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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. No. They’d be fine. It’s not that high of a salt recommendation
  2. And I didn’t want to imply that you couldn’t grow plants in high ph gh kh water, you absolutely can. Depending on the type.. and where they were grown. Most plants actually like hard water to a certain extent. And there is a YouTuber that grows plants in Tennessee. Where they have hard water and his plants are fine.
  3. Ph swings don’t harm plants at all. And low kh means nothing to plants. Fish species can be very susceptible to ph swings. Depending on the species. A kh from 2-6 is a good number to keep ph from swinging. You have to decide whether you want a lot of beautiful plants. Or a lot of beautiful fish. A mostly maxed out tank will need the buffered ph
  4. That’s great but we (and you) need to know the ammonia nitrate and nitrite numbers. Algae will grow in any of these. But the fish can’t be grown with ammonia or nitrite. And high nitrate causes issues. Poor water parameters will cause things like popeye, bloat, ich outbreaks, and finrot im hoping you have a cycled tank and used bacteria to help I’ve overheard the box stores saying that all you need is water changes. That’s actually true. Harder to do of course. And you need to dechlorinate every water change. Cycling is much easier
  5. You have good parameters numbers? Neon tetra disease is out there. But it’s not terribly common yet. It’s also contagious and not treatable. So if you have it in one it’s probably in all. the next question is where you sourced them. Neons tend to be rather fragile. From being over bred. The genetics have gotten really weak. Usually I lose upwards of 60%. If they can survive the first 6 weeks they should be fine afterwards. But the problem is getting them there
  6. Yes another change for today
  7. I think I usually just do 1. But I wouldn’t worry about it. But you need to dechlorinate for all changes one 50-75% and prime should take care of it. And testing again the next day
  8. Extreme batch of coral? Fine powder in it? Or possibly bad test? Doesn’t make sense. The rapid change to enormous gh
  9. Yes. I almost suggested that. But 10’s are light @AquaJT they often can cut your pieces to size if you bring them the dimensions. Although you may have to pay for the whole plywood sheet anyway. some will cut for a fee. Some won’t cut at all. Depends on the store
  10. We need your parameter numbers. Ammonia nitrate nitrite. Ph. Gh. Kh but I can see right off the bat she has popeye. So getting him really clean water is very important. if you can get ahold of kanaplex or maracyn2 I’d run a full course or that right away paying special care to the instructions. She may have been injured as well. But I’d try the meds first anyway
  11. The second seems to be much better. More of a neutral water. That opens up more options for you. I’d be curious, what happens if you let your water rest for 12 hours to 24 hours what would happen to your ph. Kh of 3 should have a lower ph, giving it a rest might move the value somewhat. And that’s what your tank would stabilize at. great job doing it this way, should make things much easier than adding supplements. And now you know what ratios gives you what parameters. So now you can do anything from discus to African cichlids. A tank full of shell dwellers would be amazing 🤣
  12. It’s really good. You can do multiple changes if the temperature is close Just check it when you can tomorrow
  13. You shouldn’t. Angels and cardinals are classic. Cherry barbs are smaller but should be okay? I think? The others are fine. The problem with multiple angels is if they pair up then they can get mean. I had 6 in a 75. Ended with 2 pairs. One is fine. The other, with my big marble male gets really aggressive. I call him my murder missile. He will turn sideways and go after the other fish. He forced a school of rainbows to the bottom. I put the rainbows and my unpaired angels into another tank. I really need to get them switched. The rainbows back to the main tank and the pair to a smaller breeding tank. Witch is the first time I’ve thought about doing that. 😆 My school of skunk corys are in with the angels and 30 mystery snails. The angels don’t bother them.
  14. Maybe you’re having the same issue I was having. When I started using ro water, I was filling my tank with remineralized water every time. Using Seachem equilibrium. Not realizing that it doesn’t evaporate. Every time I topped off the tank. I was raising th gh I eventually got into the 20’s accidentally. maybe you’re having my issues except by using salt. The salt and additives don’t evaporate. Maybe just top off with regular water and then do a water change with the brackish water. That way the tank salinity, and hopefully the gh stays balanced just out of curiosity, has the tank salinity been increasing over time? You say gh has but how about the salt
  15. I have 12. Anywhere from 10g to 75g. 240g in total I usually use Ro water and remineralize it a 30g brute trash bin. Usually takes me all week to do water changes. Having to fill the trash can takes all night sometimes
  16. So. Typing on my iPhone doesn’t always work the best….. apparently I have no idea what Sunday has to do with anything. 🤣 I don’t even remember what I was trying to say. It’s a good thing @Guppysnail and @Colu were great at interpreting 😂
  17. You could cut a piece of 1/2 plywood to correct size and stain it to match
  18. You could add in a large loach. Or bait them and give them to lfs. As live food. And once that’s done, you could add a dozen corys to snack on the eggs. Corys love eggs.
  19. dgH and dKh is relatively easy to convert. Mostly just divide by 20. Not quite but close enough in most cases. So the 900 would convert to 45 dGh roughly. Which, holy cra@@, is beyond liquid rock. So what exactly are you adding to get the tank in it’s brackish condition?
  20. Yeah. Could be temp shocking the fish for sure if it’s an outside hose. It would be the same as using your cold tap inside. The remedy for that is getting a barrel inside and letting it come up to room temperature and then using it. Haven’t lost a fish using room temperature water yet. You’d test for chlorine there before using it.
  21. Actually sounds really nice. You’ll want to throw down extra algae wafers. You have enough snails they’ll need to be specifically fed. As well as letting some extra algae grow just for them and the corys will sometimes need algae wafers and other times need protein wafer. But looks good. Your hardest ones to keep going will be the cardinals. They often need specific water parameters and very clean water and you could go to 120% with aqadavisor They’re a bit conservative It also calls for an angel or 2 to me anyway 😃
  22. If you added a small amount of prime you can wait until tomorrow. But definitely a 50% change again tomorrow
  23. Okay, yeah he could snag. But should be relatively easy to Sunday. White patches could be fungus or some injury. He could have gotten himself into tight spots and scraped.
  24. I would use the fungus fizz tab and the maracyn or kanaplex. @Coluhas a recipe for this. looks like 2 to 3 locations on the body side. Front, under dorsal, and at tail
  25. Pandas are also in temp range for wcmm as well
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