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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Thank! I think I’m done purchasing plants for a bit. Well see how well I do with these and then go from there! But I’m super excited now!
  2. Well… lemme tell ya aaaaallll about it! I got Anubias Barteri, Water Sprite, Dwarf Aquarium Lily, Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus (man, that’s a mouthful)!
  3. I did it! I bought (more) plants to replace some of the plastic ones in my tank. Plus the Easy Green liquid fertilizer, root tabs, ACO heater, a spare sponge filter and…. a Murphy sticker!!! Almost everything I have learned over the last year about freshwater fishkeeping I have learned from watching ACO YouTube videos. From how to cycle a tank, good beginner stocking options, to easy beginner plants! It seemed only fair to repay all that knowledge given to me for free with making my purchases from ACO. I am so excited now! Aquarium Co Op - you’ve just created a new monster! Thank you!
  4. Thanks! Yeah, I can see myself getting sucked into the rabbit hole of Live plants!😂 I believe they are juveniles. I got them from Aqua Huna. They are a very entertaining bunch. They are my favorite tank occupants so far! They get the zoomies first thing in the morning, then again in the afternoon. Crazy little catfish!
  5. Thank you! I’m still learning the “live” plant thing!
  6. Thank you for that info! I’ve been trying to figure out what type of plant it is and what it needs. All I found out was it was an Argentine Sword… but that was it, couldn’t really find any care info. I’ll have to buy some root tabs now! I am spacing out the live plants as well for cost reasons (there’s already over $600 into this tank already lol). But I’m not in a rush. I got nuttin but time!
  7. I think after I add more that they’ll help, but it doesn’t look like I made much of an impact with the 3 I added 😂
  8. Thank you for this. He did have a good life, but he made mine so much better. He really was my best friend and I miss him so much, but I have his garden to remind me of all the memories we had. He is so dearly missed.
  9. I spent my rainy Florida evening glueing rhizomes to rocks 😂
  10. I did it! I exchanged a few of my fake aquarium plants for live!!! Java Fern, Anubias Coffeefolia and Argentine Sword (I’m not sure about the latter, we’ll see how it goes)
  11. Not all of the beautiful, artistically scaped tanks you see on YouTube are successful. A lot of them end up failing and we rarely (if ever) get to see that side. You watch the build, see the awesome result… and then you never see it again because it probably failed. Makes me feel better about my attempts (and failures) at scaping.
  12. I’ll join! I have 6 Pandas in my 29g. They are the most entertaining little buggers!
  13. I’ve been watching a few. I think I’ll look into the Anubias soon. It seems the most forgiving. My parameters are pH 7 and nitrates are currently at 5ppm last I checked on Monday (I did a 20% water change last Sunday). I don’t have gh or kh readings as I just learned those were a thing.
  14. I’ll have to look into those! Thank you! Yes. It’s a bit intimidating- especially when you hear how others tried and everything fief 😂. That would be my luck. But I think I’ll try Anubias as others have suggested and go from w!
  15. I think I’m just afraid of killing the plants 😂. I really don’t know why it’s such a scary thing for me!
  16. This is “Casper’s Garden”. It’s a memorial garden planted with white flowering plants in remembrance of my dog who passed away in May. He was the bestest friend. We made a lot of memories over the last 13 years and and for such a tiny little guy, he sure did have a very large piece of my heart. He was my cuddle buddy, sounding board, my TV buddy, silent supporter, mini personal heater and most lovable little friend. There will never be a time that I won’t miss him.
  17. I grow a lot of roses here in Central FL. Black spot is a fungus whose spores will lie dormant on decaying leaves and dead wood. It can spread to healthy leaves by splashing water. That’s why it’s import to make sure you dispose of clippings and prunings and take care to water at ground level and not splash leaves when watering. Watering in the morning is a good idea just in case water does get on the leaves, it has time to dry during the day. If you notice black spot beginning on a leaf, remove it as soon as possible and dispose of it elsewhere to help keep it from spreading to the rest of the plant
  18. This is my very new 29g Community tank. It’s home to 16 Cardinal Tetra, 6 Panda Corydoras, 5 Nerite Snails and will eventually feature a short fin Betta and some Ghost Shrimp. Right now, it’s scaped with artificial plants as I was too intimidated by live plants. I will eventually change over to live slowly (remove an artificial plant and replace with live one at a time), but for now I’m quite proud of it! What do you think?
  19. I’m no plant expert as I have yet to delve into the world of live plants, but I think your scape looks awesome as it is!
  20. Exactly! $100 for a school of 25 fish! Adds up quick. I ended up going with Cardinal Tetra from Aqua Huna.
  21. Neon Tetra and Cherry Shrimp did that here. Couldn't get them for a little while, then when they showed back up, Neon Tetra are now $4.00 each and Cherry Shrimp are $5.00 each (!?!?). I purchased both from Aqua Huna (Cardinal Tetra were cheaper from them than LFS who wanted $5 each for them) at a much better price.
  22. I've seen those on Aqua Huna website! I purchased Blue and Cherry shrimp a few weeks ago and saw those. I live in FL, but maybe the Ghost Shrimp are being reserved for Out of State shops? IDK... it's a bit strange that we can't seem to find them here lately.
  23. I’ve been trying for weeks to find Ghost Shrimp in my area but everyone is saying “they are so difficult to get” right now. Normally, they are available everywhere. Anyone know why they are so difficult to come by?
  24. I did, I joined their FaceBook Page a few weeks ago! their meetup is about 1-1/2 hrs away, so might now be able to make it all that often, but it's nice to know one is kinda close! I haven't any pics yet, but I currently have 6 Panda Corydoras, 15 Cardinal Tetras and 5 Nerite Snails. I will be adding a few ghost shrimp soon and lastly, a Betta - then I'll be complete (I've got a cycled 5 gallon just in case the Betta doesn't work out in the community tank or the Tetra start nipping).
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