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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. you should add #6 to the list. nothing in this hobby is written in stone.
  2. id go with some stress coat.
  3. i dont, and it doesnt seem to effect its strength over time.
  4. this is a viable option also.
  5. im not sure if they have come back into circulation yet. a year or so ago they started showing up with zebra mussels, so pretty much everybody quit carrying them.
  6. for 1 day, keep the plants in a bucket of water, and keep the substrate damp in another bucket. move and get it back up as soon as possible. you will likely lose some of the bacteria, but the bulk of it should survive, and your "cycle" wont be disrupted.
  7. if you are line breeding, you will want to do some out crossing every few generations. pile of guppies in a community tank on the other hand will almost never run into a problem.
  8. the blue can add a nice affect, but be warned blue light is an algae grower.
  9. i dont think it amounts to much of a difference. if it works for you, it works. im a long time stress coat user, and have used the fritz. they both get the job done, but due to long term use, and the fact it doesnt stink ive stayed with stress coat.
  10. many of my guppies do that.
  11. i typically just crushed up flake food into powder with my fingers for endlers/guppy fry. for the first week or two, ideally 3 small feedings a day, but 1 in the morning, and 1 at night works fine too. bonus if you have plants, as they can pick micro organisms off the plants lessening the need to feed.
  12. that is pretty much all there is to a moss ball. drop it in and let it be. when you clean to tank roll it over so that it gets some light on all sides, but thats about it.
  13. direct sun is magic in its ability to grow algae, and turn tank water green.
  14. the black stuff on the gravel and fake plant looks to be algae. good choice for the live plants, they are all fairly easy to keep alive. a squirt of fertilizer now and then will keep them happy.
  15. more plants will help. how many hours a day do you have the light on? 4-6 hours is a good ballpark.
  16. an all in one fert is a good start if you arent sure of what the plants need.
  17. always cool to see a surprise show up.
  18. thats a good question. it could get aggravating watching the light blink.
  19. id try the well water. depending on the exact composition of the water, you may need to supplement some calcium.
  20. beyond my knowledge level, but i would suspect that it would depend greatly on the exact composition of the iron the nail is made of.
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