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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. I think you’d be fine. After letting the corys grow for a bit. And adding a juvenile eba. for eba tank mates
  2. Okay, I know rummies are very sensitive to ich. Like from nothing to everything covered in a day or so. Then dead in another day or so. Not sure about other diseases though. And it might be better to target that in quarantine.. just not sure that would work though.
  3. Probably not you. And have hatched a brood before. They’re usually active at all stages.. babies move around just like adults. Now parameters being off will affect them. Especially ph gh kh. Snails like it a bit on the harder side with 7+ ph. Makes it easier to make new shells.
  4. @Colu is the person to ask about fish disease and treatment. But it does seem like a rather aggressive quarantine approach. Usually quarantine is mostly for observation. Not prophylactic treatments. I think at the most people will use coops quarantine trio. But most often nothing at all for four weeks. Just observation. Making sure they’re eating and active. If they stay that way, they’re usually fine. And if they don’t, you have a better idea of what to treat them with.
  5. Two things. I think I’d back off the salt. If you’re not actively trying to treat something, 1 tbsp to 3.3 gallons is kinda high. 1 tbsp per 10 gallon would be fine. Have not used methylene blue in a whole tank before, but I’d give them an extra air stone for sure. Just to make sure the blue doesn’t deplete oxygen. and just checking, you do know that when dosing salt, not to add salt on top offs as salt doesn’t evaporate. Just add salt after water changes. So a 3 gallon change, add 1 teaspoon.
  6. Mine were just fine wandering around the tank. They’ll need some source of food. Either algae wafers or algae. We raised 75 with minimal effort
  7. Exterior grade deck stain. It should have polyurethane in it for water protection. And stain will penetrate better
  8. Well nuts. Your dither needs a dither fish. You have some room. You can increase the size of your school of cardinals by 6-7. Or add another school of smaller ones. Say 7 ember tetra. You have room for either. sounds like the brave one needs some backup. Possibly just more of the cardinals. Something about the new environment must spook them. You may need some fresh ones that are not used to the environment. Sounds like you already did the major amount of changes
  9. We have mostly mutt platys, a mix of the common ones. Red wag. Sunset. Mickey Mouse. Sunset Mickey Mouse. And coral. All obtained as some of our first fish. They just do their thing in their tank. Around 30 in a twenty. Looks like the corals are winning the genetic race.
  10. Possibly. Big box can be okay. But sometimes not. They do tend to have more problems than a lfs. I’d be very careful about which stores to buy from. Look around and see if you see dead fish. Observe the mollies closely. Make sure they don’t have the death shimmies. Just be very aware of the current conditions. I have gone in before wanting a certain fish. Spent some time looking around. Gone home without. You can usually tell if something is off
  11. if you can't convince patience. and that's not easy to do sometimes. you could switch to fish in cycle. you're close anyway. just keep the ammonia below .25 with water changes. dechlorinate with prime. checking daily, and no nitrites if at all possible. then a small number of fish could work
  12. Of all my angels. My koi are by far the smallest. Now my marbled get huge. But so far, not my koi. not hand selected by any means. My marbled male probably 9” counting trailers. The koi male probably 6”. My koi don’t hold the trailers as erect as the marbles for whatever reason. The females of both are a bit smaller than the males. If your koi are bigger than the rest. Great. So far mine are not. Purchased at same time. at same size. In same tank. started in a 20 for a few weeks when quarter sized. Moved to a 75. 29 is not something I would do long term. I said, not ideal, but doable. Not perfect, but I’ve seen worse.. I gave an honest answer from my observation. But hey, you feel free to keep busting my chops
  13. Then you’ll fit in just fine. Lots of us here have social anxiety issues.in some ways, it’s easier here
  14. Let it ride. Wow, so sorry for your pain and loss. PTSD is just horrible. And battle injury, I have no words. You never know what kind of condition they come back in, or if it’s stable even. And really not talking about the physical condition. The mental side just eats at you. I saw that in several people we knew after Iraq. Be welcome here. This is mostly a safe space. Ask lots of questions. We like to help
  15. Same question, but different. @Henry the fish keeper is it a big box store? Sometimes they get some issues in their water systems that can cause issues with fish. Seems to be guppies, mollies, and neons most affected
  16. Was running your stocking, just for fun. Aqadvisot wants 4 pandas and 5 cherry barbs. It also the neons would be food. And the endler would be food. so doing by the site 1 koi angel 4 pandas 5 cherry barbs 5 black neon 1 delta guppy and that puts you at 94% full 1 more Angel puts you at 120% which is where I normally stock to from this site
  17. You know, I did the exact same thing when starting. But when a biology professor says it takes an hour and a half to kill any bacteria. I listened. And man, for sponges or cartridges, just so much faster and easier to run tap through it. I still use the buckets for gravel vaccing, so the plants are still good 😂
  18. Hard to tell by pictures, but if it’s hard to remove and needs a blade to remove. Probably green spot
  19. 29 is not ideal, but doable. Koi are on the smaller side for angels. To play with your stocking ideas, try aqadvisor.com. It has more information than just stocking though. It gives you warnings of incompatibility also. And warning of differences in water preferences too
  20. I agree, my skunks hid with 6, doubled it to 12 and they’re all over the place. Wonder what 18 would do. You’ll like the paleatus, I have them in another tank
  21. Yes they grow on it, but no, tap water won’t hurt them. It takes standard tap over an hour of just soaking in it to kill beneficial bacteria. @TealStarlight Jason is very correct about that. Unless you’re soaking your equipment in tap, it’s harmless. It takes hours even to kill pathogenic bacteria. As for cleaning, treat it like a sponge filter, when it gets clogged, clean it. Every other or every 3 should be fine. you can also clean your hob cartridge this way, and reuse several times. you’re probably in for a bit of a fish In cycle, but you have nitrates. So not much of one. Just keep your ammonia under .25 with changes. Dechlorinate with prime. And watch your parameters. If you’re careful with your parameters. Your fish will be perkier
  22. I'll do you one better. we put one under kitchen cabinets against 2 walls. Until we consolidated some tanks. then I asked my wife what she wanted back in it. I was informed, I really hate that tank and its location🤣. so it's empty waiting for a refit
  23. Try adding some floating hornwort or water wisteria. That will provide lots of cover for the fry. And really helps reduce nitrates at the same time. If she can’t find them, she can’t eat them. And it’s much easier than separating them with less stress on the fry
  24. You have the basics covered. Unless you’re having unexplained problems, wouldn’t worry about the rest for now
  25. @bbitsaboy I would watch your main tank very closely. To make sure it doesn’t spread. That looks like a very aggressive disease. And may spread very easily to the rest
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