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Help me buy plants for my new tank?


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Pulling the trigger on a large plant order as soon as the floor reinforcements are ready for a new 120!  

Help me scape, keeping in mind that I am a veteran house-plant lady, but this is my first real planted tank.  I have some rock, and manzanita that I will be moving over from the 55, and I may add a few terracotta pots...  but I'd like to spend enough to get a nice looking tank put together that will be able to grow in and be relatively easy to maintain...  I am ok with routine maintenance, and would like a bit of color variation...

Currently have the following in a shopping cart on aquarium coop, but what should I add, or swap?  I have about $200 to spend, and am currently at $110.

Red Dwarf lily bulbs (2)
Anubius nana (2)
Anubius gold coin (1)
Scarlet Temple (2)
Amazon Sword (2)
Java Fern (3)



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44 minutes ago, Sal said:

Pulling the trigger on a large plant order as soon as the floor reinforcements are ready for a new 120!  

Help me scape, keeping in mind that I am a veteran house-plant lady, but this is my first real planted tank.  I have some rock, and manzanita that I will be moving over from the 55, and I may add a few terracotta pots...  but I'd like to spend enough to get a nice looking tank put together that will be able to grow in and be relatively easy to maintain...  I am ok with routine maintenance, and would like a bit of color variation...

Currently have the following in a shopping cart on aquarium coop, but what should I add, or swap?  I have about $200 to spend, and am currently at $110.

Red Dwarf lily bulbs (2)
Anubius nana (2)
Anubius gold coin (1)
Scarlet Temple (2)
Amazon Sword (2)
Java Fern (3)



  • The Java fern, though slow, reproduces on its own. Eventually, once it grows bigger, it will produce little new plants every few weeks off of each of its leaves. So I would only order one unless you want three large ones in the aquarium to start out with.
  • The red dwarf lily starts off a little slow, but as it gets established, it will send up a new lily pad every few days. With mine, it covers over half of the surface of my 29 gallon aquarium now (I've had it for only around three months now), so I think that you would only need one.
  • Try getting water sprite it is quick growing and easy to take care of. Gets really large and provides great cover for fish.

Otherwise, great choices, those are pretty much all pretty great for a beginner with a little work.

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19 hours ago, CorydorasEthan said:

The Java fern, though slow, reproduces on its own. Eventually, once it grows bigger, it will produce little new plants every few weeks off of each of its leaves. So I would only order one unless you want three large ones in the aquarium to start out with.

Hi, I agree with this, also as I understand it you get several rhizomes in one pot. (Although I haven't ordered it so someone feel free to correct me) so you might be getting 10-20?)

Also you might also want to get some more background plants unless you're getting a background for you aquarium? I really like like stem plants like Pogostemon stellatus, and water sprite from Aquarium Coop. (I find they complement each other really well.) Something like vallisneria would probably also look really good although I haven't personally kept them.

Edited by FlyingFishKeeper
Adding more clarity
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4 hours ago, FlyingFishKeeper said:

Hi, I agree with this, also as I understand it you get several rhizomes (although I haven't ordered it so someone feel free to correct me) so you might be getting 10-20?)

Also you might also want to get some more background plants unless you're getting a background for you aquarium? I really like like stem plants like Pogostemon stellatus, and water sprite from Aquarium Coop. (I find they complement each other really well.) Something like vallisneria would probably also look really good although I haven't personally kept them.

If you ordered several, they do take quite a while to grow, but once they are at a decent size (maybe after a couple of months), they will start reproducing. So if you need them right away, just go ahead and order the amount you need, but if you are planning on building up over time, you only need two or three plants, depending on how many you plan on having.

