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Fish Folk

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Everything posted by Fish Folk

  1. We’re going to watch FIFA Women’s World Cup, USA vs. NED tonight at 9 pm ET. Anyone else watching? I’ll cheer USA all the way, but my favorite player is Alexia from Spain. She sets up so many goals. Always assisting, OR making a golden pass-before-the-pass-before-the-goal. Attacking Midfielders are awesome! ⚽️
  2. I change about 30% once a week. That’s it! I feed mostly frozen foods — Brine Shrimp, Mysis, Krill, Blood Worms. Every once in awhile I feed live foods — White worms, Black worms, Earthworms, etc.
  3. I just buy cheap ones from Asian farms through my LFS. Wild-caught fish are always finicky. F1, F2, etc. get easier to accommodate to various parameters.
  4. Why yes! Yes I have. Near enough to what you describe that I can confidently encourage you forward. I use a 55 gal and more recently a 40 gal. 75 gal is perfect though. I just never had the space. I use two large sponge filters, and added air-stones. I keep my tank ca. 83-87 degrees F. Here's the smaller 40 breeder I just set up. These are young Discus -- a trio that's been together awhile. I have a couple Rams and tetras in here too. Valisneria Americana, Anubias, Amazon Swords, Bronze Crypt, Tiger Lotus, Java Fern, and Aponogeton. I use two heaters, three sponge filters, and added air. Hot and flowing. pH is mid 7s (like yours). I also just use tap water. Here's my 55 gal. I've kept up to 7x Discus in here together. Got too crowded. Just two large Sponge filters. A hoard of Malaysian Trumpet Snails. I'm not going to say, "This is how you do it!" It's just an option that's worked out fine for a couple years...
  5. I enjoyed “Sunken Gardens” by Karen Randall. Nice introduction to planted tanks. I swear by Ted Coletti’s “The Tub Pond Handbook.” ”Freshwater Fishes of Virginia” was a gift from a local Ichthyology professor. Amazing resource! Axelrod’s “The Allure of Discus” is nice
  6. Well, you say you don't like Reson, Plastic or Wood . . . my recommendation would probably be something you'd rather not get. But I use this: I set up tall, reed-like plants on one side, and floating plants like water hyacinth and water lettuce in the center. I try to keep it partially shaded... I love livebearers outside for the summer. I do Guppies in one, and Swordtails in the other. At the end is a smaller ornamental tub that I'm trying out Pygmy Sunfish in this summer. The book I swear by is this one... Other's have kept interesting journals. I have kept a Tubbing Journal on the Forum here for awhile...
  7. Best is something shaped more like a cereal bowl than a flower vase. You will benefit from a broader surface area. If it reliably holds water, and can be considered “food safe” to eat off of or drink from, it’s fine. I avoid metal. I personally like volumes 20-gal or larger.
  8. Found a few Swordtail Fry in the water garden today. I just fed a ton of BBS… Hummingbird came by while I was filming.
  9. Ameiurus melas - juvenile Black Bullhead. “Black” because of their black whiskers… From a cool, spring-fed water mountain pond.
  10. Many things can be done. It’s possible. Maybe not a “best practices” stocking, but Ok.
  11. Caught the Hummingbird in action…
  12. Hummingbirds have been visiting these back porch water garden blooms…
  13. First time I’ve ever seen Amazon Swords multiplying. Confession: I bought this with the runners and baby plants attached. Still mesmerizing…
  14. Here’s one setup… Some suggestions for triggering a spawn here.
  15. Awesome sauce! You got the best seat in the country there in the Catawba watershed. Mine’s not a biotope, but I love keeping species from NC… Can’t wait to see your tank setup!
  16. Forum members need to have posted enough and interacted enough on the forum for the Fish Swap subforum to appear on the home page… There are very clear rules posted there that must be followed. You’ll see “WTS” or “WTB” in posts indicating an interested seller or buyer. After you sell fish, buyers may leave Trader Feedback that will appear on your personal Forum homepage…
  17. William T. Innes "Exotic Aquarium Fishes." Many editions available. First edition, 1935. I've seen a 21st edition dated 1994. Later editions obviously had better (and more) photographs. Herbert R. Axelrod published a number of books. Earliest was "Handbook of Tropical Aquarium Fishes" (1955). Most recent was "Atlas of Freshwater Aquarium Fishes" (2004). Lots of drama followed him around in life. _________________________________ Now, if you promise not to reveal this secret to the internet, we keep a stash of miscellaneous books linked here on the forum for actual readers to download. Follow this link, but tell no one 😎 https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/files
  18. Got my 40 breeder reset. Three young Discus added…
  19. This is the matten I use for dividers, etc. I just cut it _slightly_ larger than the space so that it nestles into place...
  20. My wife bought me this shirt to wear…
  21. This post seems to be an ad for an additional tank! 😅 I’d personally take half that stock to a new tank. Bettas sometimes work. Females are less boisterous, usually. I love the small, wild-caught Betta imbellis as an interesting option.
  22. Jumping in quick. Another odd thought… do you use any lotions or cream on your hands? If so, take care to thoroughly wash off before touching your water, or touching fish food.
  23. Common with Aqueon tanks. Hard to advise. Some people get very nervous. Others say it’s no big deal.
  24. To quickly cycle a new tank, what I do is (1) transfer in a cycled sponge from an existing tank, or (2) thoroughly squeeze a cycled sponge out in a new tank. I also (3) use live plants and wet driftwood for bio, add (4) FritzZyme 7 active bacteria, and use bio-filled substrate.
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