Wow thanks for all the photos and that image of the saffron shiners is absolutely amazing if you can have an entire tank and let them get that intense coloration. And the bluenose shiner looks really interesting as well with the different patterns on its body. And sure I am always willing to learn about more species of fish lol. How many of those do you plan to keep?
Ahh the killifish species, I always wanted to try the blue gularis, but never really found an opportunity where I had a couple of spare tanks I could dedicate to them, but I have bred the Norman lampeye killi for a short period of time.
I really do wish more people would keep crayfish, they are such interesting pets. Though you do have to keep that lid shut, they escape at every possible opportunity which usually ends terribly unfortunately. I myself have been breeding some of the papua new guinea species for a few years now, but took a break recently.