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One Minute Video in Your Favorite Tank

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5 hours ago, StephenP2003 said:


My favorite tank is the 90-gallon that lives in our bedroom


That is an award winning tank! I could get lost there for hours and hours... I’ve heard a 90 gal. is a very satisfying tank size for display.

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4 hours ago, Fish Folk said:

That is an award winning tank! I could get lost there for hours and hours... I’ve heard a 90 gal. is a very satisfying tank size for display.

Thanks! I'm not even sure what the standard dimensions are for a 90 gallon. I custom built this to fit within a specific space in my room, so it's 55"L x 17"W x 24" H (it's more like 97G based on the outer dimensions, but with the half inch glass I'd still say 90).

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1 minute ago, Fish Folk said:

Custom building for 90 gallons of water . . .  in your bedroom . . . bravery badge EARNED! 

Not to mention it was my first attempt at building a tank. That's why I used glass thick enough to not require bracing but still used bracing, and I leak tested it outside for a couple months. It's been running for a little over a year now.

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14 minutes ago, Koi said:

@CorydorasEthan I wish my guppies would leave the algae wafers alone! My bristlenose has to come in hot bearing her spikes just to get a bite of food.

They eat at the flakes I throw in at the surface, and a little fry food also helps to keep them occupied. When they are done they come in hordes to the bottom of the aquarium, but they always share food with my cories, algae eater, and the pleco that used to be in there.

In addition, the female bristlenose pleco that used to be in there always got very aggressive during feeding, as she would do the same yours did (flaring her spikes and charging) except at everyone, including cories, guppies, guppy fry, the algae eater, and even amano shrimp that weren't even close by. I think it did this because it felt like everyone else would eat up all the food before it got it, but that was never the case. I think a solution to problems like this would be to distribute the sinking pellets/wafers around the bottom of under plants and such so that the pleco can get to them but the guppies can't. Another solution would be to feed a bit more heavily with flakes so that they take a longer time to eat and won't be as hungry.

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When I first hatched out my bristlenose pleco fry, a few of them escaped into my 40G livebearer colony. I was also afraid they'd never get anything to eat, but they ended up growing way faster than any of the plecos that went in my 29G growout, and I barely fed them deliberately. I've found it near impossible to "hide" food from the livebearers because they're constantly scavenging and grazing. And guppies aren't really afraid of anything because they're stupid, so they'd just pick around whatever piece of wafer was exposed while the plecos put their whole face over it.

I've found the best way to distract guppies away from the bottom food is to use sera o-nip tabs. I feed those only a couple times a week.

Edited by StephenP2003
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4 hours ago, StephenP2003 said:

And guppies aren't really afraid of anything because they're stupid

That they are! mine literally jump into my hand whenever I need to work in the tank. At least it makes catching them a breeze.

I know my bristle nose has plenty to eat cause her belly is always plump. I just never get to see it eat anything but green beens and she has to fight them for it too haha

6 hours ago, CorydorasEthan said:

I think it did this because it felt like everyone else would eat up all the food before it got it, but that was never the case

 I'm pretty sure mine does it solely out of self defense. My big females have killed 3 of my angelfish already!

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@StephenP2003 ORD 😆 

And of course, is only funny to a bunch of fish heads. 

Sort of reminded me of a park bench, where there's a couple snogging. And everyone is going by, pushing strollers, jogging, playing Frisbee,  etc. Not giving the lovers a second look.😉

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@Anita I’m well over 13, but I don’t think it was appropriate for ME to watch. Let’s keep this a nice family friendly forum. Lol.

But, who doesn’t like a little snail lovin’. I’m always jealous of people who have these monster mystery snails. I can’t seem to keep them alive. I gave up on them, because I don’t want to be known as a mystery snail killer.

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20 minutes ago, Lifeisgood said:

This is the tank I have been working on recently.  It is an old tank so please excuse the scratches in the glass and the particles in the water because I just cleaned the sponge filter and gravel vacuumed a bit.  There is a Half-banded eel, Panda Garras, a young betta who doesn’t have a name yet.  


What a cool little eel.

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17 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

What a cool little eel.

She seems to be quite inquisitive and stares at the surface often.  She is starting to swim up to get the food when I feed her.  When I had one of these years ago he would take pellets from my fingers—I will see if I can get her to.  I’ve got to find a good pellet.  She loves earthworms, maybe that would work—if I could keep a hold of it long enough!🤷‍♀️

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I think I finally figured out how to do this with YouTube, not quite a minute, but hey it's my first try and I'm a photographer, not a videographer. Also just found out my Amanos seem to love my Pogostemon erectus just a bit too much, ...nom, nom, nom.



Edited by Jungle Fan
Problems with playback
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