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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Looks Average to me. Mine is similar to that. I see no issue. @Jack1235. Do a wc if you are worried but no reason to be….
  2. Sorry for no recent update, one next week.
  3. Yes me too. I do 25% on my 20, and once on my 10 every week. It helps so much. Never against a good wc. So helpful. Whoever said that’s to many wcs are bad, they do one every other week 😁.
  4. Odd. But it should heal up good, keep stable water parameters and good schedule for wcs, etc. @Loc Tran
  5. Yes. Looking at pics, they are growing very large. And healthy, that is great! @Saspitite.
  6. Looks like you gotta nipper on your hands. What are the tankmates in the tank? @Loc Tran. Might have some bully's in there
  7. Ik right. At least 2 minimum lol. Smart, I would do so too. Sell em maybe lol, or get another aquarium 😂
  8. Oh huh. That is weird. Well I am just getting a general idea here. Not gonna do nothing until late winter. Seems like a long long time but I am doing this for many reasons. Thanks so much. Cool! Thank you @JE47. Thanks !
  9. Yes. Mine is havi n this too. It is a good sign! @Saspitite you will have many more in future! They grow like crazy!
  10. 5g would be better. But depends, I would go o female if so. @Jack1235
  11. To small. 5g at least with shrimp
  12. Thank you very much! 🙂
  13. I plan to set up a 5g planted tank. sponge filter for wcmm breeding, would that work? @WhitecloudDynasty
  14. Welcome to the awesome AC forum! Glad your here, make sure you ask plenty of Qs, since we have a lot of folks that will gladly answer them.😁
  15. Thank you so much! Yesterday I was just watching you breed them on your YT channel @WhitecloudDynasty! So, why do you think they have not bred in my 10g yet? Hob and plants (live). Is it because there is only one female and 4 males? Thank you again.
  16. Can’t wait to follow your journey, cool tank! @sairving
  17. Yes could be case. He Is 100% bloated for sure. We will see. Good point @MattyM
  18. Not entirely true. You can do some things, best overall treatment is Maracyn 2. But mainly I agree, it is hard to treat dropsy. But it looks like a tumor and has pineconing too @Jack1235. I see what you mean tho 🙂
  19. At first in first pic I thought, wow, that guy really keeps his water clear 🤣🤣. But it was empty lol. But the plants and fish are awesome and the aquarium looks fabulous! @Justin V1 well done. ACs products are usually top notch.
  20. Should be ok. So right range as in, no ammonia nitrite correct? Maybe anchor down with piece of decor for moss ball @Maya.
  21. Is there good flow in the tank? I would say once per week on testing would be great. What are your water parameters? But he might just be there chillin out, could be alseep. Too, @Maya
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