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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2024 in all areas

  1. Looks like a freshwater limpet they are harmless nothing to worry about
    4 points
  2. Mines needed a cleaning or I would have posted sooner! 6' 125, 7 geophagus tapajos (3 mated pairs that are breeding) a mated super red severum pair, 6 orange venezuelan Cory's and 5 scissor tail rasboras. The val is starting to take off like crazy! Bdbs substrate, fx6 and a tidal 110 just for polishing. The aco sponge filters are what I used to get the tank going and just haven't taken out yet. Tank was free from a lfs that closed, The stand i built myself outta 2" stainless sq. Tube i had laying around. Man I love this tank!!
    3 points
  3. This is what the baby ramshorns in my tank look like. Whatever you have there doesn't look like them. I would guess either a pond snail with the pointed shell or a limpet
    3 points
  4. Was looking in some of my books Indian ornamental fishes vol 1 by Heiko Bleher has information on a couple of species' and I just did some random internet searches can't remember the website name it was a couple of week ago @bryanisag
    3 points
  5. My main hobby has been my job, I'm a designer. I like creating art, graphic art mainly. Prints and that sort of thing. I also like gaming (playing), and F1 (watching;).
    3 points
  6. I just discovered this... and joined the forum strictly for this thread. I started experimenting with using CO2 to disinfect plants and kill pest critters back in 2009. I posted about it and some other stuff I was doing while I was learning Arabic at the defense language institute(I'll post the link below). I kinda dropped off the face of the planet after that... I deployed to Afghanistan, Syria, and most countries in the northern half of Africa(there is always a war in Africa). so, this last decade has been busy to say the least. I never really got to experiment further with the stuff I was doing back then. never really had the time. but, my combat days are behind me now and I would like to get back to it. I absolutely love the work y'all have done. https://www.plantedtank.net/threads/tricks.568466/
    3 points
  7. Did a water change as usual this morning, I ended up trimming off a bunch of dying and algaefied leaves of my amazon sword. Right now I'm saving my plant clippings and drying them out. My idea is to mix the dried leaves into my isopod substrates as a good nutrition source Hornwort is doing great in my tank as well. It has started growing horizontially as well as vertically which is kinda funky, but I'm just going to let it do its own thing for now And a picture of Garra Guy sticking his head out of my coconut cave, because its cute.
    3 points
  8. Thank you! I received an overwhelming positive reaction when I posted this on FB. I don't know if the effort I put into building them would be worth the price I would need to charge to make it worthwhile. Plus, this is built specifically to fit my HOB. I would need to know the dimensions of someone's HOB for me to make someone else unless it is the exact model I have. I have thought about it though. My future plan is to build a wharf scene with a boat shop, and a fish and tackle store. Should turn out pretty cool. Until then here are a few more pics of the cabin.
    3 points
  9. In my cherry shrimp colony I spotted this shrimp with an all white saddle. Is this something to be concerned about or just a weird color morph?
    2 points
  10. Thanks guys, at least it's nice knowing he has at least a chance. Hopefully by the morning he'll be doing better.
    2 points
  11. Hello, I’ve started seeing these tiny little dots on the walls of the aquarium. They don’t quite look like eggs, but I’m not sure if they’re actually moving. Is this a baby Ramshorn? Some other baby snail?
    2 points
  12. Found a hitchhiker in my new planted tank. Aquarium co-op contaminated their plants with snail eggs 😔 (I kid). I named him Steven. Honestly surprised he's surviving my uncycled and now half cycled tank.
    2 points
  13. Spent the day getting equipment placed and the hardscape into my 75g. Next is making sure it’s all level before putting some water in, then PLANTS!
    2 points
  14. I have over a dozen now since the original post. I'm gonna have to start thinning them out soon
    2 points
  15. This week the retail store also got in some L397 Candy Stripe Plecos from Dean! They are selling for $59.99ea!
    2 points
  16. Absolutely normal. The snowballs usually always have a Snow White saddle. Im surevtou know already those are eggs developing waiting to be ready to be fertilized and moved to the abdomen
    2 points
  17. I also had one come in from an ACOOP plant during the cycling process! It's been awesome watching him grow and his shell form. I named him Stanley. 😁
    2 points
  18. trim old ends off, warm it up if need be, or just toss it out. airline all eventually hardens to where its all but useless.
