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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. It's sort of a normal thing. he's picking up his reflection in objects. the only downside is he could wear himself out. Bettas are usually, mostly peaceful around other fish, depending on the betta. they only usually attack each other. if he sees his reflection, there's suddenly another betta there (his reflection). you might give him some time to get used to his surroundings and minimize the tank light. and reduce any reflections. hopefully he calms down soon.
  2. I think the biggest challenge you have is you don't know what the water parameters were where he came from. your parameters may be perfect. but what was he accustomed to. he might be in a mini shock just from that
  3. Actually, good for you. This hobby doesn't grow any by listening to either source exclusively, takes both. especially takes people who can understand and create articles in scientific journals. hands on experience is also a must, but the trap there it's more difficult to expand the knowledge base if we're always doing only what we know. and you got to remember one of the best educational tools right now is the internet. and one of the worst educational traps is accepting research from people who don't understand how to do research. the so-called experts, who really aren't an expert in anything
  4. shellies vs multis. I like it. I think that's a regional talking of the multifasciatis. Same animal different name. never heard of it being called shellies around here, but multis😄 yes, but they'd end up with a bare bottom on one side. with 12" plie on the other🤣
  5. ro water is the easiest you're going to need another tank though. your guppies like hard water and don't do well in soft
  6. the other thing to think about. they start off okay as community fish. then they can become complete jerks. they can get very territorial and mean
  7. probably not going to happen. multis love to dig. you didn't think you were doing the aquascaping?🤣 but if they pile it too deep in spots, just run the handle end of a net through it. release any trapped gasses. also, watch the decor, they may dig too much from under it and make it unstable. have fun with the multis!
  8. I may as well round it off with these. you can find other profiles, but thought I'd be consistent.
  9. at about 3:30 they show the rasboras with the green neons I could see that. probably just a bit of provenance. mine are mostly deep copper, but i can see some red. and when i say deep copper, i mean really dark copper. like, i haven't seen anything else come close
  10. I have no luck with standard neons. they have become fragile, unless they are wild caught. I did try some in a dark painted tank. the red becomes invisible there. but the grewn neons shine a bit more. Harlequins are great. we keep them with our betta. they are under rated. but very colorful. not as tight of a schooler. yes, they swim smoothly. they really are very pretty. they can turn a deep copper when they age.
  11. I think you can still use the chemipure green in it. just a slightly smaller pouch
  12. not sure what your filter type is. but chemi-pure green is great for tannins in a planted tank. I used mopani wood my first tank. had 75 gallons of tea. my wife was not impressed. cleaned it right up
  13. You can do either. If you have clean tap. A 50/50 mixture of Ro/tap is easy to replicate every time I have to remineralize my Ro. As my tap has a hydrogen peroxide injection system to eliminate iron bacteria. Which eliminates beneficial bacteria
  14. How about silver tipped tetras or for slightly bigger. Brilliant green rasboras. Both very good schoolers. That rasbora is only about 2 inches. Very tight school though
  15. mollies are going to the new tank? just watch your parameters for a while. they could overload your bacteria
  16. If you were moving sensitive fish or shrimp. the yeah you could do a drip. they wouldn't like moving anyways. but mollies are usually tough. I've moved rainbows and angels and bettas and platys around with no issues
  17. and it might be interesting to see what @jwcarlson said. your water might change more than you think
  18. honestly. with that little of variation between tanks. I'd probably just do it. the .6 difference in ph isn't going to be an issue. neither is the kh. most fish are acclimated because of temp differences (mostly), which you don't have. I honestly wouldn't hesitate to net and drop in new tank. actually less stress that way
  19. correct. bypass and just heat. then use and dechlorinate
  20. i think less aging. more allowing to come up to temperature. bypass would be cold water
  21. Ya know i can be a bit thick sometimes. i was thinking i needed a remote for a bigger system. i never thought once about the kasa. in my mind that's just for lights. .....
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