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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. A friend upgrated tanks, and gave me her 3.7 gal Imagitarium aquarium. No lid and the filter system was a mess, so I completely removed it and cleaned the tank up. The light is pretty neat , it swivels and can be lifted out of the way. Now it's basically a cube. Haven't decided what to do with it.
  2. I've found there are many options. Not all work for everybody and their specific situations, that's for sure. Nothing is really cheap, efficient and easy. Sources of power are what they are. We loose power often enough, that we now have a generator for us and the creatures in the glass boxes.
  3. I've gotten a variety of plants from friends/ niebours. We share stuff with each other, who knows where it originally came from! ha ha Our local hardware garden store sells all kinds of aquatic plants. And yes, a lot of hitchhikers like duckweed! It only takes one! A lot of things I do are just trial and error. I just keep at it until I get something I like. Sometimes I happen across something that just has that 'Oh, I can use that for, such n such. ' πŸ˜‰
  4. Pipsqueak shrimp molt (Pardon the algae build up on the glass).. I just happed to look into the tank at the right time to see this perfect little molt! A fragile little ghost image of a shrimp. In just a matter of minutes it collapsed and drifted into the the water flow. Sooooo neat. 😎
  5. This guy makes three. We're hoping he is a 'guy'. We've got two girls and it'd be neat to see if they make little baby Peas. 😍
  6. New Pea pipsqueak. . Locals checking him out.
  7. I made that little bamboo water thingy. I bought a 10ft piece at our local garden center and after many attempts of cuting and drilling through the bamboo, ( Yes, I used all 10 feet ) there was a lot of " Well, that didn't work." That's what I came up with.....I was able to run the tubeing through it and hide everything in the back. It was one of those things where I saw a lot of what they were doing at the garden center and thought ' I could do that! ....It took over a week to do....
  8. Alright, no more messing around! With earthquakes, windstorms and now, winter snow storms knocking out power. We broke down and bought a generator! Sure, it's for heat and stuff for the humans, but the creatures in the glass boxes are loving it.
  9. I found that they are very easy to keep. They basically take care of themselves. Provide a basic habitat with plants and other 'stuff' that you scoop up. Scuds, snails and insects. I do have a small recirculating pump, however I rarely run it and not at all in the winter. When the sun starts to shine on the little 20gal tub. The fish start to get active as the temp rises. I do have small terracotta pots for structure a potted water lilly and lots of duck weed.
  10. Found an old fire pit rim that fits right on top of this 20 gal tub. . Just have mosquito fish and Pacific treefrog tadpoles in the summer.
  11. Are these Peas still very small? They look good from what I can see. We just added a 3rd to our 10gal . I had forgotten how tiny they can be. I found that feeding can be a little tricky at first, and some can prefer one food over another , but it gets easier. We did frozen blood worms, ( the tweezer method) . And then started feeding live brine shrimp! They seem to love live foods or frozen foods. Our Peas get along great, sometimes they chase each other but nothing serious.
  12. Wow, something else so unexpected on this forum! I love stumbling across things like this! I've learned sooo much on here! Thankyou!
  13. So we have a lot of Endler /Guppies. So, we decided to add 4 to the 10 gal Pea Puffer tank to see what would happen. πŸ€” The 2 Peas ( both females) started showing their colors and sticking close to each other. They really checked the newcomers out big time, however no aggressive behavior! I believe they were trying to determine if the Gups were a threat. So it's now been a week and everyone is getting along great, basically ignoring each other. Haveing heard all the horror stories we were pleasantly surprised. So far, So good. We will see how this works out over time. 🀞😁
  14. Water damage πŸ€” Moved power strip out from behind tank and made sure to have drip loops. πŸ˜‰
  15. We have 2 Peas in a 10 gal. Turns out they are both females. Recently added 4 small Guppy/Endlers to see what would happen. 3 females 1 male. The Peas started swimming together more than they had been. Really showing their colors and watching the newcomers. It appeared to me that they were trying to figure out if the guppies were a threat. 8 days later and everyone is getting along just fine. πŸ€” One of the female gups gave birth to a few fry, I was expecting the Peas to attempt to eat them. Out of 4 fry there are still 3 , have not observed the Peas takeing any interest in them. I have not changed the food for the Peas ( baby brine shrimp and blood worms) . Have been feeding the guppies a tiny bit of guppy pellets, but they also eat the brine shrimp. So far, So good. We will see how this plays out. πŸ˜„
  16. The perfect Forum question! πŸ˜„ 3.7 gal cube 10 gal 20 gal long And a 20 gal porch pond! πŸ˜€
  17. I found that the Hobby Brine Shrimp Direct dish is incredibly convenient and a great way to get started hatching. Very simple design and easy to use and clean. The Co-Op's eggs hatch perfectly in this device. I've been useing instant ocean salt ( 8 table spoons per gal) and a 50 watt heat lamp. I can get brine shrimp hatching in 18 hrs. Works well for feeding a small amount of fish. I can see getting another one or eventually moving up to the Ziss as my fish tank obsession really starts to get out of control! πŸ˜„ I've even been feeding freshly hatched brine shrimp to adult pea puffers!
  18. Wow, cool plant! I definitely want to give it a try! 😎 Considering that I have Red dwarf aquarium lilys on the water surface anyway, I dont see that being a problem. Not much light making it to the bottom on the right side of this 20gal long in the first place! πŸ˜„ Maybe just a little prunning to make room. What do you all think? Plant it in a small pot or right into the gravel or maybe an easy planter? What kind of soil? πŸ€” I do have Co-Op root tabs. Maybe try a couple of ways. I do have a 20gal porch pond as well. So many possibilities! πŸ€ͺ
  19. Incredible natives! 😎 Thank you for sharing these! 😍
  20. Making sure the coast is clear...Some fish like to eat us little guys.
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