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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. It just floats unless you weigh it down. Watch for any odor coming off it into the tank. Someone got ahold of some improperly prepared bone and it caused a crash. So watch it carefully. I think petco/smart is now carrying wondershell which may be better. You don’t really dose it. It stays in the tank and dissolves as needed. Same as wondershell or crushed coral. The thing is to raise your gh stability safely over time. So, not a one shot fix. You want your gh to stay around 200
  2. Id also check in and see if your petsmart/co has any wondershell. that would work better than cuttlebone
  3. Cuttlebone will work. But has caused issues before. Remove the metal clips @Colu would you have any idea on the clamping? @Guupy42 going to want the latest parameters
  4. Yeah, that’s the part that can’t be trusted.
  5. Yes, the crushed coral is the preferred way. Eggshell is the cheap way. I prefer the coral. Coral is very consistent and safe
  6. Dans fish has pictures of all 3 dwarf rasboras. That should help. On those 3 , it’s really close call
  7. Of course you would 😀. Most people would. But… if you look closely, it does have a kind of beauty to it too. Yours looks very alive and healthy 😀. It’s all relative. 🤣 I think this is kinda cool in a different kind of way
  8. You could try some egg shells. Cleaned off the inner membrane of course. Then crunched to smaller pieces. In the back of a hob if you have one. Never done this, heard about it. Leary of tums. It’s got what you want, but what else does it have?
  9. Right, I have a degree in entomology, so understand that completely. We thought we were getting on top of it 30 years ago. It’s more adaptable than we thought. And I’m not sure how the hybridization with Africans is progressing anymore. Been 30 years since I knew.
  10. I would absolutely agree with that. Whooo… and try to change their minds. They forget, most of the country has hard water. I think most fish can be kept in harder water. If it’s clean. It’s one of the reasons I like Jason Adam’s channel. He only keeps fish in hard water. He reasons his customers don’t have ro, so why sell them something that needs soft water. One of the reasons he won’t keep discus or rams. Customers around Chicago won’t have good success. But keeps all kinds of geophagus, Severums, and most other South American cichlids. The ones he doesn’t keep, Ben Ochart in Tennessee does, also in hard water.
  11. Sorry, keep forgetting about wild caught altums. That one is as sensitive, very discus like. Also can be very expensive, and stunning. But most around here are just tank raised and color bred.
  12. Besides the look, there’s really nothing wrong with algae. LRB aquatics uses algae in his tanks. Have heard Bentley Pascoe was thinking about using black beard in an aqua scape. Iv’e seen black beard in some of Cory’s tanks. It honestly doesn’t have to be a big deal. Adding siamese algae eaters or Florida flag fish will help. Some people get really into having well manicured display tanks. Which is great. But that’s a whole other rabbit hole some people go down. Most average people just want healthy fish. Heck, most average keepers are quite content with colorful gravel and plastic plants for that matter. It really is in the eye of the beholder.
  13. My problem is my water changes are no joke. Takes me hours to get a batch of ro water mineralized and ready to go. For 30 gallon anyway. So a 50% change in a 75 would be an all night job. Not counting the other 200+ gallons for week Possibly me too, although the wife really wants them. I think you missed the part about no plants. That’s why so many changes. Nothing to remove nitrates.
  14. Some people’s water gives them a definite advantage for sure. They do have a similar bio load, but discus are much less tolerant of “dirty” water. They need very clean water with low nitrate as in around 5 would be on the high side. Same with German blue rams. And they like hot water. Higher than most plants can tolerate
  15. Oh my good lord! Now I'm really paranoid about keeping them🤣
  16. In this case, squishy is good🤣. it means it's definitely organic
  17. @Guppysnail I believe you have some experience here? Yours are stunning btw
  18. If cleaning the filter doesn’t work. You could use a clean paper towel and lay it on the surface. That would remove it temporarily. If it comes back. I’d look for something degrading. Possibly even the filter itself. Or a piece of decor another question. When you smush it between your fingers. Does it stay hard or smear into your fingers. If it stays hard. May be decor. Doesn’t sound organic at that point
  19. Question, do you use anything like purigen in your canister? I had a bag start leaking on me. Did not notice the top as mine has a hood. But the sides collected fine granular particles. Still cleaning them up
  20. Probably correct. Add to that, if was insect eggs, the fish would be gorging themselves. Eggs are delicious and nutritious
  21. First thing. Guppies love hard water. And higher ph. Almost All live bearers do. So ph is not the issue. Especially do not use ph down. There are better ways. But you don’t need them. if anything, you need more hardness in your water. You’re kh is good. But your gh is not. For guppies. ideal water for guppies. Ph8. Gh 180-240. Kh 120-240 or close to that anyway. crushed coral or wonder shell can help you raise your gh. Gh of 75 is way too low. now this might not be your only issue though. You may have a low grade bacteria infection in the tank. Maracyn, or any erythromycin should help to clean that up. Used carefully by package directions it is snail safe
  22. It’s a great look. But you need a ton of little fish. try these. My daughters favorite are brilliant green rasboras. Such a tight scooler Or for smaller. Try these
  23. 10 would be perfect then. With that much water wasn’t sure what size you were thinking. Geophagus and severums would need bigger
  24. Chlorine takes time to work on anything. Usually an hour or more even to kill bacteria. You can add it directly after removing the water. Usually for the size of your tank. knowing that chlorine takes a while is very useful in cleaning equipment and cartridges. You can use straight tap as long as you’re not soaking it. Should only take a couple of minutes to clean most anything. Running water is a great help. Will you lose some bacteria, yes. Will you lose enough to have an issue, no. Bacteria also live in the substrate, tank side, and plants.
  25. @JamieLikesPlants the size of the quarantine tank also depends on the number and size of the fish being quarantined
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