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Everything posted by Ninjoma

  1. Sometimes new plants will appear to die because they were grown in a farm out of water and when they are planted underwater they have to replace their leaves with ones that work better in that environment. Here is a article about that https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/faqs/melting-or-dying-plants#:~:text=It is normal for plants,to start taking in nutrients. This is just one possibility. Photos would help.
  2. To round out my weekend tank maintenance, I did water changes in all of my tanks. I also moved over some bolbitas fern to my 40g and did some trimming in my 10g.
  3. This one on the cave? That's anubias nana petite.
  4. I find setting up new aquariums to be very enjoyable, so if you have the time and the resources to do it, I would go for it. You probably don't NEED it, but that's okay as long as you enjoy it. Some suggestions for a 75g -roseline sharks, goldfish, angelfish, pictus catfish, dojo loach, apisto borellii, german blue rams. You could really do just about anything.
  5. My understanding is that this won't cycle the tank quicker because beneficial bacteria isn't in the water, it's in your filter and on your substrate. You could transfer some bio stars from your canister though, that would help. I would use the sponge filter, because having an airstone is somewhat important. Adding the fluval filter on top of that is optional. I probably would because I like having a place to put miscellaneous filter media like purigen and activated carbon when I want to use it.
  6. -Xtreme krill flake or community crave. -freeze dried brine shrimp -Xtreme nano pellets -Hikari vibra bites
  7. Fritz complete because ACO sells it with a pump head. It's also cheaper than prime for basically the same product. I also prefer highly concentrated conditioners like fritz complete to things like api stress coat, because dosing is quicker and you don't have to restock it as often.
  8. I would get the largest one you have space for. Larger sponges won't get clogged as quickly.
  9. I finally got my brackish paludarium to what I would consider a semi presentable state. I also finished some plant reorganizization in my 75g. I also upgraded the pump for my chiller and installed a lily pipe for the outlet. I really need to trim the Dwarf sag, but I'm anxious about how the leaves will look when they melt back.
  10. I was thinking with the sponge. However, I think you can theoretically get away with any filter since beneficial bacteria can also grow on your substrate and elsewhere in the tank anyways.
  11. It's probably 100, not 400. This is what off chart maximum looks like. It's not quite as vibrant as it was before because I've been using softening pillows.
  12. Depending on what plants you want to grow, the substrate may be irrelevant. If you are growing crypts, swords and other root feeders, inert gravel or sand is still fine as long as you add root tabs. You can also use a plant focused substrate, but it's more expensive and will still require root tabs to replenish it once the nutrients are depleted. Soil has a reputation for being extremely messy, so I've avoided trying it personally.
  13. Finished some trimming in my 29g. I thinks it's in a pretty decent spot.
  14. I think this is probably fine. You could also stack multiple ACO sponge filters, to get more filtration in the same footprint.
  15. My off scale high (30dGH) in my brackish tank looks reddish or pinkish.
  16. If inverts count, then fiddler crabs. If not, probably my fancy goldfish.
  17. What filter are you using? I would not be too worried about under filtering. If you are worried, you can always add an extra sponge filter or powerhead with prefilter sponge.
  18. If the dojo loaches are the only bottom dwellers, I feel like you could probably get away with "overstocking" according to aqadvisor since the other fish will be occupying different space in the tank.
  19. Here are some suggestions For the one of centerpiece fish: -Angelfish -Goldfish -Rainbow shark -Pictus catfish -Blue Gourami -Dojo loach For the small schooling fish: -Beckford's pencilfish -Long fin white cloud mountain minnow -Guppys
  20. They are some of my favorite aquatic animals. I would definitely recommend trying them at some point.
  21. Mine haven't, but they are supposed to theoretically. I only started with 2 males and 2 females though, so you may want to start with a larger colony if you want them to breed.
  22. CPO crayfish? Mine are really friendly and active.
  23. In my experience, the KH has never gotten too high with crushed coral inside my filters. One cool thing about crushed coral is, the higher it brings your PH, the slower it dissolves, so it sorta self regulates. I would probably test the water once a week.
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