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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. The other thing about crushed coral. Depending on how you use it, you can see it disappearing into your water and reapply. but, you could easily do things like apistos, German rams (assuming you can find a good, hardy strain), even discus should be easier for you than for most people.
  2. Agree with @AllFishNoBrakes use the water you’re given. It makes everything so much easier. And consistent. I believe that is the key for this hobby, as long as it’s easy and consistent people are going to have so much more success. You could easily do most South America species. Especially wild caught. Just a ton of fish. And some of the most colorful now, that being said, if guppies are your thing. By all means do guppies. But I’d use the crushed coral. It’s nice and gentle and slowly raises all your parameters. For guppies you really want ph of 7-8. Gh of 180 - 300. Kh of 120 - 300. With your water, that’s a lot to change.
  3. next question, what does the water in your tap look like, parameter wise
  4. sorry, looked over that picture entirely. they should be happy with the wood and rocks in the tank. as long as you cleaned them decently. should be no problems. parameters look good with the exception of the ph. hardness can be increased for guppies. which should increase your ph. ph is way low for guppies. crushed coral or wonder shell would work easiest. or alternatively, you could switch to non-livebearers. thinking, south american soft water species
  5. Not usually. Hardness can be increased for sure. The first question coming to me. Where did you source the guppies. If sourced from big box stores. The lifespan on them may not be very long. And nothing at all to do with your tank. I can’t get them to survive more than a few months from there. Just from weak genetics. A better source would be a lfs or dans fish the next question. Do you have a nitrite test for them. If you’re showing nitrite. It’s not fully cycled yet. Best solution for that is a water change and dechlorinate with prime. And constant monitoring
  6. Unfortunately, that’s all your decision. Some animals have an amazing ability to heal. When he can no longer be his best self and appears to be suffering, it’s probably time. You’ll know. If he’s recovered a decent amount and is comfortable, there’s no real reason to, yet
  7. it should heal on its own. very slowly, honestly, if ever. but it's not causing any pain so she should be fine. now watch for redness or degradation around that area, it may be some finrot has weakened that area. just keep an eye on it
  8. if you want the fry, you'll have to put her in a breeding box. and then a grow out tank for the fry. skirt tetras will get them otherwise. left too long in a breeding box. she'll also get them
  9. Orry to hear about your girl. they're tough little fish and you don't see usually problems from them. but when you do, it's usually very rapid
  10. sounds like she snagged it then. if it begins to looked ragged on the end. I would probably hit the whole tank with maracyn 2 or kanaplex.
  11. does it look like straight line rips, or general deterioration of fin edges?
  12. what's your parameters. but you're right it does look like tears. got any sharp decor she could get inro. photos are very blurry, so is also hard to tell
  13. It mostly looks good. hornwort is a very fast grower though. and likes lots of ferts. get rid of about half of what you have. Keep the healthier bits and it should stop shedding. iv'e only killed it once and that was in an empty tank. so just rip apart and chuck some
  14. Sometimes algae is just weird. my daughter has a tank that the lights stay on 24/7. never been any algae in it. except for a small amount of diatoms. have had 3 tanks like that. constant light, no growth. but one i broke down and emptied (apparently my wife hated the placement). the fake rock centerpiece turned a light green on the sunward side. and nothing on the shaded side. no idea what's up with that. but the algae should come in some form. even if it's black beard. and if it doesn't. I'm sure someone would share a bit
  15. Nothing usually. But, you need to check your nitrate levels. Hornwort needs to have nitrates above 10. Usually. Or it’s prone to dieback. And dying. Which it does by shedding needles. It’s one of my favorite plants in higher nitrate situations. It’s other problems, it tends to be one of the first things to collect slime. The solution to both problems is to tear off a nice green chunk. Keep it. And throw the rest away.
  16. grab some with your fingers. if it smells musty and foul and very slimy, cyanobacter. if it just smell sea weedy mostly clean , just algae. if cyanobacter, you'll need erythromycin for a week or so. It actually looks okay. depending on the look you want. i like the green algae on rock look , myself
  17. That was the google total responses after, we were good. No aches or pains or headaches. Even when you accidentally did look at the wrong time. It just gave you some red spots like normal. I find it funny that it was googles top search afterwards. Since the glasses were very cheap.
  18. Surprisingly, it’s not comparable at all, up to 98 % coverage you have to use glasses. You really can’t look at it at all. Then all of a sudden, you can. Lasts about 3-4 minutes and just th peek of sunshine and you really can’t again. Just a tiny amount and it’s done, back to glasses. It’s completely surreal. Amazing how much energy comes from just a speck of the sun. of coarse I cheat. For me totality was on a 2 hour drive to almost the center. But ugh, getting back home. I think that it’s a must do, at least once. The next one is 20 years from now in north and South Dakota. In the US anyway And the number one thing Googled after. Why do my eyes hurt
  19. Yes, saw in it Muncie, indiana. Just about perfect. Little bit of high clouds. About 31/2 minutes of total without glasses. The geese went to sleep. You could still see fine, dark with purplish surroundings. Very cool. First one ever, in 57 years honestly have little words that can describe it. It kind of condenses the cosmos down into where it appears very small and connected. With the moon just hanging there like a purple ball. Understand how that could be addictive. Highly recommend it at least once
  20. Honestly, if I,m getting rid of pests, I’m not fighting with them. I’m getting like everything new. Cause if just one gets in, there you go all over again. I might keep the hardware, but possibly not in something I need clean. I may reuse stuff in the same tank for something else. But snail eaters would be part of that tank. Could you reuse everything, probably, do you want to take the risk? But, I’m good at overkill anyway 🤣
  21. Yeah. Don’t have any of those. Except the gourami. My betta ignores it. Currently have 5, lost one two days ago to a tumor. Yeah, tried the sorority thing. It’s where most of my bettas came from. Lasted 2 days and separated them. Was winding down the bettas. But, restock. I tend to rescue bettas when I have room. They don’t last a horribly long time due to where they’re from. Anywhere from 6 months to a couple years. Keeping them by themselves won’t change that, due to the source. But have had 6 in different tanks, only had 1 bully. To a mystery snail. He was fine with the platys.
  22. Correct. Although I did try the sorority, it lasted a day. they do just fine with my platys. You have to look hard to find the betta in there. And the bigger rasbora hets. I have had one with a honey gourami. Supposed to not work. They just ignore each other. As for aggression, I’ve found more things that pick on bettas, than are picked on by bettas
  23. The other thing I would do to avoid aggression, I wouldn’t add individual fish at this point. Curiosity by itself could lead to higher, let’s call it, attention from the betta. A small school would be better.
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