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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2020 in all areas

  1. I got a shipment and made an amateur attempt at a one-handed unboxing video. The bag was really slippery on the Easy Fry Food, but I just charged ahead. Cheers Share your next arrival!
    3 points
  2. I made this for siphoning out my ten gallon tanks on my fish rack. I wanted something smaller to poke around the tank and clean with. I made it with: Brass fitting: 3/4 female garden hose x 3/4 female npt adapter, with a washer, very important. White fitting: 3/4 threaded x 3/4 slip pvc fitting I used a spare undergravel filter lift tube for a siphon tube. I cut a 45° angle at the end to better siphon off the bottom. I used a little Teflon tape on the threads. I siliconed the tube into the adapter because it's not a tight fit but it's water tight. If you don't have a spare tube a 3/4 pvc pipe would work. A little silicone in the slip connection would probably make it water tight without using pvc glue.
    3 points
  3. I keep many small aquariums in my apartment, mostly Walstad-style, with organic soil from a local composting spot. I enjoy running really stable ecosystems. These photos don't show much of the fish and shrimp. I also keep some outdoor tubs here in Vermont. Cheers, Jason
    1 point
  4. I have an idea. If you can do a geographically accurate biotope aquarium, why can't you do a historically accurate aquarium. Sort of a historotope if I'm allowed one neologism here. At an estate sale a while back, I acquired a 1930s era aquarium with a metal frame and a slate bottom. This is not one of those stainless steel MetaFrame aquariums everyone (including me) had back in the 1960s and the 1970s. It is clearly something much older. Everything about the aquarium was in good shape when I got it, and it was watertight. Last year when I was using it to grow mosquito larva outside I forgot to bring it in when it got cold. When ice formed in the tank the expanding ice blew out one of the glass sides. So, what might the rules be for a historotope? Rules: You are only allowed to use equipment available during your chosen time period. You are only allowed to keep fishes that were available during your chosen time period. You must use historically accurate foods. You must use historically accurate plants. You must use historically accurate substrate and decorations. You must use historically accurate maintenance methods. Since I have the aquarium (once I get it repaired), my chosen time period will be the mid-1930s in the United States. My first step is to get the tank water tight again. I will post more later as this experiment progresses and your thoughts and suggestions come in.
    1 point
  5. Here are pics of the babies that I discovered in my tank on Saturday, July 18. I had just set up the tank on 7/15. In order to get things moving, I added the sponge filter from 1 tank and some hornwort from my 45 gallon. That 45 gallon houses 5 Zebra Danio, 6 Leopard Danio, and 5 Turquoise Rainbow (2 male, 3 female). I was finally able to get some better pics to show size. I predict there could be 30 - 40 fry currently inhabiting this 29 gallon tank. I also added 2 mystery snails as a cleanup crew after feeding these little ones. Prior to discovering the little fry, I had added 2 new pieces of mopani (sp?) wood. So the water is a bit dark due to tannins. This will be my journey into discovering what type of fish these may be...are they danios (they're pretty dang small) or are they Rainbow?? I'll try to make weekly updates with pics on this post. In the meantime, anyone want to guess species???
    1 point
  6. I am about to have a population explosion! I have 4 females that look like they will burst any second. I am amazed they have lasted this long. I would put the females in a breeder box, but I don't have that many boxes, and they all look equally ginormous. The males are being such pests ("snack dispenser? No? Ok, mate? Hello?") that I am seriously considering boxing THEM just to give the girls a rest. I am as bad as a pacing anxious spouse, lol. I really, really, really want to build something fabulous like this: @green____water Instagram post (photo) 20L Albino Koi Guppy autosorter and grow out. . . (2 of 3. view entire collage on my page) . . Using a @swisstropicals Hamburg matten filter as a divider, the lift tube is obscured inside a fake rock by @universal.rocks surrounded by large, loose gravel and several varieties of anubias. . This creates an attractive place for the females to give birth. As the fry hide from the adults in the rocks, the lift tube (surrounded by plastic canvas to prevent the adults from entering) will transport them to the nursery/grow out. . A green, peaceful wonderland. Safe from predation. Surrounded by Java moss and ferns, buce, anubias, süßwassertang, and fissidens. Tank mates include blue neocaridina and albino rams horns. This also tank also pulls triple duty as a snail growout for feeding the dwarf puffers. . After 3 months of tuning and grow in, I'm happy to report it is working exactly as planned. . . #guppy #guppyfish #guppytank #albino #koi #fish #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #aquascape #aquascaping #shrimp #neocaridina #snail #plants #guppies #guppiesofinstagram #anubias #javafern #javamoss #buce #bucephalndra #hamburgmattenfilter #greenwaterisgoodwater #aquarium #süßwassertang - Gramho.com GRAMHO.COM Instagram post added by green____water 20L Albino Koi Guppy autosorter and grow out. . . (2 of 3. view entire collage on my page) . . Using a @swisstropicals Hamburg matten filter as a divider, the lift tube is obscured... I would also like a recommendation for a good 10g temporary grow out divider that is water permeable but wont let sexed juveniles slither thru. Have considered foam...would rather something mesh?
