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Everything posted by Ninjoma

  1. I think it would be safe on the right side of the desk as long as you do a drip loop. I would just make sure it isn't directly above your computer. Another option would be to put a tiny table the same dimensions as the tank to the right of the desk over or next to the litter box.
  2. I also wanted to chime in that bristelnose plecos are probably the ones that fit the bill the best. I will warn you though, that I have three, two of them are very active during the day. The other ones hides all day and only comes out at night. So your results may vary. Another good option are reticulated hillstream loaches. They are not technically plecos, but they look somewhat similar, are also great at cleaning flat algae off of glass and plants, plus they are very active and peaceful. They are very consistently outgoing in my experience.
  3. The crayfish and shrimp are in different tanks. The crayfish don't seem to pay much attention to anyone in their tank though. I had pom pom crabs with them for a bit and the crayfish were terrified of them. One time I did see a crayfish and a Bolivian ram get into a short tussle, but neither was injured badly. I think you probably could keep them with shrimp in a large tank. The crayfish can't swim very accurately, they just kinda jut backwards randomly, so they couldn't catch shrimp unless the shrimp went up to them.
  4. You can just use the sponge filter by itself. I personally like to use HOBs with them because they help with flow and give you a place to put stuff like crushed coral, purigen, activated carbon, ammonia absorption pads and filter floss when you want to use them.
  5. My cherries My CPO crayfish (I hope that counts!)
  6. I tried scarlet temple a few times and it always looked terrible and was an algae magnet. I think it actually did the best in my medium light tank ironically, but it may have just looked better under different lighting. Alternanthera are the only type of plant I actively avoid. I much prefer ludwigia and rotala for colorful stem plants.
  7. I felt like my 29g was still lacking, so I added a wood centerpiece. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
  8. I decorated an apisto cave for my blue rams with green wavy and windelov Java fern
  9. Can you clarify what you mean? I think you may have auto corrected to the wrong word by mistake. I have a lot of experience dealing with red streaks on fins, but no specific knowledge or experience with yawning unfortunately.
  10. This happens to one of my goldfish all the time. I've had some success with Maracyn and api fin and body cure. I've also had success with just cleaning the tank and waiting. The most recent time I used maracyn 2 which is what Fritz recommends since fin congestion/ hyperemia is usually caused by gram negative bacteria. You could also try treating with salt. Usually the streaks go away for by the end of 1-2 courses of medication.
  11. I change water and dose immediately after in established tanks. In tanks that are still cycling so I am changing water every day I would either, test a lot so I can dose the right amount, or just stick to the normal schedule and accept that I am probably underdosing.
  12. Here are the tanks I am somewhat proud of at the moment, but there are still things I am working on with all of them. Here is my 75g. Stocking is: -Roseline sharks -Rainbow shark -SAEs -Flagfish -Reticulated hillstream loaches -CPO crayfish -Pear gourami -Bolivian rams I'm pretty happy with the plant placement and most of my plants are doing well. I'm finally getting my madagascar lace to thrive, which is very exciting. I think my center rock cave looks really good with the anubias nana petite. I also love watching my roseline sharks zoom around. Here is my 29g. Stocking is -Angelfish -Platys -Honey gouramis -German blue rams -Kuhli loaches -Ottos I really like the lava stone on the left. I'm pretty happy with the plant placement on this one too. Here is my 40g. Stocking is -Fancy goldfish -Zebrafish -Swordtails -Peppered corys -BN plecos -One bolivian ram that was getting bullied in my other tank so I moved him 😞 I really like the simplicity and the ease of maintenance in this tank. It's my only low light tank, and I basically have to do nothing compared to the others and if anything I think it looks better.
  13. I was looking for something similar around December and settled on these: https://aquariumframeswholesale.com/breakdown-stands I never ended up buying one though, because they were out of stock at the time. Could be worth considering though.
  14. I would try adding more easy green until the nitrates are at least 20ppm.
  15. I found it very easy to grow with minimal co2. It grows decently large though, so it may be difficult to use as a foreground plant.
  16. Are you adding any fertilizers? This is pretty low for a planted tank. ACO recommends aiming for 20-50ppm. Plants need nitrogen to grow. This article might help https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/easy-fertilizer-for-aquarium-plants
  17. Are you using root tabs with your Amazon swords?
  18. CPO crayfish are cool if you haven't tried them yet. Roseline sharks and siamese algae eaters are fun to watch zoom around larger tanks together. Is the new tank still 400l? Have you decided upon what temperature range or anything else for the tank yet?
  19. Yep, my tank is at 82 degrees. My LFS also keeps an ambient temperature of 82 degrees which is where most of plants and all of my fish are from.
  20. I have a finnex 24/7 light on one of my tanks and I hate it. Only being able to change the light setting in 3 hour increments is incredibly inconvenient. The light also doesn't have an adjustable clock, so you literally can only set the light to the correct time during a one minute window once every three hours. The system for adjusting the light is also super annoying because you have to count each time you press the button to know what the intensity is for that color. Also the mounting system kinda sucks. I personally wouldn't recommend their 24/7 lights to anyone.
  21. My jade snail "Boop" My ivory snail "Valentine" My golden snails "Clem" and "Worm" My magenta snail "Rosy" My chestnut snail "Snailene" My blue snail "Blueby"
  22. I think it's brown diatom algae. Is the tank or the substrate relatively new?
  23. Added some rock formations to give my rank some depth and finally got German blue rams for the first time.
  24. I've been dealing with some mysterious shrimp deaths as well, so I've been trying to figure this out and reading a lot of articles/blogs/forums. I think if they were introduced a couple of weeks ago, it may be related to osmotic shock from acclimation. They are very sensitive, so even with decent acclimation practices, having a few losses within the first month is common from what I've read.
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