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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. I here u @Guppy Lover, I am a nano tank person I guess lol Yes those look amazing @Fish Folk
  2. Yes I agree with @Cinnebuns, I would get a airstone if u don’t have one now, and having the filter going into a low water level will prob disturb the fish with so much flow. If no airstone then get a ziss airstone. But if it is a 10g…it might be ok to low water level as long as not to much! Welcome o the forum btw @cotasm! U will like it, good friendly advice here! 😀
  3. Decided yet or no? I would do the easiest solution @Ryan A
  4. Thanks @AllFishNoBrakes, @sapphireminds, and @anewbie!!!!! And @Tony s
  5. Yes same Qs here @FishQween
  6. White cloud minnows @EggShappedFish I would try to identify, but at petsmart it is hard to do that because they have sooo many. That applies to fish I guess but..
  7. Thanks!! Thanks I never knew, you saved me @Gannon 😂 Thanks everyone!!!!
  8. Is there any snails that are hard to breed so no out of control? @Tony s
  9. Oh wow, I thought I heard they only breed in brackish tanks @Gannon
  10. @AllFishNoBrakes Sorry typo 😁 Oh ok I will go with nerites then thanks @AllFishNoBrakes!!!
  11. Oh my bad @jwcarlson, I have 6 white cloud minnows and live plants. It has been set up for like 2 months already cycled Yea I know that but just wanted some helpers for in between water changes @Tony s @jwcarlson I did the fishless cycle btw How many nerites??? @Tony s @jwcarlson
  12. I love the look of goldfish, just don’t want a big tank for goldfish!!🤣@EggShappedFish!
  13. Ok, I was going to get some nerites, but I thought to ask here to see if there was something else that I could have in here, it is a 10 gallon and the temp is about 73 degrees. Ph of 7.5 stable. Any thoughts? Thanks 🙂
  14. I would go for like @flossy said, low maintenance shrimp with maybe 5-10 I guess or a higher maintenance group of Rasboras, a betta fish is what I would recommend though overall,(that is if u haven’t decided) and a snail clean up crew. I have white cloud minnows and I love them, soooo easy, so much personality too!!! If u got them, just get at least 6. Can go to 15 but maybe too much maintenance for that!
  15. That is a interesting looking diatom algae though…but I am. 99.9% sure it is diatoms, not really algae @pancake
  16. Diatom I think. It will go away. If u don’t like the look, clean every water change. So common.
  17. @Rube_Goldfish, cool! I will watch these for sure!!!! Thanks
  18. Hey sorry for not responding. I planted it maybe…just about 1 or 2 weeks ago. @Rube_Goldfish
  19. Yeah just planted it, thanks! Yeah I would, but…have a strong hang on back filter so it would beat it up I think @JettsPapa Yes I saw it too, but my gravel is to low and the pot is to tall 😩
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