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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. No i haven't, thanks! I will look into it @Guupy42!
  2. For minnows in a 5, 6 is going to be the best number, 7 is ok too, but 6 is the best amount of WCMMs. Not to much, and not little of them, give them a lot of coverage and a good diet and i believe this would be the best fish for a 5g. Shrimp and WCMMs can get along actually pretty good, so i think some cherry shrimp or any kind would be great @CoryWithAKatana! And the gold ones, man that would pop. I am jealous as i dont have any places local for gold minnows, but they are as easy to keep as normal white clouds. If you didnt have shrimp i would say snail but shrimp is prob a good choice for algae and such. (if u have one that eats algae that is)
  3. @JS Fish, @Kunersbettas, @clownbaby thanks a TON!!!! I have so many more ideas to think about it and all know, and thanks for the plant recommendations! I will literally look into every SINGLE plant and fish and decide! THX! Yes i will post a journal very soon about it! i CANT wait!
  4. Yes! I know it is a great relaxing no stress game, you can do what u want when you want, and you can build your own island to fit your personality and theme! It’s one of the best games out there. I got into rocket league, but it’s not my thing, and another reason im not good 😆 Yes. I also like donkey Kong, but Nintendo does not make them anymore sadly. But they might in this next year. I love Nintendo!
  5. Wow! That is sooo helpful! So much info and things for me to think about! I like personality and slower moving fish. That is just my type of fish. For the stocking, here is what I a, considering….. Panda corys. 6 or so. Platies. (I would like to try them!) guppies. honey gourami. 3 or so. a schooling fish. Idk what fish yet tho….. of course not all of those fish at once. But this is what I am considering. Thanks @EricksonAquatics!!!!
  6. Yes, same, but I use ACs easy root tabs, they are so good, my moneywort is growing like a weed. Agree with @Mmiller2001. Stop those root tabs. This is why your tank is unable to cycle, cause the tabs are putting ammonia back in every time you use them @AquaLove
  7. Lol. Yes I have, but this time it is time to experiment! Thanks! I will post a journal very soon on it as soon as I buy the tank itself. I gotta make sure this doesn’t break the bank 🤣. Thanks! Can’t wait!!!!!
  8. 😂 yes, but idk about that, tho, maybe some, day, but if I can have a centerpiece, bottom dweller and schooling fish, I will just go with a 20g. Thanks! I will probably get some harqulins. Maybe shrimp too? With the corys, honeys, and harqulins? Thanks so that tank is 60 bucks, wow. I don’t know a empty tank would be that expensive lol. so I would probably need a heater? I don’t have one in my WCMM tank because my tanks temp sat at 72.
  9. Ok. One or two? I will get the AC one, thanks
  10. Yes I was thinking sand substrate. I like the slower fish that wonder all around, I was thinking honey gourami. How many? I am planning on panda cories. So with both of those, can I have a schooling fish?
  11. @Guupy42, can you PM me? (Personal message) so I can tell you when I can play and we can talk about Pokémon unite in general? I tried to PM you but it says you cannot receive messages. Thanks
  12. Oh got it, thanks, I guees I can go to petsmart or this smaller fish store that has really good deals and the tanks are good quality. For a 20 long tho, how many fish do u think I could get in there with normal one week change maintenance @Tony s? This looks good from petco. https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/aga-20g-30x12x12-lng-bk-tank-170933?store_code=1730&mr:device=c&mr:adType=pla_with_promotionlocal&cm_mmc=PSH|GGL|CCY|CCO|PM|0|kUMWcWiLY5b1EHQjK6kSR6|||0|0|||18145199970&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3tCyBhDBARIsAEY0XNmWgqZf7YpE5EArbH7-fKhArfu525SNsxc94OWZYmhMS-6eeSS1Gm4aAr8ZEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  13. Oh yes, lights are very important here as well. @AquaLove, agree with @Mmiller2001
  14. Ok got it! The ammonia will be sitting there for a while, if your one month in, you might have a month more to go @AquaLove. It takes some time, mine took 1 and a half months
  15. 20g long. I am unsure of the brand I will buy and exact dimensions @Lennie. I am looking into it now. Thanks, 20g long is what I was thinking. Is this a 20g long? Considering a long instead of high. https://www.petsmart.com/fish/tanks-aquariums-and-nets/aquariums/aqueon-standard-glass-rectangle-aquarium-5345488.html
  16. Ok, that is good. No fish. How long have u been in the cycling process. For the plants, @Mmiller2001 or another plant person should be able to help there @AquaLove
  17. Hoping that your are in the cycling process? Because the ammonia is dangerously high. If there is fish in the tank, then add prime with daily water changes @AquaLove. Maybe I am misunderstanding. and then we can talk plants.
  18. Stocking ideas. Any centerpiece fish ideas? Bottom dweller fish ideas? Schooling fish ideas? Thanks! How many fish can I have in a 20g. I am getting one very soon, thanks again.
  19. Welcome to the forum! @Unemployed Fish Nerd! Hope you can post pictures of your tanks soon!
  20. Ok, the problem with the shipping with AC is that I live on the opposite side of the US. So it should be here on Wednesday. Good news, my nerite snail has a appetite for algae lol. He is awesome. I might get a 20 gallon in the next week! Maybe, i am looking for a table first to put it on, and i had to save some money so it will not crush my bank account lol Mini update :) Edit: I AM getting a 20g!! I am planning on some honey gouramis and panda corys. I am still thinking of what schooling fish I want🤔.
  21. I am sorry for your loss. Losing a fish is never fun....😥
  22. Yes the bigger the tank, it will be better if you can get a used if possible. But there are some banger deals at petco/petsmart for bigger ones as well. The empty ones are always cheaper if sold with the tank only. If around the same price of new and used, new should always be the choice, because if new its... new lol. But if it is not the same price range and is in good shape, used is my vote again (IMO)
  23. @Guupy42. I got it! Looked up your name and requested to join, all you have to do is accept it. I can play with you on like a wednesday because almost every other day i am pretty busy. It says AC members welcome , nice touch 😉
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