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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Nothings better than surprise fry! (Couple of days old) Dads wild-type BNP, mums gold and offspring are 60% ish gold
    6 points
  2. Check out this little shrimpie showing off his tail!
    4 points
  3. Yeah honestly they are my first choice but last choice considering the tank size. I really like the black phantom tetras. They stay a bit smaller. But I still have plenty of other small fish choices. Nothing happening to soon unless I get the itch 😆
    3 points
  4. Hm I took some other pictures of my tanks, and just now, just from the picture, I notice female killifish has a gold eye and the male has a blue eye?! I have been watching them for months and never caught this? Weird fry on top, female on bottom, growing nicely, they now hang with the group more often aaand my photobombing garras
    3 points
  5. I do not photograph my white cloud minnows cause they move too much to be in focus, but I had some success. All the females are super fat. I understand their are egg bound, but I need to feed the fry and the sewellia but not overfeed the females. Any tips? Tank is after a water change, so many bubbles 🙂 And yeah, I can see where I attempted to wash the glass from the outside. Too bad this is only visible after the picture is taken, am I right. Garras will ofcourse photobomb, and I didnt get to take a picture of the normal color white cloud with the orange fins, he didnt want to 🙂 Papparazi shy I guess
    3 points
  6. Hi, I just love aquarium co-op, Cory is a guru to me. My problem is that I don't live in the US, I live in Sweden (Nobel prize?). Sweden is a desert when it comes to fish keeping. Sure, there is a society for cichlid enthusiasts but that's about it. I used to keep cichlids but now I'm into puffers and that's almost unheard of. Pea puffers, yes, but the rest (as schoutedeni in my case) is a big "Que?!" I live in a small town, one hour from the capital, and I can't even find live food - not to mention snails. I've had to import the fish (from Germany). It took me a while to find them at all, the same for snails and live food like blood worms. Frozen, they rather starve. They're captive bred so one would think that they'd been used to frozen food, but nope. I'd like to have a thread for us non US citizens. Where to get yadayada. I live in the EU, and we have totally different brands. Sure, there is Germany, but the problem with Germans is that they speak German. I can cope, my German is okay, but I prefer to use English. Us Europeans, let's help each other!
    2 points
  7. Some Home Made Babies Growing up
    2 points
  8. I'll have to watch the last one a bit late, been really busy recently.
    2 points
  9. Thats a great song 🙂 @Fish Folk Not too elaborate just using plastic food containers with a vent for a little airflow. The standard green scrubber pads are stacked up 5 high or so. The top layer has a "trench" cut out to hold the kibble in it. I keep 1/4 " of water in it and flood/rinse with water ever 5 days or so or when the worms finish the kibble. Its more copying the grindal worm method out there than anything the key has been keep them with a pool of water in the bottom. Its not as productive as other methods but no soil is nice. This setup is enough to feed out a tablespoon of worms every day if i keep the kibble full
    2 points
  10. Oh I just might have to look into those 6 of them with shrimp and snails.....new 10 gal setup woot woot
    2 points
  11. I totally needed coffee before trying to process what I was looking at. 😂 I think there's a few things going on and it's likely a good idea to really take a step back and think about what you want the tank to be. A. If you just want the fish to be happy, you can use sand and leave it at that. Root tabs can be used, for some of the plants you have, but it's going to (potentially) limit some options for you. B. If you want something like dark substrate, there is a lot of products out there that are made for planted tanks and do have normal, fine, extra fine particle sizes. this would help with fish like corydoras and work well long term in a planted tank. I would suggest controsoil fine with a layer on top of "extra fine". This gives you the ability to do a carpeting plant pretty easy if you wish to. If you don't then A or C might be better for you and using something inert. C. You can use anything you really want to use, visually, and just remove a section to have a sand area for feeding the fish in question. This is pretty typical and it's entirely up to what you want to do. If you had sand, what color sand would you want? If you had one color substrate, what color(s) would it be?
    2 points
  12. Our “hiccup crow” that we feed in our backyard followed me 19 miles to work! Turn the volume up and you will see why he is hiccup crow. And he is soaking wet in the rain! A few months ago another crow followed my husband to work, about the same distance.