    2 points
  19. Been reading up on these and there are 5 species spread over south Asia I don't no how often the other species are exported acantopsis rungthipae seem to be one that's readily available in the aquarium trade
    2 points
  20. Seashell/feather hunting in P.J.'s
    2 points
  21. They may or may not, but who wants to take the risk really? Corydoras are basically barbarmoured fish, and when they get stuck, are really hard to get out of anything really. I'd personally stay away from them even though they temperature wise are a pretty good match. Personally I feel that the goldfish prefere to be with goldfish. I wouldn't even mix fancy goldfish with commons, and even among fancies, I can be picky at what types i let live to gether
    2 points
  22. Just highlight and it usually just asks if you want to quote something from someone. I, for the longest time had no idea how to @. Someone. Then I tried it. And…. Boy that was just…. You have to be kidding me…. I think I felt about 3inches tall 🤣
    2 points
  23. If you do have algae, it’s important to know what kind. Snails work best on surface algae. They won’t do anything to hair algae. Shrimp are great on hair algae but not so good for algae on the glass. and of course if you just want either snails or shrimp you could do that too. Both are great pets for a 10g. You could even do a small group of otocinclus catfish. Those will need some fresh veggies as well. They clean surface algae too well, and you’ll probably run out. another thing I like about snails, they eat anything organic. So food that gets past your fish doesn’t stay around. Or, sometimes you lose a tiny fish, they’ll clean that up to some extent as well.
    2 points
  24. It is a Pink Flamingo Crypt. While it is growing well now, it sat and struggled for about 8 - 9 months with old leaves melting away about as fast as new ones would sprout before it finally started to take off..
    2 points
  25. Sideways is great in some ways. Stays out of the way when cleaning glass for starters. Then the heated water doesn’t come anywhere near the sensor. And you can get the heating element nearer the filter intake. Which helps distribute heat faster
    2 points
  26. Here is a photo after a week of growth before trimming back. I will post another after the trimming session.
    2 points
  27. You don't have to ask me twice to share some aquarium photos. This is my 75g and its inhabitants.
    2 points
  28. I had one survive over8 ppm of ammonia for weeks so there resilient little guys lol I now have dozens of them there actually very good algae eaters
    2 points
  29. Hi @Felicia welcome to the forum. In a 5 gallon tank there are not many fish that will thrive. Having several types is not advisable in a 5 gallon tank. Some ideas would be a trio of Heterandria formosa -least killifish. Like guppies they give birth to live young. OR Banded panchax- rocket/clown killifish OR Boraras merah- phoenix rasbora OR Boraras brigittae-chili rasbora To make it more community feel you could add neocaridina shrimp with any 1 of these and a nerite snail to keep the windows clean after the tank is well established
    2 points
  30. I messed up and purchased one that’s slightly too tall for my tank. I bought the 300w heater (mainly because it was slightly cheaper than the 200w…) and it’s a tad too tall for the tank. Can this be mounted horizontally or at least at an angle to fit within the thank?
    1 point
  31. Pretty good video, but for a simple analogy BBA is like ants at a picnic. If you leave the lid off the bowl of cubed watermelon at a picnic, sooner or later you'll get ants. In the aquarium world if you let unhealthy plant growth sit in an aquarium sooner or later you'll get BBA. Healthy plant growth is the same as putting a lid on the bowl of watermelon.
    1 point
  32. This is my story to a T as well…. Though I must say I never watch KG tropicals anymore. While I find I don’t agree whole heartedly with a lot of Aquarium co op advice, I love a lot of their products and love buying from the Co op…. If the co op is selling a product I want it is my first choice company to purchase from by a longshot…
    1 point
  33. ya its unfortunate. That does make sense ill go ahead and run a course just incase.
    1 point
  34. After shortening the Cardinal Lobelia and Ludwigia Repens. yes I seriously reduced the Val. I have some new plants coming in the mail so made space for those…
    1 point
  35. Yes absolutely. I have a 75 watt one in a 10 gal and it's completely horizontal. So far zero issues!
    1 point
  36. Thanks! I kept getting conflicting answers when doing a google search about “ Yes, you can” and “No, vertical only”. Just wanting to make sure I’m ok to place it *not* vertically!
