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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2023 in all areas

  1. Somewhere in the first few pages of my journal I show making repashy on a stick. I use long flat food grade bamboo sticks I stick the bottom in the substrate or use suction cup clips to secure it to the side. Mid and upper water fish get their time and it adheres well to the stick. In this video you can see the sticks. These are pointed down for pleco but you can point them up and towards tank center.
    4 points
  2. I moved my strawberry rasboras from their 10 gallon tank to a 20 long last night. When I bought them and put them in I had 8. I transferred 28!!! They have been busy! I love seeing them grow into a bigger group. 💗
    3 points
  3. Apistogramma tend to darken in response to their environment. If things are dimly lit and you have dark substrate or a dark background, their colors will be darker. The opposite is true if they are in a light environment with light substrate, etc. Generally when I see an apisto laying on its side and being lethargic, it's not a good sign. I find that curing fish is one of the harder aspects of this hobby and my success rate is low. I was reading through Romer's Cichlid Atlas and he mentions that only in rare cases are apistogramma curable of fungal or bacterial infections in the home aquarium. Perhaps this isn't really a truism and he's just as bad a veterinarian as I am, but this made me feel a little better and that I wasn't alone in this experience. However, I still feel terrible when I cannot rescue a sick fish. Wished I had more advice to give you. I think the general treatments you're attempting are the way to go, not knowing what is really going on. But, keep in mind that sometimes the attempted remedy can be worse than the disease.
    3 points
  4. Some have hatched, more look viable. I am once again in awe that something this small can survive.
    3 points
  5. Since Spike is eating for 3 days consistently (had white worms again this morning) we are still continuing on with Plan A, the @Odd Duck Deworming Treatment. I did the 50% water change this morning with a thorough vac. I like to do the water change in the morning and let them relax during the day, then do the next dose at night. The next dose will be levamisole (Expel-P). Question - why are we blacking out the tank? Is it to keep the meds from degrading or is it for fish comfort and stress reduction?
    3 points
  6. They are fairly new to science so little is known about them period. But knowing their ecology one would find that they have similar requirements to stiphodon gobies. Diet consists of macro algae and invertebrates found in creeks and rivers in the foothills. They likely need very well kept and stable water parameters and a higher dissolved oxygen content in the water. Mature tanks that have been established for over a year are also necessary most likely for both stable water parameters and algae to mature and take hold
    3 points
  7. I have enjoyed cory fry so far. Limited fry powder use is probably the main factor there.
    2 points
  8. Possible stress related with the colour change could be bacterial am going to tag @tolstoy21he has more experience with apistogramma behaviour maybe it something he seen before
    2 points
  9. Ok, so I used a multi tool to do this.... . I'm such a hack! Anyway, with some cuts here and there and a little light sanding to clean up the cuts. This is what I came up with! Definitely some options with all the bits and pieces!
    2 points
  10. im behind on posting. i had lots of stuff happen yesterday but life has been busy so i havent gotten to posting. I appreciate the fact that you find my shenanigans worth your time 😁
    2 points
  11. a 20-30 gallon rubbermaid tub makes a good temporary tank . you can stuff everything in it, fish/water/plants/substrate, etc while you paint your hearth, and the tanks stand. when done you have a nice storage tub, or emergency fish holder.
    2 points
  12. I've never managed to feed the crows around me. They won't come to the ground. The very tip of the fir tree in my yard is as close as they get. While they won't land, If I am looking out the window around sunrise, I will see squadrons of crows, 25 or more passing overhead. There might be more, or less somedays, but I'm not willing to get out of bed to count them.
    2 points
  13. The wife of one of my buddies is constantly telling us about the wonderful bread he makes. I feel obligated to remind her that the bread machine made the bread! I need to use that heat twice so most of my baking is also seasonal. I love sourdough, but keeping a starter alive has always been a problem, so I usually settle for a quick beer bread. One bottle for the bread and one for me!
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Looks like possible females carrying eggs nothing to worry about
    2 points
  16. Newer set of sterbai. Still a few in eggs.
    2 points
  17. Sterbai cory fry have made the move to the fry system. Another set of sterbai eggs I thought were a loss have hatched about double digits of fry. So we'll see how that goes. I suppose I can get a try set up for them as well. CPD trio have been in a hang on egg laying setup since yesterday evening. I have like 10 CPDs and only 2 are female........