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Thank you all for the advice.  I'd like it to be somewhat "setup" right out of the gate or within a month or 2 of planting, but I will downsize to 2 java ferns, and I've added a few things...  Here's the updated cart:

Red Dwarf lily bulbs (1)
Anubius nana (2)
Anubius gold coin (1)
Scarlet Temple (2)
Amazon Sword (2)
Java Fern (2)
Watersprite (2)

Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus (1)
Cryptocoryne Tropica (1) for that bronze color!
Tiger Lotus (1)

Up to $151


Is it a mistake to plant all of this at once?  I tend to be an "all in" kinda gal, LOL.   Should I introduce more slowly?  Planning to plant and scape and let the tank run a bit before moving any fish over....  And I did already purchase the aquarium coop easy fertilizer package - it is on hand and ready to go!

I am planting into Fluval Stratum, with some sand mixed in for weight (as I did read it was hard to plant directly into fluval stratum)

Feedback welcome on anything!  🙂

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@Sal, Nice selection! The more you can afford to plant right away, the better, especially with Fluval Stratum since it has additives; the more you plant the less you'll have algae problems while cycling.

I would've added Cryptocoryne wendtii, Cryptocoryne wendtii green, Bacopa caroliniana, and Anubias nana petite.

Edited by Jungle Fan
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As far as I know there doesn't seem to be any benefit to introducing plants over time compared to all at once. I have Fluval Stratum right now and love it, although it took quite a bit of practice to get the stem plants to stay in the substrate so the sand sounds like a good idea. I would be careful with your water parameters with it too it can drop your pH, GH, and KH a surprising amount. My pH went from 7.6 to 6.2, my kH pretty much died, and my gH went pretty low too so adding crushed coral or argonite sand might be good depending on your stocking choices.

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51 minutes ago, Sal said:

Thank you all for the advice.  I'd like it to be somewhat "setup" right out of the gate or within a month or 2 of planting, but I will downsize to 2 java ferns, and I've added a few things...  Here's the updated cart:

Red Dwarf lily bulbs (1)
Anubius nana (2)
Anubius gold coin (1)
Scarlet Temple (2)
Amazon Sword (2)
Java Fern (2)
Watersprite (2)

Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus (1)
Cryptocoryne Tropica (1) for that bronze color!
Tiger Lotus (1)

Up to $151


Is it a mistake to plant all of this at once?  I tend to be an "all in" kinda gal, LOL.   Should I introduce more slowly?  Planning to plant and scape and let the tank run a bit before moving any fish over....  And I did already purchase the aquarium coop easy fertilizer package - it is on hand and ready to go!

I am planting into Fluval Stratum, with some sand mixed in for weight (as I did read it was hard to plant directly into fluval stratum)

Feedback welcome on anything!  🙂

The Scarlett Temple can be challenging. Just FYI.

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@FlyingFishKeeper the benefit to introducing  the bulk of your plants right away, over planting over time is the reduction in nutrients through the plants which, providing they get enough light, will as soon as they acclimate and root get into competition with the algae. Plants can help cut down the length of any diatom, or green algae phase in a new tank, usually they will go away over time by themselves as the water parameters become more stable. Fluval Stratum has added nutrients which generally is a good thing but if there are no plants then algae will use them since its spores are endemic in the air. Having plants decreases availability of nutrients to algae, the more plants the less availability to algae, that is after the plants root, and get over the initial stress.

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28 minutes ago, Jennifer V said:

If you want to expand your sword collection and add some color, the red flame sword is really beautiful. I loved the first one I got so much that I ordered a few more for my background and all seem to be doing really well. 

Agreed--I LOVE the red flame sword, and I got a really big nice Brazilian Pennywort in my order this last week that helps to fill in some of the background on my 95 gallon.  If it helps at all, here's what I put in the new 95 gallon setup--it's been going since mid-January, so still waiting to fill in.  Some plants from the coop, others from the local club auctions, and some from etsy (that froze on the way here but have recovered decently well)

-12 Anubias (Frazeri, nana, nana petit, gold coin, etc)

-6 Amazon swords (a mix of "regular" and red flame)

-Dwarf sag (got a small bag full at a club auction--about 30 teeny tiny plants or so)

-4 Jungle or Italian Val (not sure which survived...came in rough shape with TONS of snail eggs from the club auction...I'd get it from the coop if I were doing it again!)

