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What is the most annoying thing your fish do?


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Not sure if this has been asked before. Simple question: What is the most annoying thing your fish do?

Ok, I'll start.

The most annoying thing my fish do is scramble to hide under the filter as I put it back into the tank after rinsing it out.  I have to try to place it back into the tank multiple times so I don't crush any of the silly fishies. But, inevitably, every now than then, when I go to rinse the filter again, I find someone completely pancaked dead underneath!  This happens the most in my grow out tanks. Sooooo annoying!

Edited by tolstoy21
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On 11/12/2023 at 9:40 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

I’d say the most annoying thing with my fish would be when a pair of them spawns, and then the other fish in the tank pile in to get a free snack. 🤯

Yes, my fish are "spawn robbers" as I heard it called on youtube. My white clouds lay eggs, and then eat them all before morning. I suppose I should try to take them out one day. They lay tons of eggs in the java moss mats. 

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On 11/12/2023 at 5:18 PM, Kit Craft said:

Yes, my fish are "spawn robbers" as I heard it called on youtube. My white clouds lay eggs, and then eat them all before morning. I suppose I should try to take them out one day. They lay tons of eggs in the java moss mats. 

Try a spawning trap. @Lowells Fish Lab did a video about breeding ember where the method could be scaled (ha!) up. 


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Its strange that my favorite fish are also the most annoying.  The Red Tailed Tinfoil Barb shares the most annoying trait with the SDs: The will seek out and eat anything vegetable.  This includes dragging a brand new Vallisneria through the fence and eating the whole plant.  On the bright side,  they will eat some BBA, and are also fond of bladder snails. 

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The most annoying thing my fish do is managing my Flowerhorns aggression while doing water changes/maintenance. I’ve been bitten and he has drawn blood. This was when he was only 4” or so, now he’s creeping up on 7” and it’s becoming increasingly more difficult. Still my favorite fish and wouldn’t trade him for the world, but it’s irritating to say the least. 

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On 11/13/2023 at 3:48 AM, mynameisnobody said:

The most annoying thing my fish do is managing my Flowerhorns aggression while doing water changes/maintenance. I’ve been bitten and he has drawn blood. This was when he was only 4” or so, now he’s creeping up on 7” and it’s becoming increasingly more difficult. Still my favorite fish and wouldn’t trade him for the world, but it’s irritating to say the least. 

I use a mirror to distract my parrot whenever i need to stick my hand into her tank. She will be occupied "fighting" her image in the mirror. This way i dont have to get bitten by her. 


As for the most annoying thing my tetras would do is jumping out of the tank. Usually i would be able to save them and put them back into the tank. But today one of them finally managed to commit suicide. 😓 I found it this morning on the floor. All dried up... Must have jumpedout last night. 

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1.  Shrimp LOVE flow, especially from the siphon when I'm trying to avoid them and clean the tank.

2.  One of the more annoying characteristics is a fish just sort of going "meh" when you excitedly feed them for the day.  Even better, when they decide that the food you drop isn't what they want today and go hunting algae on rocks or go dig in the substrate for little critters.  😂

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When I vacuum tanks every fish comes running. I think they see the food going up the tube and get excited, some even peck at the siphon tube. I keep my finger in tube pinch position to stop the flow repeatedly to let them out. If I’m moving something or working in the tank they are non stop “under foot” and it feels like I have hundreds of fish in the tank. They become a nuisance  

However when I want to net them there is not a fish to be found in the tank because they hide.  

Maybe I should set the net in the tank during maintenance and buy a siphon shaped net 🤪


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On 11/13/2023 at 4:39 AM, Guppysnail said:

When I vacuum tanks every fish comes running. I think they see the food going up the tube and get excited, some even peck at the siphon tube. I keep my finger in tube pinch position to stop the flow...

My angels do this,  They follow the bits up the length of the tube so I'm not worried about them.  In the small community however, some of the fish have stopped hiding..  The tiny Embers blend in with the gravel, and they used to disappear during maintenance.  Now it is like I am annoying them.

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I have 2 things.

1. When my big boy bristlenose pleco decides he has to use the smallest possible cave he can squeeze his body inside.  To the point where he refused to use the larger cave and the female had to fight to try to get in the cave with him despite her trying to entice him into the larger cave.

2. When my female festivum has gotten all kinds of sassy!  She has now started deliberately splashing me when I lift the lid to feed!  I have to keep any open containers well away from the tank as I open the lid or she will launch water into the container. I’ve been lucky so far and am now warned. 😆  I’m sure she’ll be even worse later this week when I do the next water change. 🙄 🥜 🌰  She bullies the male, acts like she doesn’t even like him, but she’s protecting him for all she’s worth!  Crazy thing!

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I don’t have my Clown Loaches anymore, but sometimes I’d swear they were dead! Being upside down in the tank not moving just to wake them up and they’d go swimming off. God, I miss my Clown Loaches! My 2nd most annoying thing is not directly fish related, but my cat likes to drink out of the top of my open lid 40 breeder. She will stick her arms deep in the tank and lick the water off her arms while propped up on the rim. She drips water everywhere and she will toss floating plants onto the floor! 

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On 11/13/2023 at 1:44 PM, Odd Duck said:

She has now started deliberately splashing me when I lift the lid to feed!

😂 This is kind of adorable but not fun when it happens every time.  I wonder how the fish learned to do this!

On 11/13/2023 at 8:39 PM, Stef said:

1. My BN Pleco digging non stop

Might stop if it has a cave?

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On 11/14/2023 at 12:38 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

😂 This is kind of adorable but not fun when it happens every time.  I wonder how the fish learned to do this!

Why would it stop if it gets food when she splashes? 😄

Many years ago I had a big oscar that at some point "learned" to jump out of the water and eat pellets out of my hand.  I don't remember how it started, but I typically would not encourage it, just a trick every once in a while.  I learned that when I went to college, my dad have him do it a lot and would show guests. haha

I've got to stop thinking about oscars or I'm going to end up with them again.  Such great fish, but what a shame that they're so freaking big.

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On 11/14/2023 at 12:38 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

This is kind of adorable but not fun when it happens every time.  I wonder how the fish learned to do this!

It is funny but annoying at the same time.  It’s like she’s trying to launch her suddenly vicious self right out of the water at me! I keep expecting to see her flying out of the tank at me a bit like the Monty Python rabbits!  😝 

On 11/14/2023 at 12:38 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Might stop if it has a cave?

Mine have no less than 5 caves of various sizes and locations for 2 boys and they’ve become digging fools!  At least one of them is now using the tiniest cave he can squeeze into but the eggs haven’t gotten kicked out like last time, so . . . . . . Sure, Daddy-O do whatever you feel you need to.  🙄🤪

On 11/14/2023 at 7:18 AM, jwcarlson said:

Why would it stop if it gets food when she splashes? 😄

You’re not wrong.  I’m well trained by all my pets.  😆 🤣 

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On 11/14/2023 at 7:18 AM, Odd Duck said:

Mine have no less than 5 caves of various sizes and locations for 2 boys and they’ve become digging fools!  At least one of them is now using the tiniest cave he can squeeze into but the eggs haven’t gotten kicked out like last time, so . . . . . . Sure, Daddy-O do whatever you feel you need to.  🙄🤪

LOL.  Sounds about right.

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