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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. They are now eating, carnivore sinking foods, pellets, and algae wafers! @GoofyGarra.
  2. Oh wow that is so cute and cool! Awesome about the new tank too @Tony s!
  3. I did 2 wcs on both my 20g long and 10g wcmm tank. Here are current pictures.
  4. Yeah your good. Not gonna hurt to much. 😄
  5. Yeah I am Goatbro on the live streams. I am a member. I decided to ask him on his take. Thanks
  6. Yes. Then go into a weekly consistent schedule in the future @Shiba Of ferts.
  7. Thanks a lot @JS Fish. It is sad, but I think it might be just that too, stress mainly prob. Thanks again ☹️
  8. Yeah maybe so, idk if it matters but yes.
  9. Nice! Looks very good, well done @Solstice_Lacer.
  10. Are the roots rotting? And if the plants do have some green left, maybe add to aquarium and dose EG and see what happens @Shiba.
  11. Yes I guees so, oh well. I hunt, but only for deer nest for saving money for us. It is much better than store meat, but like shooting a bird, I just can’t! Idk why, but it makes me so sad. I am going to a 20% wc in a few mins. And make sure all parameters are ship shape. Thanks Tony, it is sad but I guess all animals go through this. Just has to happen. Cursed world, sickness and illness. No way around it. Thanks twice. Jason said on a stream when I asked him, wednesdays stream, he said add only about 2 more, what do you think? I am not gonna add any any time soon but yeah.
  12. Yeah I am having a issue too. With my pandas. One just died. @Roxvet I have a same question…
  13. So this morning I went into my fish tanks room, and saw that one of my pandas was turn over dead. Clamped fin. And kinda tight looking, prob bcs it is dead. I usually do 25% or 50% wc every week. Feed them sinking carnivore pellets, and vibra bites, along with occasional micro pellets. They are from aqua Huna. I have frozen bloodworm cubes, should I add that on their diet? Water parameters. Any help is GREATLY appreciated 😓. ammonia. 0 nitrite 0. 7.5 ph. softer water. idk why this happened. I had 6 but now five. I think it was a female. The color of it was more tannish than all the others. Weird. Idk why this happened. In cycled 20 long with lots of live plants and weekly WCs. Any thoughts? I am confused, any suggestions on what might’ve token place? I can answer more Qs if needed. @Colu? TIA could just be acclimating to tank. They might just be kinda stressed rn. @Tony s says, I think so maybe too, but just checking. Thanks 😔 bottom pic is the one that passed.
  14. Well, one just died…… It was sideways, kinda turned over, didn’t move, and eyes were huge….. I disposed of it but this is very sad for me….. It was one that I THOUGHT might have a issue, and was gonna ask colu, but today around 10:15, went into the room, and it was all laced up, clamped fin, and sideways. 😔 so sad. Idk what happened! Ammonia, barely above 0. But I mean BARELY, was planning on a change today. (Wc) burn then this happened. Nitrite 0 too. 😭😭😭😭
  15. Hi guys, hope your day is going good thus far, I had a Q, Ik I can watch a YT video on breeding white cloud minnows but I wanna know if anyone has tips from experince, thinking of breeding, and wondering what I need. I have a 10g aquarium, with 5 minnows, (4 males and 1 female) and was wondering if that could work. So any people that breed for profit here? TIA!!!!!!!
  16. Yeah same thoughts..... It really looks like it.
  17. That is cool! I never tried pearlweed as a floater! I will have to give her a try! And brazilian pennywort.
  18. Mine is covered in GSA so I will 100% try that. I only have some water sprite at the moment thx!!
  19. Yes I agree about the light I was thinking about maybe the light off for a week...
  20. They will be fine without food for several days. Up to maybe, 5-7 days would be ok for food.
  21. Man, was thinking of buying one in next few months 😟. Oh well, it’s ok. AC still has the best plants!
  22. Hornwort, or water wisteria are great! Frog bit, and water lettuce like @JoeQ and @Pepere has mentioned are good ones too! Good options.
  23. Of maracyn? Prob where you left off actually normal dose. @redmare.
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