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Everything posted by tike

  1. hard to see in the pic but normally camallanus worms are red in color. Read here for more info.
  2. They may take a while to start growing again but will send out more runners in the process.
  3. Doing the right thing to take it slow with a new tank. I agree with others that shrimp do better in a well established environment. I like the 4 week waiting period. take parameters after that and post them here and we can give better advice. On a side note.....hornwort is a goos beginner plant but can take over fairly quickly. no worries on that cuz you can always remove them later. Good Luck!!!!
  4. Not ich... interested in your tank parameters. Can you post them?
  5. I have raised tons of cory fry. Mainly duplicareaus and eques. In my experience you will find you have some runts. I am a huge fan of feeding live bbs it makes their growth increase substantially. I also feed three times a day , the bottom will be covered in live bbs. After a few hours i will siphon all that is still left. The bellies of the babies will be noticeably pink. I do 80% water changes daily for the first 2 weeks. I hope that helps.
  6. I have been running this one on a 60 gallon cube for 2 years with zero issues. Regulator
  7. They have retractible fangs you need to be careful of! ☺️😀😉
  8. How long have you had the shrimp before the die off? Is your water always that high in nitrate? Have you done anything new to the tank..i.e. new additives, change food, medications etc.
  9. Opps! Time to start again! LOL
  10. So the light isn't the best ....but..... Anubias and cyrpts can get by on less light. Is the light in the link one you think of getting?
  11. How big is your tank.....gallons and dimensions. What type of plants are you growing?This goes a long way in deciding which light is right for you.
  12. Nope. I work in Little Rock and get off at 6 pm , the drive from there is around 2 hours so it doesn't fit my schedule. I also don't have weekends off to attend any of the auctions. Very well aware of gsas just too far for me. Thanks for the invite anyway!
  13. Curious to know what your breeding set up consists of? Size tank,decor,water parameters?
  14. Hello! Good to meet you. I am in the South Sound area too....Tacoma. There isn't any fish group/gathering in the area that i am aware of. Many years ago there used to be a fish swap every few months in the Auburn area but it faded out long ago.
  15. My thoughts......most shrimp can't tolerate iron in the water. Typically, iron is a product found in various plant fertilizers. Make sure the ferts that you are using are free of iron.
  16. With plants I would do the same depth you had before.
  17. All 4 are males. This is what a female bosemani looks like. FEMALE
  18. Since you never fed the tank black worms before, my guess is detritus worm. They can be white or brown. Detritus worm
  19. Yes this is ICH there are several medications that can be used ,also a high temperature cure(you would have to google to find it.) I use Kordon Ich attack with much success.
  20. Yes........i use the 2 lb test stuff.
  21. If you look at my post I said root feeders not heavy root feeders...........Those plants have thicker leaves which makes transfer of nutrients through them a bit harder. I have tried zero nutrient in substrate with them many times and had poor results verses supplementing substrate. I am not stating I am a plant guru but I have been growing aquatic plants for 40 years, just so it is understood that I am not just shooting from the hip. You have given valuable knowledge to the post starter! Let's all wish them great success!!
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