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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. in the winter, mine are in the mid 60's, they do fine.
  2. lefty o

    Curved Guppy?

    its not a huge tail, but is large, and over time he will struggle with it.
  3. lefty o

    Curved Guppy?

    fairly common with males with large tails. its just the size/weight of the tail, and they let them sag. when they get old they tend to swim nose high because of it.
  4. i would probably only go with 1 pleco. with guppies breeding like mice, you dont need pleco's doing the same thing in the same tank. not to say you cant do it, but maintenance will be frequent. wont take long to have 200 guppies, and 40 plecos.🤪
  5. the white fungusy looking stuff is normal on spider wood. that will go away with time. the stringy stuff is an algae. imo likely getting a bit too much light.
  6. 4 degree cooler , going into warmer water. plop em in.
  7. when guppies get that bend, its either from genetics, or mineral deficiency. they tend to live okay, but ideally you dont want that trait to keep being passed on.
  8. i myself like river run gravel. whites, tans, browns.
  9. that is a pork chop of a chinese algae eater.
  10. doesnt matter much which method is used for ckt protection, dummies will find a way to defeat it. the old screw in fuses, yup foil or pennies stuffed in them, or hey just stuff a 30A in instead of the 15 it should have. too many people on this planet that need protecting from themselves.
  11. my kind of carpentry. i built the stand for my 55, and it looks nice on the outside, on the inside its all business.
  12. pure water is not conductive, however 99.9% of water anybody will ever encounter is not pure, therefore it is conductive.
  13. more than likely you had eggs or tiny snails come in on the plants.
  14. that would work great for your milfoil infestation.
  15. it doesnt hurt to dose some extra bacteria, but transferring substrate from an up and running tank, along with plants etc is pretty much an instant cycle. just as a kicker, id run the filter for the new tank in an old one for a few days.
  16. those tc guppies females are fantastic. i have a tank with a growing colony of them.
  17. i would take it in small steps. the up and running tanks, a partial water change and light gravel vac first time. next cleaning go after it a little more.2 or 3 cleanings and they will be back where they should be.
  18. warm water, and vinegar is all i would do.
  19. they can look nice, but i have to believe they are just in the way whenever you are doing anything with the tank.
  20. i dont seem to have any large reactions from fishing around in the tank, and with my 120 when cleaning im pretty much into it up to my armpits. i do wash well after, and use a good lotion afterwards.
  21. add me to the no heater group. anything between 60 and 80 will be fine for most plants.
  22. some of the ceramic media's could be okay.
  23. nicrew is okay, but i personally prefer the hygger. same price ballpark.
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