    1 point
  37. Yes it’s completely waterproof it could be mounted completely sideways if you wanted to
    1 point
  38. Some fish photos. Opal the opalescent gourami Pearl Gourami Pomegranate the indian lilac crab Buttercup the gold gourami Roseline sharks Siamese algae eater Jed the electric blue acara 75g Blueberry the red cheek crayfish
    1 point
  39. Pomegranate the indian lilac crab living her best life. I also added some more plants to the terrestrial part of my paludarium. It's looking pretty lush. 29g 10g
    1 point
  40. I took some nice fish photos today Neon blue eyes Watermelon fiddler crabs Guppies Cherry shrimp 75g feeding time
    1 point
  41. Photo updates from this weekend: 29g 75g 40g Brackish paludarium 10g
    1 point
  42. I'm finally somewhat happy with my brackish tank. I definitely need to fix up the terrarium next.
    1 point
  43. Some photo updates: 40g 29g 10g 75g
    1 point
  44. Nice Rainbow shark! Snap!
    1 point
  45. I wanted a smaller schooling fish to accompany my empire gudgeons in my brackish paludarium, so I got a group of neon blue eyes (Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis). Unfortunately they started disappearing in the night and I think the gudgeons were the culprit, so I moved the gudgeons to my 75g. I got another group of neon blue eyes and a group of pacific blue eyes (Pseudomugil signifer) as an alternate option in case there was some other reason the neon blue eyes were disappearing. I also got a group of bumble bee gobies. They are so cute! I love them. The tank still doesn't look great though. In my 75g, I am trying out blyxa japonica on the left foreground.
    1 point
  46. I did a pretty major rescape of my brackish paludarium. -I removed 4-6 inches of sand. I initially added a lot, so I could make a large slope, but it didn't hold it's shape. -I removed all but 6 male guppies and plan to try empire gudgeons instead. -I started injecting co2 My 10g has most of my remaining guppies. I only kept the black, blue and purple ones with decent color. My cherry shrimp also finally started to breed! I also took some photos of new three spot gourami and electric blue acara
    1 point
  47. 75g updates: -I caught most of the guppies in my 75g and paludarium and took them to my LFS. I ended up getting enough store credit for two three spot gourami and a gold roseline shark. -I added two three spot gourami and an electric blue acara to replace the hoard of guppies. "Jed" the EBA "Opal" the gourami -I removed the monte carlo that was on the left. I never liked how it looked so I finally gave up on it. I moved more Eriocaulon over to the front and added anubias to the cave. Some other decent photos I took today: I also got these rad "watermelon" fiddler crabs for my paludarium.
    1 point
  48. Unfortunately I lost Morti, my crayfish a couple of weeks ago. It was very surprising and sudden with no apparent symptoms beforehand. My best guess is it was a unlucky failed molt, as other inhabitants seem to be flourishing. However, today I received some new crustaceans. Baby Blueberry the crayfish. Lemon and Peach, the crabs.
    1 point
  49. I finished preparing my 40g for the crabs I will be receiving on Wednesday. -Added Ttree pleco caves for a total of 4 to give everyone a place to hide/ molt. 1. Back right side of tank facing the side glass. 2. In the center to the right of the wood piece. 3. In the center to the left of the wood piece. 4. Didn't get a photo, but it's behind the front right side plants. Here's the wide shot. -I got the HOB breeder box all setup as the land area and I got all the openings closed off with mesh. The crabs can climb the wood piece in the middle to get to the land area. Some bonus photos I took:
    1 point
  50. Someone on the Facebook group shared a picture of their gold roseline shark. It was so pretty I decided to order some to join my other roseline sharks. While doing so, I saw a crab species I haven't kept before (Terrathelphusa cf. chilensis), so I will be trying them as well. I'm currently preparing my 40g for them. Here is my reworked tank: I have also given up on s. repens in the midground of my 10g. I've tried it several different times and it never flourishes. I'm pretty sure there is just too much shade in the spot I want to put them in. I decided to try blyxa japonica for the first time. I think it looks great so far! Under high lighting it is supposed to turn goldish or reddish, so I am excited to see how it turns out.
    1 point
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