    2 points
  13. Was looking at the tank yesterday when this little guy popped out of the slate stack. I suspect he/she is a bronze cory (Corydoras aeneus) due to early color flashes and timing on who was laying relative to his/her age (about 2 weeks old) but too soon to say. https://youtube.com/shorts/QKETRM-jDnU?si=8LSc8TYlNPLVWtWF
    2 points
  14. Given the CHOICE of Repashy & zucchini, Snoopy chooses zucchini. (I had to resecure the plant weight. The first time she pulled the zucchini right out and took it halfway across the tank swimming backwards) 🤣😍
    2 points
  15. Esha product are readily available in Europe esha exit that will treat white spot active ingredient are malachite green and methylene blue esha ndx active ingredient levamisole esha gdex active ingredient is praziquantel will treat most commonly encountered parasites Sera Baktopur direct tables active ingredient is nifurpirinol a broad spectrum antibiotic is effective at treating gram negative bacterial disease and aquarium salt will treat fungal infections and some external bacterial infections depending on the level used
    2 points
  16. It feels like it's been forever. 😞 I really do appreciate the guided tour so to speak and seeing it all. Everyone keeps their tanks so differently and it's helpful/refreshing for me to take a step back and just see the space again. Definitely drinking coffee near midnight, so I think this qualifies. LOL BARBS. I think this layout is my favorite. I like the long branch of wood across the span of the tank. It reminds me a bit of the jungle book for some reason and I'm waiting to see a bagheera to pop out of the back of the tank and watch baloo and mowgli below being goofy together.
    2 points
  17. Kuhli loaches XXL 😂 I’ve been seeing so many rare tetras on Dans fish lately. An interesting and expensive and rare African tetra who I’d be really interested in spawning: Alestopetersius brichardi
    2 points
  18. I got the first decent pencilfish picture so far.
    2 points
  19. I think the boy and maybe one of the girls has reached sexual maturity or almost. They have doubled in size. The boy and suspected girl were awfully flirty and checking out available apartments today. They chose not to sign a lease yet but remained companionable for the rest of the day. She is inside the cave in the photo.
    2 points
  20. Well I figured the man 3 @Guppysnail @nabokovfan87 and @Chick-In-Of-TheSea have a good idea but everyone else probably has no clue as to what has been going on lol. Now don't expect another update like that until after Christmas 🤗
    2 points
  21. 12 Melanotaenia ‘Kali Tawa’ 8 Chilatherina alleni ‘Wapoga’
    2 points
  22. They are not chill, unfortunately. Well, they're chill most of the time. But sometimes one of the other ones eats a flake in a really scary way off the surface and send the rest of them into an epic fit banging into stuff. 😄 Discus were a fish I wanted to keep 20 years ago, but I decided not to based on my water and the care requirements. I'm glad I waited. I can't say that I really have a fish wish list beyond that. I'd love a pair of apistos that spawns, so I guess that's on the list. 😄 I'm a little prone to impulse buying fish. I just bought six Scleromystax barbatus this weekend, I'd never seen them, but watched some videos fairly recently of them and thought they looked cool. We were walking out of a fish swap on Sunday and I noticed bags of them on a table... I hemmed and haw'd and my wife is was like "just freaking get them". haha $40 of six I thought seemed reasonable considering the pricing I'd seen online. They've got a lot of growing to do and they have been pretty nervous, but tonight after water change they were swimming around a bit more and showing some character. I have plenty of empty tanks, but I was planning on getting a couple of pair of rams to give a shot at spawning them. So now the tank I was going to do that in has these barbatus and some Beckford pencil fish in it. Whoops. I will, eventually, make a swing to native fish at some point.
    2 points
  23. Definitely one of these dudes 🥰 dojo loaches are such cute chunkers
    2 points
  24. Hi all, The fame of Aquarium Co-Op has started spreading more and more across Europe recently, and I think that there's been a corresponding surge of new European members on this forum. Therefore I thought it would be nice to start a thread for us European (and any other continents for that matter) to converse and exchange about tips and tricks to supplement the products and creatures that are available to our American counterparts. Anyones input is welcome. Have a nice day! 😁
    1 point
  25. Hi everyone! Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine. Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes). All fish are sold on a first-come first-served basis. If you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at: store@aquariumcoop.com ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Blonde Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Small Amano Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Assassin Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Blue Wood Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Bolivian Rams German Blue Rams Medium Assorted Angelfish Corydoras and Other Catfish Panda Cories Albino Cories Sterbai Cories Reticulated/False Julii Cories Pygmy Cories Adolfoi Cories Paleatus Cories Dwarf Anchor Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus L172a Gold Leopard Pleco L018 Gold Nugget Pleco L264 Grey Leporacanthicus/Sultan Plecos LDA33 Snowball Pleco Clown Plecos Medium Super Red Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred by Christine) Assorted Small Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Assorted Small Long Fin Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Loaches Kuhli Loaches Reticulated Hillstream Loaches Dwarf Chain Loaches Clown Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Blueberry Tetras Silver Tip Tetras Spotted Headstanders Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Leopard Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Emerald Eye Rasboras Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Powder Blue Female Dwarf Gouramis Sparkling Gouramis Leopard Bush Fish Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Asst. Mollies Asst. Platies Rainbowfish Killifish Goldfish/Koi Small Calico Fantails Ricefish Oddballs XL Peacock Gudgeons Sales (While Supplies Last): -40% OFF All Non-Aquarium Co-Op Branded Rimless Tanks Photos 1. Peacock Gudgeons 2. Leopard Bush Fish 3. African Dwarf Frogs and Mystery Snails
    1 point
  26. Seachems Kanaplex or neoplex are good broad spectrum antibiotic or you can get maracyn
    1 point
  27. I wish you luck, but the market for used aquariums isn't very good. I hope I'm wrong, but I'd be surprised if you get as much as $10.00 for it, and it may be quite a bit less than that.
