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Everything posted by Ninjoma

  1. You could try a different flake. Mine likes xtreme krill flakes.
  2. Craybabies arrived today! They are very cute and active.
  3. I had black skirt tetras for a while. They nipped and chased each other a decent bit, sometimes causing fin damage. They also atr all my mystery snail antennas. They coexisted peacefully in my 40g with zebra danios, corys, hillstream loach, and fancy goldfish. They also coexisted peacefully in my 29g with an angelfish, khuli loaches and honey gourami. I did notice my khulis were more active when I removed the tetras though. I also have neon tetras in my 10g with shrimp and snails and I haven't noticed any agressrion from them.
  4. I've been liking water sprite as a background plant lately. It's easy to grow, gets big and looks cool. Shrimp may like to hide in it too.
  5. I don't have before photos for most of my tanks, but here's where I am at today. 10g 29g tall 40g breeder 75g
  6. That sucks, I'll probably move my mystery snails to another tank. I just found a few hitchhiker assassin snails in the tank I wanted to move them to though, so that complicates things.
  7. The honey gourami has had his breeding coloration for a while. The angelfish is being kept as a one of to avoid terratorial breeding behavior. He is still growing, so it could have to do with him getting older.
  8. I know platy can crossbreed with swordtails. Could she be a swordtail or a hybrid swordtail?
  9. But why? They have coexisted for months. Do you think it was coincidental? I just caught the angelfish nipping my gold inca. I guess the answer is usually the most obvious option.
  10. Hey All, In my 29g tall tank, I have: -1 angelfish -2 honey gourami -3 platy -1 hillstream loach -6 kuhli loaches -and some snails I decided to add three amano shrimp a to help with algae. I knew there was some risk the angelfish would go after them, but my angelfish is very docile, so I wanted to try it. The next days, I noticed both my mystery snails are missing their antennas. I've been able to locate at least two of the three amano shrimp (behind my heater), and I assume the third is hiding. Here are the possibilities I thought of, but I wanted to know y'all think is most likely: 1. Completely coincidentally, the angelfish or honey gourami decided to eat the snails antennas that day. 2. The third amano shrimp I can't find was eaten by the angelfish who then decided it liked hunting so it eat the snails antennas. 3. I have evil carnivorous amano shrimp that eat snail antennas.
  11. Most sources say they are very peaceful. They are also quite small, so they can't do too much damage. I haven't had a chance to keep them yet, so can't say first hand. I've order them though, so I can let you know how that goes sometime in January.
  12. You could do some small inverts like cpo crayfish, pom pom crabs or Thai micro crabs.
  13. From the ones I've grown so far, dwarf chain swords have the longest roots.
  14. Added most of the fish to my tank today. Pearl Gouramis are hiding in the top back corner, so they didn't get to be in the picture.
  15. My purely intuitive thoughts are to return her or get more female guppies to spread out the aggression and make the existing guppy feel more secure.
  16. I have two goldfish who are around 4 inches. I've grown Java fern, hornwort, scarlet temple and a few types of crypts. I never noticed any goldfish inflicted plant damage. Yours ate Java fern though.... I would maybe try anubias?
  17. Of the large plants I've grown that can do well in alkaline water, baby tears (giant) and ludwigia come to mine. 9ph is pretty high though, so no promises.
  18. I finished planting the rest of the plants in the new 75g. I also moved over my siamese algae eaters.
  19. I planted my first round of plants. Water is a bit cloudy for pictures, but I am particularly happy with this wood piece.
  20. I rinsed 97lbs of substrate and placed driftwood and rocks in the 75g I'm working on.
  21. I use aquaclear HOBs in two of my tanks and they are kinda noisy in my experience. Aqueon quietflows on the other hand are basically silent. They don't have a lot of room for filter media though, and the mechanical filter sponge they use comes with activated carbon which is not ideal. If you use a pre filter sponge and replace their sponge with your own sponge I think it's a good option if you are prioritizing silence.
  22. I've ben deliberating this. I've seen recommendations of 2" fish, like cherry barbs, with pictus, so I was thinking Bolivian Rams would be okay since they are 2.5"-3". But if they can eat fully grown bronze corys, that is concerning. Rams might be thicker than corys though?
  23. I'll be using an aquaclear 110 HOB and an ACO powerhead for flow. Most rams need hot water, but I don't think that applies to Bolivian Rams.
  24. I was thinking I would get a male and a female with the hopes that they pair up. I heard there can be issues with more than one male in the tank? What ratio were you thinking with 4 or 5? What happened with the two you had?
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