    2 points
  18. Hi all! We have a school of 5 glolights - two of them are a little on the big side. Do you think they are bloated/sick/have eggs? I would like to assist them if they are ill. They are swimming and eating well, and otherwise quite happy. Regards from down under, Maree
    1 point
  19. Meds degrade is my understanding.
    1 point
  20. I don't bake, but my lovely wife does. She make a fantastic whole wheat bread that I love. She makes many types of bread, but that's my favorite. She also bakes lots of pastries, cookies and such. I avoid all of those now that I'm getting old. The pounds are added easily now.
    1 point
  21. I’d say smell it, but repashy smells awful so that probably won’t tell you much. I wouldn’t risk it. I used to breed roaches as feeders for my tarantulas and it was super convenient to feed them anything that went bad for anyone else. Convenient little critters.
    1 point
  22. I haven't had one of these, yet. But I can't imagine it wouldn't considering it's doing basically the same thing.
    1 point
  23. i keep my cories on normal aquarium gravel and they are thriving, so are my plants.
    1 point
  24. I know... It's not the best photo, but it is indeed setting the tone. Just noticed, sort of funny how crooked the light looks in the wide angle lens, but it's pretty good in person. Anyways, after a pretty trying day, week also, it's just that moment when I want to sit and watch the tank and see what on earth I see. Bonus points if you see anything in the photo! First thing I noticed was one of the corydoras hanging out on the sword leaf about midwater. It's pretty tough to really see, but I moved all the swords to the far left end of the tank (low flow) and tried to give them a break from the end glass where the flow was causing a bit of algae. Once I moved one, I wanted to move them all. That's one thing I wanted to check was just to sit and try to appreciate the new look and what it is. I tossed all the rock to one side, I'm happy with the wood for now, but it's all going to be torn apart of I can get my hands on some substrate and something to remove the base layer in this tank and get rid of the iron heavy fluorite. I don't know that it much matters, but the BBA loves fluorite. I go to clean the glass because there is some spots where I was trying to admire the corydoras and she immediately swims away from the gentle movement of my hand wiping the glass off. Grace pops forward and she's probably done 50 laps while I type this with her, "hey dad look at me go!" mindset as she tries to see what on earth this weird alien is doing outside of her domain. It's fine, it's all yours! I'm just visiting for a little while. 🙂 She swims in the flow and then gets a bit freaked out and darts off. She grazes on the biofilm and all of the little aufwuchs and you can see her "lips" grinding the small foods off the glass right now. She's such a fast swimming fish and covers the entire front of the tank in what seems like one flash of her tail. Because all of the stuff is moved, she's been hanging out in the middle of the swords and under the intake sponge. Crap.... Just remembered I need to clean it, long story. I'll get to it in the morning as I have the cleaner on my hands right now. Basically, this slime stuff showed up and I took apart some stuff to try to make sure there wasn't a fish stuck behind the moss wall or anything like that. I fixed it because there was a misalignment when I zip tied it the first time and I did see a shrimp or two get in there and get stuck. That's solved. Suss is growing in, pushed those vertically.to the right side so the swords and equipment don't block them out. I wanted to also try to count fish and make sure everyone is here, especially my 3 otos. I see some of the cull shrimp in here and did see the blue buddy doing well. They love, shrimp, the night time freedom to go anywhere in the dark. It's very fun to watch them at night and see them do things they don't normally do. Especially when you can turn on the red LEDs and get them to pop or use a colored flashlight to highlight them. I also see reddish BBA under the blue LEDs and I can check what it's doing to the plants. Night time with the tank is a pretty helpful moment sometimes! New food for these guys tomorrow and I swear I've been waiting a year to try it out. (Krill pellets, I believe no shark as well) I am moved one of my plants and it's really fun how it's growing now that it's dead center right under the light. I think it's Brazilian pennywort which is also a hydrocotyle species. It was growing vertically to get light, extremely compact, but now it's horizontal and happy and it's just cool to see it. I had an idea, it worked. Don't just be the fish, but be the plant! Have a good week everyone!
    1 point
  25. If we are successful at raising our unexpected ricefish and pygmy fry, I would like to add them back to this tank. I find these two types of fish fascinating! We counted 12 today... Encircled in green are what we think is an example of the white ricefish fry, and encircled in purple, a representative of the pygmy cory fry.