    1 point
  28. And now here’s what he’s NOT doing! This boy is about to be removed from the local gene pool. 😠
    1 point
  29. That’s what I’m finding out I think I need to add more cause it comes out the tap at like 1-2 and quickly drops to 0-1 if I don’t do anything and my African tank that has a crushed Corel substrate stays at a steady 4-6 I didn’t know seiryu stone would buffer kh that’s good to know I like the look I’ll have to try some
    1 point
  30. Switzerland isn’t part of the EU, but we do have the same species & med regulations. However, I can get some in when my relatives come to visit from the UK. Otherwise my go-to med is garlic, or salt depending on the need. Do you want bladder or ramshorn snails? I can send them for free if you cover shipping. Sounds like Swedens even worse off than my LFS. 🫠 Thanks for the mention @Lennie!
    1 point
  31. Sadly I cant help as much, because other than the ban of medicine like all dewormers thanks to the EU, Czech Republic is a big hub of fishkeeping, we have everything (except medicine but hey, we just dont use it). For pea puffers you can always culture snail jars, tbh some of the snails live in outside ponds, but that is more of a question of your summer, to catch them and breed them in a jar for feeding. Some keepers here culture bloodworms and earthworms as way to feed their fish, also grindal worms. I am not sure if puffers like microworms, I doubt it. In spring or when the airline ticket prices are good, I am planning to visit my friends in Stockholm, and I could bring you something, if I can board it on a plane. Otherwise you have to look for fishkeeping stores in the bigger cities that trade with glasser, or some local importers of food that ship them from US. I was able to buy repashy from one resseler, fluval bug bites from a german shop and some other smaller things to supplement.
    1 point
  32. Maybe @TheSwissAquarist might help regarding your questions since they are also from the Europe Other than that, yes, I understand what you mean. You go watch a video on how to treat ich, and then you dont have ich-x in your country. You watch how to treat X disease/parasite but you end up being very limited with options or cant find it at all. However, since I started checking the ingredients of a product, I noticed I can actually find some other brands’ products with very similar or same ingredients locally. So I would highly encourage to read ingredients overall. As dewormers like prazi and levamisole, I get mine from my vet. There is no storebought product available for me too. Maybe you can ask your vet if you can find any. But you will need to work to dose them correctly and safely. If you ask me, I am not surprised that they are on live food diet. In fact, most live food cultures are sustainable (so more economic than constantly buying frozen food. Why would you freeze yours if it isnt something that goes bad or loses nutrition right? ) and more interesting to fish, and great to raise fry and trigger fish to spawn. Especially for fish like murder beans, it is the main diet. If possible, having your own sterile food cultures could be a better idea, this way, you will be less concerned about finding food I believe. But can be a lil challenging to find cultures, and when you do, having a sterile one sometimes. @Colu is from the UK and he is quite good with the diseases and medicine. Always helpful and caring. Maybe you guys would have access to similar products
    1 point
  33. I so need one of those for my 63 gal when I next change the filter 😎.
    1 point
  34. Long week of presentations soon to be over! Baby BNPs have joined the zebra juvies in my 15 gal tank. Plants are loving it, snails less so because I snagged 2 more assassins off a friend. 😈 Set up my Black phantoms to spawn last night. I’m so used to failure I’ve almost stopped being pleased that they’ve spawned, but hey… New strategy means new opportunities. The waters closer to 7 because I read that they prefer slightly less acidic water. Long day, am typing this with my left hand 😵‍💫
    1 point
  35. I hope that you get some helpful connections. Unfortunately, there are not very many Europeans on this Forum. @mountaintoppufferkeeper may be able to suggest some feeding tips. He breeds interesting Puffers.
    1 point
  36. Hello fellow Texan! I'm not sure which part of the state you're in or your nearest major metro, but some of my favorite local stores in the state for aquascaping are Aqua Dome (Austin), Aquatek (Austin), 360 Aquatic (Houston), and Elegant Reef (San Antonio). Aquatek has a ton of amazing supplies and is worth the trip, even if you're from out of town (which I am). If you are around San Antonio, Polly's and Fintique are also awesome! I'm lucky I've been able to travel around the state quite a bit for work so I've gotten to sample what's available in most major cities.
