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  1. Omg I'm so excited lol Can't wait to get my little keyhole crew and black neons Thank you!
  2. Been fishless cycling my tank for almost 5 weeks, the last 4 days I have added 1ppm of ammonia, and within 24 hours it has been converted to nitrite and then into nitrate. I currently have 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite and about 40-50ppm nitrate, this is less than 20 hours after last dose. Am I ready for fish? And should I do a big water change first to remove the nitrate?
  3. I am seeing conflicting information regarding kh and gh and I would like some advice from people who have a good understanding of this subject. My water out the tap has a kh of 2, and a gh of 4, and a ph of 7.5. My first question is concerning mainly the kh, I read that ph will fluctuate at a kh of 2 or lower from some sources, but I am also reading that this only really happens from people who use co2, so will My ph be an issue with this kh? My second question is regarding whether my water is considered soft or hard? I do not plan to use co2, I plan to keep south American dwarf cichlids and tetras. Also the tank has been cycling about 2 weeks, tank is already heavily planted, and I have been dosing 1ppm of ammonia and so far ph has remained stable at 7.5, tank has some seriyu stones as well and I have heard those raise kh. All advice is appreciated! 🙂
  4. Yeah I love stocking big tanks with little fish lol
  5. I plan on going with ember tetras and corydoras and a few dwarf cichlids, only one group at a time though, not all at once.
  6. Okay that makes sense, it's been awhile since I setup new tanks so I'm in that overthinking stage just tryna relearn everything again. Thank you for the advice 🙂 Yeah I typically used to quarantine for a month, I used to dose the trio right away as well but I seen that cory does not reccomend that, but rather to watch them closely and dose disease as it presents itself.
  7. Recently setup two 75 gallons and four 40 gallons, currently cycling and planting them for the next month or two. When I am finally ready to add fish would filling one of my unused 40 gallon breeders halfway be better than using a 10 gallon for quarantine? I used to use 10 gallons for quarantine but I want to strike a balance between giving the fish more swimming space and not spending too much on meds(if needed). The 40 breeder is only 16 inches tall so im wondering if 8 inches at half filled would be too low and stress fish out. I should mention I plan to go with all very small fish like corydoras, ember tetras, keyhole and apisto cichlids.
  8. Yeah I'm gonna go with the HOB and a sponge, if I end up needing more filtration down the road then I'll add it. Thanks for the advice!
  9. I am just getting back into fish keeping after a 2 year break after moving and need some advice on filtration. I am going to be running multiple 20 gallons with sponge filters, but I am unsure exactly what I need for my 75 gallon. I plan to heavily plant the tank and stock in with a school of tetras, corydoras and then mabye 2-3 dwarf cichlids like apistos and keyholes. Is an aquaclear 110 and a sponge filter more than enough? I'm trying to brush up on my knowledge but I see so many people in forums recommending multiple HOB filters or canisters for a 75, that seems like overkill to me for what I will be stocking it with.
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