    1 point
  7. On my intro thread, someone asked for pics of all of my livebearers. There are quite a few here in the fish barn. Here is a start, I will update as I get more pics done.
    1 point
  8. I decided its time to finally introduce some of my juvenile danios into the pond, which over the last day or so has become host to a ton of mosquito larvae. Ive been monitoring temps in the pond to make sure swings arent too extreme as weather here has ranged from highs of 108* to lows in the low 60’s. Temps in the pond seem to be fairly consistent staying in the 70’s so far. @Bob & @Bill Smith were curious how the tannins might affect PH. Testing the pond water revealed that the PH (7.6) is the same as my tanks, which was sortve a surprise. I expected it to be lowered somewhat. GH is about 60ppm lower than my tanks at about 6dGH (tanks at 9dGH). KH is somehow higher than my tanks at 8dKH (up from 5dKH) which seems odd to me. While the danios were temp acclimating i noticed something move and couldnt believe my eyes! There was a tiny danio fry swimming at the surface! @Daniel heres another example of having fry where you’d least expect it. I didnt even have fish in the pond yet but somehow i still have fry 😂. I had added water to the pond from tank water changes, i must've sucked up some eggs or tiny fry in the process. Anyway, i moved about half of the danio out to the pond today and plan on moving the rest out in the next couple of days assuming these are doing well.
    1 point
  9. Can anyone confirm, looks like it to me 🤷🏼‍♂️ I've never had ramshorn snails before.
    1 point
  10. Top 5 food that eaten with extreme vigor in order of gusto: Mosquito larva - the feeding frenzy mosquito larva cause makes the stampedes, brawls, gunfights of a black Friday sale look tame by comparison Black worms - the breeders secret White worms - smaller than black worms, and they themselves have an even smaller version called grindal worms Daphnia - that jerky movement just triggers gastronomical desire in fishes
    1 point
  11. Lol pretty much. My grandmother left me a set of teensy silver tea spoons. Makes feeding little bits of frozen block to little tiny tanks tidier.
    1 point
  12. Lucas Bretz (LRB Aquatics) doesn't run any filters or air in his fish room. He has plants in every tank and only does water changes. Check out his YouTube channel, maybe he has a video talking about it.
    1 point
  13. Streetwise, As a follow up: I have ordered through AC, winter, spring, summer & fall. Everything has always been received very well. The packing is always very professional and was never disappointed in the quality of the products or shipping/handling of the items. As a note, I remember ordering plants last winter and the temperature, on delivery day, was frigid. I thought, "I hope the plants made it through the rough weather." They did. The package had a warm heat pack inside and the plants looked great. 🙂
    1 point
  14. Frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, and the Xtreme krill flakes. The only thing they seem ambivalent about is freeze dried brine shrimp and since I hate the stuff, that's ok. The bristlenose seem to like zucchini but I'm not sure I can say that they "go crazy" for anything. We're trying the Repashy community food today or tomorrow for the first time.
    1 point
  15. Was thinking the very same thing! One more on my list.
    1 point
  16. You will be fine. Not harmful at all and they are just part of the ecosystem that a tank has. I call them detritus worms although that refers to a boatful of different species, they will eat excess food/dying organic matter.
    1 point
  17. Here is the 'Good Mom' in action
    1 point
  18. I wrapped my Rubbermaid tub in this reed fencing material from Home Depot: https://www.homedepot.com/s/reed?NCNI-5 (non-affiliate link) It clips pretty easily with shears or heavy scissors. By cutting the fencing a little too tall and angling it, it pretty much stays where you put it. 🙂 I think it was less work than painting.
    1 point
  19. Beautiful aquarium..... I am guilty of impulse buying fish as well......😅
    1 point
  20. Hi, My real name is Yarden, I currently live in Israel. I've been in the hobby for about 3.5 years. I started with a 240 liter planted tank (that recently cracked and almost flooded my house), and have since progressed to owning four tanks as of writing this. From the start I've really taken a liking to the planted aspect of the hobby, recently focusing more on nano tanks and critters. Currently my favorite aquatic animal is the dwarf crayfish, specifically keeping Cambarellus shufeldetii. Here's some pictures of my tanks 🙂
    1 point
  21. My small one did! I thought I had won something! I did! A cleaner tank. 😆
    1 point
  22. Update, the Corry passed away. Other two appear to still be fine
    0 points
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