    1 point
  37. I got the tiny filter on the right installed in my 1.25 gallon shrimp and snail jar. The filter on the left is an Aquatop CAF-10, for reference. The change is a US quarter and a 2 Euro coin. It is a very tiny filter, lol. As an aside, I spy some snail eggs.
    1 point
  38. found this useful comparison on the ACO website: when i got my sword from ACO it was mostly emersed growth but quickly grew submerged. I recall Cory saying in a livestream that getting submerged plants or not can often depend on when you order and when their plant deliveries are.
    1 point
  39. There was a mountain lion roaming the area not too far from our house. The last city we lived in someone had one in their tree in their backyard and shot it. There's been rumors of them around here for 30 years, and we're part of their historic range here in Iowa. But they're getting more prevalent, or at least that's the perception, though it could be bias because of all the cameras everyone had on them at all times basically. Either way, this deer season I have been very jumpy walking to/from in the dark. In fact, the last time I walked in in the dark a hedge apple fell randomly from the tree I had just walked under and I spun around and my heart went crazy. Some of the most frightening things to encounter in the dark is walking through thick grass and stepping close enough to a pheasant that they flush because in the dark you basically need to come in contact with them and they usually fly just about straight into your face.
    1 point
  40. I wouldn't argue with anyone who said those are the ideal breeding parameters, but the water temperature certainly doesn't need to be in that narrow range. Here is a link to a reply I made to a new shrimp keeper a while ago. You might enjoy it:
    1 point
  41. A group of duboisi puffer to grow out and try to spawn... though the group of cross rivers have kind of taken that slot for the moment
    1 point
  42. Agreed. They all look healthy and normal to me. I'll snap some pictures of mine to give you an idea of the variation I'm seeing. For measuring, this might help. It's what Odd Duck is speaking about.
    1 point
  43. Probably! On a long ago backpacking trip, I was on the other side of that bush. I'm shy, so I will go the extra quarter mile to find the perfect spot for doing what bears do in the woods. While there, I heard noises which I assumed to be the bear. I froze. Somehow I was more alarmed to see another hiker/hunter stumble down the hillside and stop within 10 feet of me. He looked around a bit, took a drink of water and casually wandered off. To this day, I still wonder: did he really not see me sitting there, or was he an exceptionally good actor?
    1 point
  44. I managed to make a video of my pseudomugil luminatus fry. At around 0:14 you can see another fry moving in the background too, and there are the parents, not caring about the fry Exciting Also I made a gif of my whitecloud fry that is in my cube fry rearing tank now 🙂 they are starting to look like fish
    1 point
  45. @Guppysnail and everyone else: I got some freeze dried Tubifex worms to feed my cory fry. Problem is getting the cube stuck to the glass close enough to the bottom for them to find it. I find if I don't get it to stick well, it float merrily away, to be found in the filter media. If I don't get it low enough, the snails find it before the fry do. The new RAZZLE DAZZLE trick? Wet the chunk and stick it to a dull butter knife or the back of a spoon and put it worm side up on the bottom of the tank. (The crowd goes wild, but they are fish, so you can't hear them, oh well) Now I no longer have to stand on tippy toe and soak my short sleeve to get in stuck to the side in the deep tank. No more watching the worm float off toward the filter. When the fry have licked it clean, it can go wait next to the tank until you feel like giving them another treat. Put it close to the glass when feeding, so you can inspect the fish as they all gather round, even the little ones. Note: thrift stores sell a mish mash of use flatware cheep. No need to sink you own flatware. P.S. @Cory You might like to add this trick to your description of the freeze dried Tubifex worms ACO sells.
    1 point
  46. This is what i do for tubifex, first squeeze all the air out of the cube then take the cube out of the water then squeeze all the water out, then it will sink is my experience
    1 point
  47. These are some little pit bull oto/plecos I got in from Dan today. They're about an inch long. I have them in the dark to help them adjust. When they came in they had their stress coloration, which for anyone in the service would be a light "sand camo". Usually as they settle they start to darken up like the one in the foreground who's gone with an "urban" or "night" camo. Everyone seems to be coloring up well except for that little runt of the litter on the left. I'm going to have to watch him. As they settle in they're like otos, who try to match themselves to whatever your dominant tank colors are. So they should start trying to match my substrate... except for two siblings that found the back end of my terra-cotta pleco cave. We're going to call their current pattern: "Wow, you guys really suck at this" orange.
    1 point
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