    1 point
  26. Hi @Supermassive, No, Prime will not will not effect the availability of nitrates to the plants. It is very good at 'locking up' ammonia but has not effect on nitrates one way or the other. When dealing with high nitrates I usually increase my water changes. When you have recovered your nitrogen cycle and the NO3 ppm level is back to normal we can discuss other possible changes. -Roy
    1 point
  27. Yes I've been monitoring nitrates. Its been around 20-30ppm consistently until recently. They've actually been really high recently because I had to treat my fish with paracleanse and it ruined my cycle. I did a 50/50 dilution on a nitrate test today and it was very red even at half concentration so my nitrates were at least 80ppm maybe even 160ppm. I did a 3 gallon water change after that and didn't add any kind of fertilizer. I've been dosing the tank with prime daily for about 3-4 days plus using stability. Will prime make nitrates unavailable for plants? And I have been using the iron after normal weekly water changes. oops, that was meant to be @Seattle_Aquarist
    1 point
  28. Wow food within food, that's actually quite brilliant! Do you put in the cubes while its setting or after it has set? Repashy on a stick is a good idea, I thought of it before, but couldn't think of a way of making it without having a lot of transfer loss issues. The suction cups definitely make positioning the final product much easier. Thanks for the video I will definitely take a look.
    1 point
  29. Phooey. The baffle was a hair off in the measurement. Msgd seller. This seller has always been awesome with customer service. I’m a repeat customer (& the baffle on my Marina 200 is perfect). Also, found a colony of shrimplets in the HOB. They were eating the stuff off the floss. All seemed quite healthy. The s10 is pretty simplistic, so it was easy to see them and just dump the HOB into the tank. COARSE PFS IS INSUFFICIENT for shrimplet safety. Previously I zip tied pantyhose over it, but this time I didn’t because I really needed to polish the water. The HOB was added to solve an issue with a lot of particulates (I believe calcium from foods) in the water column. The water is looking pretty decent now but I still prefer to have the baffle for next time.
    1 point
  30. It's tough to say from the photo just because it's zoomed in and hard to really see the detail on the fish. 😞 If you can, try to snag some more photos and let's see what we can see! PH did cause some redness/stress issues with my specific line of pandas, but I've heard others having theirs up to higher PH (8.0 even). Just a note, not sure it's anything at all right now. Best thing you can do for them at this point is just add more air and a little aquarium salt. (1 tbsp per 3 gallons is plenty)
    1 point
  31. More fish photos 29g "Arcanis" the gold ram "Derp" the angelfish 75g Roseline sharks Siamese algae eater "Arrie" the rainbow shark Baby reticulated hillstream loach Platies "Jed" the electric blue acara "Opal" and "Buttercup" the threespot gourami Empire gudegeon 40g "Marmaduke" the dwarf araguia acara Brackish Ghost shrimp My 10g when its overgrown
    1 point
  32. Congratulations on your snaibies! 😃 I’ll be interested to know what happens with your trumpet snail colors experiment. I really like mine but I haven’t really noticed different colorations. They don’t come out at the same time and usually not close together. I’ll pay attention from now on!
