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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Technically, quarantine should last for 4 weeks. Some problems won’t show up for at least 2. Then getting them through it takes longer. A full 4 weeks makes sure nothing is coming. But, yes, you can do that in a 10 just as well😀
  2. @Colu trying to figure out if treatment worked with white growth, or something else is needed.
  3. Honestly I would treat it the same as the other 40g. What you’re really doing is watching and waiting for a month to see if something shows up. If it does, you can always lower the water at that point and treat. Hopefully nothing shows up.
  4. He is beautiful. But it looks like the areas have gotten bigger? Hopefully it’s just a matter of healing the damaged areas.
  5. All good and correct, water testing and water changes are the key. Honestly the key to any of the three cycling methods. But, if they say no ammonia now, maybe a week or two will work. As long as there is an ammonia source. @Yarnallicious you could actually add a few of the fish you want. But you must be diligent about checking your water and doing water changes when needed. And dechlorinating with prime
  6. absolutely. @Yarnallicious just depends if you want to mess with it our not. or..... you could use it as an excuse to get another tank. just sayin. You'd really hate to not use up that bottle...
  7. I use equilibrium because of ro water. for you, with the two sponge filters. I'm thinking wonder shell is the easiest for you. not the cheapest. the easiest. mostly because it's kind of a set it in and forget it kind of product. I find i am not a fan of adding equilibrium straight to a tank. even in a slurry. there are still minor parts of it that do not dissolve easily and may leave a visible residue. wondershell can hide behind your sponges
  8. i think so, as long as you're changing water when nitrites rise. and i would still dechlorinate with prime. you've no ammonia, so that's an excellent start
  9. caddisflies nymph then adult. adult does look like a moth but very triangular from the front. wings meet in the middle and fold down and out
  10. for comparison 2 of the bigger genuses of dragonfly. basically the same size and shape as the adult with no wings. they don't really add size when molting dragonfly nymph genus gomphidae genus libellulidae nymph
  11. well heck. I read female bettas, as in more than 1. I should read more closely. Yes, any betta male or female will work with those fish. we have 6 bettas of both sexes in community tanks. they really are non-aggressive to other species. current list we keep bettas with all corys, all rasboras, platys (our female betta believes she's a platy), otocinclus, mystery snails, nerite snails. neon tetra, kuhli loaches, maybe yes on danio, they can sometimes nip fins, but in that tank we also had skirt tetras. one of those 2 did some serious damage to 1 betta. so not since then have we tried danios.
  12. I guess dogs as well. My sister had a very nice Doberman. Very friendly. She was a sock eater extraordinaire. It got really expensive when they didn't come out
  13. One of the best ways I’ve seen is to take a 55 and heavily plant the center. Bettas have a pecking order. Same as hog’s do. To get around that, you overstock past their ability to process what order everyone belongs in. For hogs it’s around 55 per pen. For a betta in a 55, it’s around 40 or so. They stop knowing who’s on top. But….. bettas being bettas. It still takes constant vigilance.
  14. Well, that technically changes with kids. Sometimes you desperately do
  15. honestly, that was my degree. but that was 30+ years ago. back then i could have told you the genus, more than likely. very rusty now
  16. the long thin area behind the legs looks like the shell some caddisflies make for protection. I say make, but what they actually do is glue bits of shell and rock together to form a shield covering most of their bodies bit far away and blurry for good id though They would live in shallow areas in rivers and streams. they prefer running water. if you have anything close.
  17. probably not dragonfly nymph. dragonfly nymphs are very substantial. girthy as it were. possible caddisfly nymph. would need a closer look
  18. Sorry got my threads mixed up. Is another one using a full dose of trio meds at same time. For his betta.
  19. This is the technique that a lot of big tank users (impatiently) use for a quick cycle. It’s still going to be a fish in cycle. Especially if it fails. So watch your ammonia. And dechlorinate with prime. It should work. But no guarantees. two canisters seems like an aggressive amount of filtration. One fx6 should be more than enough. Pair that with a large sponge. For surface agitation and increased airflow and you should be good. Or just an air stone would work.
  20. Was worried about full doses of all three meds at same time. If that could be causing issues. Other than that???? and can you prophylactically treat for ich?? Especially for rummies?
  21. The med trio is used at low doses of all 3 at the same time. Not at treatment level. Treatment level is full strength. I don’t have the paracleanse to know if it can be used with the other 2 at treatment level. Ich-x and maracyn is okay, I’m pretty sure about. You may actually be okay there. But.. it may be the medications in Maracyn 2 or Kanaplex that you need. They are effective on a different spectrum of bacteria. So maybe when you complete this round of trio medications. Wait a few days and start on Kanaplex. as for putting him down, I can’t give advise on that. I’m not good at doing that. We raise large amounts of large livestock. I could not do it until all hope was gone. I always fought for my animals recovery. Sometimes past the point of recovery
  22. First thing. The med trio is for quarantine. You would actually want to use full strength meds for disease control. Following the directions right on the back of the box very closely. I’m not sure you can do full treatment strength for all 3 at same time. Preference is for a course of Maracyn or marycyn2. during the time you were gone. Was your friend checking water parameters and doing water changes. Improper parameters could lead to fin rot. Which sounds like the case here.
  23. I have been looking at these from a Florida farm (imp. Tro.) for a few months now. Not so colorful. But very interesting looking
  24. Not an issue. Most people have hard water. Most fish are adaptable maybe just young. You never know. They be absolutely racing under there. But…. Snail….
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