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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. Flash back to days gone by! Back in the day...Lived 10 minutes from the ocean, North Carolina. Ran a salt water tank with local critters, easy to get salt water and scraped all kinds of cool stuff off the underside of floating docks...used an undergravel filter and local crushed beach shell, with a powerhead. It worked incredibly well. Never tried one with freshwater.....πŸ€”
  2. Looks much better with the Co-Op light!... Although, now I see some cleaning that needs to be done. πŸ˜† Hmmm....20 gal long sure would look nice with one.. πŸ€” πŸ˜„
  3. An unexpected benefit to ordering a lot of plants from the ACO ! In a pinch, when the power goes out, the insulated bags work great to help reduce heat loss! πŸ‘
  4. Got one for a 10 gal. Great packaging, arrived in perfect condition! Awesome light. It's only been one day....but I'm loving it so far! πŸ˜„
  5. Here we go again! Shaking in the new year! πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Fortunately a smaller one! 🀞 I've got all my back up plans ready! 😁
  6. We have two in a 10 gal planted tank. Vallisneria, Amazon Sword and Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus. As far as we can tell, they are females, but they are still growing. Sometimes they get along hovering around together and other times they start a crazy game of chase until they loose site of each other. Their food consists of blood worms,.. scuds and pond snails, that we have growing in a 4 gal. And recently we discovered they love freshly hatched live brine shrimp! So cool to watch them peck at them. Gulp! Haven't tried them with tank mates, after hearing them called ' Murder Beans' , We decided it should just be a puffer tank! πŸ˜„ They are truly a unique fish. Sometimes, the way they stare back at us, can be a little creepy! πŸ˜„
  7. Yeah, I guess it depends on whether you're filling the aquarium or draining it. πŸ˜„
  8. That reminds me: I'm still trying to figure out if I'm an aquarium half full or an aquarium half empty kind of person. πŸ€” πŸ˜„
  9. Or is it , Hope for the best and prepare for the worst? πŸ˜„
  10. Yes, the warning is literally just seconds! Plenty of time to prepare...πŸ˜„ Of course the farther you are away from the epicenter the more time, but still just a few seconds. Like many others, It's an alert system that needs development. But because we know so little about what the Earth is going to do, it's hard to imagine it ever being very usefull . Prepare for the worst , Hope for the best! It does let you know, that yes, that was an earthquake and not a bomb going off in the backyard. πŸ₯΄
  11. @Goldfishgirl I've been beach coming for years, always picking stuff up. 😁 Just down the road, the Mad River dumps all kinds of cool wood onto Clam beach. It collects in big piles and drys. But this is the first time I've actually put wood in an aquarium. Before this, it was just putting floating wood in our wine barrel pond for frogs. I think a lot of the really old hardwood is safe. I just soaked it for a couple of weeks, filling the bucket dumping it and refilling. I figured doing this would remove salt and anything else it absorbed. So far , so good 😁 We'll see what happens 🀞
  12. Does anyone know what or if there are any possible bad effects of useing ammonia filter material as an everyday cut to fit filter? I've been given a bunch of filter material from someone who has decided to go with lizards instead of fish in his aquarium. I know right!? What a weirdo! Doesn't he know glass boxes should be filled with water!! 🀣 But seriously, any thoughts on useing this material?
  13. Just a little warning. If you do remove the hinge and have a light that doesn't sit on the other piece, you may be tempted to just lift it and set it on the back panel. Don't do this! When I did, the water on the glass sticks/adheres to the panels and when lifting it back up both pieces came up and then the bottom one slid off! Almost had disaster!😳 I'm looking forward to getting a Co-Op LED when they become available. The next step to this 10gal experiment. 😁 Live and learn
  14. After soaking for a week, I placed a piece of wood in my 20 long guppy tank ! My wife and I have been collecting driftwood at the beach for years. And I finally found a use for it!! I'd never have guessed back then this is where it would end up. πŸ˜„
  15. Wow, I've never seen one with that blue color, that's an awesome pattern! They are really fun to watch, very unique fish for sure! 😁 So cool. 😎
  16. Under my tanks I have taken 1/4 " floor runners and cut them to fit. I did this more to help with the slight uneven surface of the old chest of drawers it sits on. And to possibly help dampen vibrations.. Now I'm thinking it may help keep the tanks from sliding during the shaking of a quake. πŸ€”
  17. I was so concerned that the lid was going to break something or itself, that I resorted to removeing the hinge entirely on a ten gallon becaues of the slam down factor! It's not ideal, but I have to lift the front half off and set it on a towel when feeding etc. This only works because it's a small lid and the tank is on the kitchen counter and there's someplace to set it. I can't imagine this working for a large tank. It would probably be dangerous and not to mention very irritating to lift it multiple times a day.
  18. Great question. I have basically the same situation. Mine has ignored the pellets and cruises around munching on algae. He seems happy and healthy and I can see where he has been grazing.
  19. This early morning earthquake we just had here in Humboldt County made me realize just how vulnerable aquariums can be during and after an earthquake. Fortunately other than sloshing water and floating plants out onto the floor, there was no damage. Wanting to avoid an electrical problem, I unplugged power strips because of the water and dried everything. I have several battery backups that I use for other things, so I've hooked them up. My question to everyone is what preparations do you take for an earthquake? Stabilizeing aquariums, equipment and supplies? How do you deal with long power outrages?
  20. I'm soooo looking forward to getting my text letting me know they're in !! Buy! Buy! Buy! 😁
  21. Matt B

    Battery backup

    Version 1.0.0


    40 volt from lawnmover. Ryobi Inverter.
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