-Java moss (cereal-bowl sized portion from club auction)

-about a dozen crypts of different varieties from a variety of sources

-1 brand new Brazilian Pennywort

-1 tiger lotus (also brand new and very tiny for now)

-1 dwarf aquarium lily (hasn't done much and is tiny so far, so you can't even see it in the picture.

-A variety of floaters (which I'm FINALLY not killing!!!!  First time ever!!!)

Here's what it looks like (please excuse the algae, etc...it's due for a wipe down and my algae-lovers are still in QT)

The footprint is 48"x18"x25", so yours will be deeper and on inch shorter I think.

It took A LOT of plants, and I'm still waiting for it to grow in.  Don't tell my husband the budget but I think I'm between $200 and $250 for plants.

20210313_185117 (1).jpg

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A few adjustments based on additional advice!  Thank you!  Husband really wants a few red plants, but I will downgrade to 1 scarlet temple just to see how it does before adding any more, and added a couple others based on suggestions...

I have root tabs and easy green all ready to go!

Red Dwarf lily bulbs (1)
Anubius nana (2)
Anubius gold coin (1)
Scarlet Temple (1)
Amazon Sword (2)
Java Fern (2)
Watersprite (2)

Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus (1)
Cryptocoryne Tropica (1) for that bronze color!
Tiger Lotus (1)
Red Flame Sword (2)
Cryptocoryne Wendtii (1)

My question now is...  Rather than getting a little of everything and ending up with a crazy random tank, should I just be ordering a higher quantity of a FEW different plants to put together something a bit more cohesive?

Overthinking is my middle name.  🙂

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1 hour ago, Sal said:

A few adjustments based on additional advice!  Thank you!  Husband really wants a few red plants, but I will downgrade to 1 scarlet temple just to see how it does before adding any more, and added a couple others based on suggestions...

I have root tabs and easy green all ready to go!

Red Dwarf lily bulbs (1)
Anubius nana (2)
Anubius gold coin (1)
Scarlet Temple (1)
Amazon Sword (2)
Java Fern (2)
Watersprite (2)

Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus (1)
Cryptocoryne Tropica (1) for that bronze color!
Tiger Lotus (1)
Red Flame Sword (2)
Cryptocoryne Wendtii (1)

My question now is...  Rather than getting a little of everything and ending up with a crazy random tank, should I just be ordering a higher quantity of a FEW different plants to put together something a bit more cohesive?

Overthinking is my middle name.  🙂

Start with what you have. It's a pretty good spread. You will be able to propagate pretty quickly. One last red plant to look at, Rotala H'Ra. Usually comes in bunches of 7 or so and not expensive. 



Edited by Mmiller2001
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I personally would buy just one of each plant if you were looking to see what plants work for you except maybe for the Java fern and Anubias since they are slower growers. That way if you are unable to grow a plant you only lose the one. Also if you are successful with a certain plant you’d be able to propagate and get more whenever you want.

But if you already have an idea what you want in your tank and don’t want to wait for them to grow out definitely stick with the list you have.

As far as a cohesive look, having more of fewer species is aesthetically pleasing. But then again your tank is so big I wouldn’t consider your listing too random.

It just depends if you are going for a jungle look or more of a zen style. I fall somewhere in between where it just looks like I shoved a bunch different plants together. So I always go for random!

Also there are a lot of different types of ludwigias with nice shades of reds too. Most of them don’t have that in your face red, some are more like maroon but it is a fairly easy and fast growing plant. And as always having an iron supplement will help you get your deeper reds.



Edited by Koi
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I’m still a beginner at planted aquariums but I’m an experienced gardener. When I approach a new property I like to plant lots of different plants to see what grows well and what I like to grow. I’ll then move towards more cohesive, massed plantings of those plants. 

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Thanks everyone for the advice!  A few things had sold out before I placed my order, so I will have to add those at a later date, but for now - I think I got a nice assortment of things to get started with!  

Will share progress photos once we are up and running!

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