers go without heat if I do lose power. If it gets too cold I can rotate heaters between tanks 🤞 Always run generators outdoors away from doors and windows, ethanol free gas if you possible, 5w-30 weight oil in below freezing temps
  7. They're doing good, I've just started tinkering with them again recently. I've had them all in planted 29g, on autopilot for six months or so. They seem to be breeding male heavy so the numbers haven't quite boomed. Last weekend I started separating out some breeding groups to start other colonies. I added two groups to 20H's in the fishroom with plans to move one group into a 40B with some Calico Koi Platys. I'm moving extras males into my 90g with Rainbowfish to live out their days and look pretty with them. Thanks for asking, I'm pretty bad at updating my threads.
  8. Got some nice cases for my membership coins to display in the fishroom 👌 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GZABZ9O/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. Thats what my Murlok fittings are rated for, I haven't had a leak or a problem at that pressure I believe so? As water is forced through the membrane at a higher pressure it is more effective, I'm not too versed in RODI science.
  10. I have Aquatec booster pump on my setup, it runs around 90psi when in use. My storage and pumping setup can be seen in the attached comment
  11. I've been rewatching Hap & Leonard on Netflix
  12. Great NERM birthday book, one off the wishlist. Amazing photos and helpful information on each species
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