    1 point
  33. The CCY meeting and auction was a lot of fun, though I regretted taking the pandas. I was so, so close to buying them back. The projector was broken, which didn’t help with that, kind of a bummer. But what a fun get together! Really enjoyed the casual nature of it, and the games that were completely voluntary, and several of which I chose not to participate in. Cute games, too. Fooood omg. Beautiful spread. The cookie contest was delicious, too. I haven’t been happy with the Panda tank in quite a while, and I’m not enjoying them as much as I thought I would. So their tank is getting a re-do, and they’ve been moved to a tub while I work on it. The Assassin snails also got a re-do, with some sand for them to bury in and hunt in, since that has been mentioned in multiple places that they like that. They’ll still get all the same snail food, though heavier on the meat pellets than the spirulina ones. Blue Snails have been put in a similar windowsill container, maybe 8 or 10 with pretty blue or blue-white shells. I also added two of the very beautifully striped trumpet snails that I’ve been seeing. It makes sense that there are different species of MTS, I want to look into some of the different colorations. Water change day. So many. Filled up the tub, and WOW, thank you GuppySnail, that is a heck of a lot easier than filling individual buckets! The Green Dragons are getting 50% water changes every day or every other day this week. Whatever is happening there needs to change. Maybe the entire tank needs to be changed out for them. The water hasn’t cleared up with the sand, so, Father Fish was wrong on that point, in this instance. Might break out two of the tubs for mutt guppies and koi guppies. They’re just 20 gallon tubs, not too heavy to sit in a corner. Piano snails got a new 10, need to upload the pictures of building it to the piano snail journal. Tiger Tower snabies are in the tank!!!! I counted 6, they look just like tiny baby piano snails, but even that small, I can see the difference in color and striping. Omg. Pretty sure I danced the happy-snaiby jig, lol. They’re kind of hard to come by, so having confirmation that I have at least a male and a female among the 5 (originally 6), is FANTASTIC!!! I had removed one Green Dragon male a few weeks ago, to see if isolating him would help him to grow out his fins and bring out his coloring. I had put him, and three of the Green Dragon females, in with the Tigers, and they are photo bombing like nobody’s business. I don’t think it’s big enough for them to colony breed in there, but I just had to have some kind of a backup, if I can’t get the water in Emeric’s tank healthy again. Haven’t seen White Wizard babies yet, but they seem to be doing well, they are in with a few mixed green and purple moscows. I wish I hadn’t added the purple ones, they don’t actually look like proper moscows. Actually there ARE a couple little babies in there, which is great! The purple moscows have been removed back to the White Cloud tub, leaving the greens and the blue-green. It sounds like March/April/May are better guppy months at auction, so I might concentrate on CARES species and on growing out the guppy fry I have, for the next 2-3 months. Back to water changes, now that I’ve had some sit down time. Snaaaaaaaibies!!! 😄
    1 point
  34. I did for many years before I shattered my wrist. I loved baking bread above all. The smell that infused the house just felt like a giant hug. Very reminiscent of my my youth. Making bread bowls for soup was a family thing before bread bowls became mainstream. What time is serving? I’ll be right over 🤗
    1 point
  35. Just got mine! Love 'em I don't know if sponge filters have a standard tube size across brands, but it fit one of my large none ACO sponge filter backups.
    1 point
  36. The cheapest, good quality stands are probably the Imagitarium metal stands. However, they don't have doors. Most cheap stands are going to be made of particle board. I'm not sure there is a "good" version of a cheap stand, they all seem similar (please correct me if I'm wrong about that). The high quality stands from places like Custom Aquariums and Glass Cages are very expensive. My advice would be either an Imagitarium stand with magnets and dark cloth for "doors" or challenge yourself with a 2x4 stand design from YouTube. 🙂
    1 point
  37. Ok, houseplant holder attempt #3. Attempt #1 cut into the strainer and put suction cups in the holes, the suction cups did not stay and the strainer fell, this design did not work. Attempt #2 took attempt #1 but used hot glue to secure the suction cups, but i used too much hot glue and couldnt get the suction affect by the suction cups so it didnt work. Attempt #3 is so far the best design. It uses a fresh strainer but instead of cutting it, i just stretched the strainer a bit to fit in the suction cups. It took a bit of force but the cups are not coming out. This is the best design as i get the suction of the suction cups, and the suction cups work. Its also the simplest design, something ive learned sometimes works best: I built this now as a friend will be giving some Pothos for my tank in a few days and i want to be ready. This will also be nice as i can move it around as needed if i needed nitrogen export in a particular tank.
    1 point
  38. I have a few pictures of frys here and there but one i keep handy is this one of angelfishes; And i found this one of kribs: and this one of cockatoo: And this one of a. pucallpaensis.
    1 point
  39. I pulled about 10 Badis badis babies out of the parent tank today. Found a lot more but chasing very fast little ones in a 29 when you are only 5 ft tall is comical at best 🤪
    1 point
  40. Upgraded the GBR babies to a half full grow out today.
    1 point
  41. Treats! also put some BBS in for Vulcan, i dont know if he can eat them with his mouth type, but i figured it couldnt hurt.
    1 point
  42. Another baby Badis badis came front and center for food today the GBR babies are doing great
    1 point
  43. Found this little cutie (panda Cory) that some how made it without incubation. Nature finds a way.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Oh man, but it looks like the cycle crashed!
    1 point
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