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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Yes, my betta lasted 2 years when they said they live 3-4 years. Some Online places are good for buying bettas. My water is super super soft, but I live in the southeast area down here and everything is soft 😂 But bettas will be just fine in your harder water, they can be actually kinda hardy. For your plants if you want better growth you can get a plant light from Amazon for around 2 bucks. And it has its own timer, different brightness and colors @Rachel0825.
  2. Yes you will need root tabs, they take their nutrition from the water column and the substrate/sand etc. since it’s in those jars I would put about 2 tabs per jar, the AC easy root tabs are great. And if you don’t have the all in one fertilizer I recommend that too.
  3. Thanks that helped a lot. They can still move it closed or open. I will look into that link, thanks @Guupy42.
  4. I dont think that kh is too harmful, but idk what mg/l means, i know ppm tho, 200 ppm is fine for goldies, tap water might be better than bottled tho also @Cellie
  5. Hi, for those who know more about me, yes, I think my WCMMs might be sick 😢. 2 of them have this white cotten-like growth in their mouths. It is the 2 biggest males of the 5, the other ones are completely fine, could it be contagious? Is it because I don't feed them any frozen or freeze-dried food, is it an improper diet? The water quality is very good. Crystal clear water. @Colu, anybody? parameters down below. Ammonia: 0 ppm, the tank had been battling an ammonia spike for months and now I think it’s over. nitrite: 0 nitrates between 5 and 10 ppm. ph: stable at 7.6 Any help is appreciated if this is a disease. Which I hope not. It is kinda hard to see in pictures. I tried to focus as best as I can. Oh and the fish are acting normal and are healthy and eat and are super active all day. Thanks all
  6. Water paremeters will be great when you get them! I had a betta with most of the same problems. So maybe I might be able to help. But idk we’ll see. The paremeters are huge in this situation. I would do more constant water changes, like every other day or every 2 days, in this situation, clean water is a big thing. @BlueTurtle25.
  7. Wait, is this a 20g version of my 10g topfin starter kit tank? That’s my exact tank! Right here
  8. Yea, that idea looks like it works. The plants are absolutely thriving for you @johnnyxxl!
  9. Awesome tank there @Yoshi, the black background is always a good choice, the decor/plants are cool too! I am here with you for the journey! Good luck!!!
  10. Sounds like a great plan! Hope it goes well! Good luck!
  11. 1/8 teaspoon of Epsom salt is best for every five gallons of water. Maracyn and fasting will help too. I dont have experince with dropsy but have experience with epsom salt, it does help a lot @Colette @Colu might have a better dosage suggestion tho, we will see. But thats the most common i believe.
  12. Whoa. 6 pages, 4k views, 136 replies, quit the journey I would say!! 😂
  13. Yay!! Nice looking fishes @johnnyxxl! So cool!!!
  14. Valisernaria is Val, and WCMM is White Cloud Mountain minnows. It’s ok, I didn’t even know what IMO standed for lol. In my opinion I guess😅
  15. Yes I think it could be used for dropsy, that and maracyn 2 are good for this disease. @Colette
  16. Betta, guppies, WCMMs, hardy fish, definitely goes a long way for a fish in cycle because the ammonia being present. Val would look nice, I love Val jungles so cool and jungley if that’s a word.
  17. Yes, epsom salt, it helps trust me! Hope she heals!!!
  18. Got it, I put it in and it’s working great! Thanks everyone
  19. Diatoms is best guess here, all tanks go through this faze, ideally if it’s a newer cycled tank. I had one that it never went away and just got uglier and uglier. But if you scrub it off with your water changes you can usually get it under control. If it is diatom algae.
  20. Ok, how would I I? Just like gravel and water? Wouldn’t that not be a fish in cycle? I am just kinda making sure everything will work out here, thanks for the info tho! @macdaddy36 I would think, I think I could right a book called, “the mysterious ammonia spike were nobody knows why it happened” 🤣🤣
  21. Still 0. This picture was from yesterday.
  22. A non used toothbrush would work for the leafs. That’s what I use all the time @NickD
  23. Wow, it’s been this long? For everyone who is wondering (I’m kidding prob nobody is) I a, planning on setting up this summer!!! Stay tuned!
  24. Thanks, she is actually kinda old too, she is going to be 8 later this year, she is a very good obedient dog tho so that’s good, my other one, nah she is not one. She is just a little pup tho so she will learn lol. Here is when Harlee was a puppy
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