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Please help!! Mbu acting lethargic after hitting glass

The Doug

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I’ve had clepus for almost a year now I did several medical treatments in the beginning of mine and his relationship together and everything has been great until about 4 days ago when he spooked randomly and he swam into the glass since he hit the tank he hasn’t been acting right he won’t eat and when he swims around it’s is less cautious of the plants I don’t know what to do I’ve added salt I’ve checked all parameters everything is normal for his tank… please help!!! 

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I’ve had clepus for almost a year now I did several medical treatments in the beginning of mine and his relationship together and everything has been great until about 4 days ago when he spooked randomly and he swam into the glass since he hit the tank he hasn’t been acting right he won’t eat and when he swims around it’s is less cautious of the plants I don’t know what to do I’ve added salt I’ve checked all parameters everything is normal for his tank… please help!!! 

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It’s very hard to make a guess via keyboard, especially without even a picture.  Purely guessing, likely a concussion, but spinal injuries or eye injuries are possible.  Concussion will take time to recover but could still go back to normal.  Could also have permanent damage.  Same with a spinal injury or eye injuries.  Pics or videos might help narrow it down but I can’t promise we’ll be able to tell.  Even with diagnostic testing we can’t always tell what’s happened.  Neurological issues can be very challenging even in people with extensive diagnostics and advanced imaging.  We will do our best but need more information.

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So sorry to hear. It may be an injury to the swim bladder. Other possibilities too, but quite possibly related to the injury. I recommend keeping lights low / or filtered. maintain a clean environment -- don't over feed, and perform small water changes. This may take time to heal. Unless you're sure of some other illness, I do not recommend flooding the tank with medicine.

Tagging @Colu for thoughts. Great sickness / injury diagnostic.

Tagging @mountaintoppufferkeeper for extensive perspective on Puffers, injuries, and ideas.

Hang in there @The Doug. We all understand that some of our fish are just fish . . . others are truly pets. 

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Id do the low lights low stress and observe personally. Meds can just add to system stress if its not a specific illness they are intended to be treating. Puffers are pretty tough they heal quickly. 4 days is not too long for going off food up here. If otherwise healthy i just keep observing and offering food as normal until they start eating again. 

I had a fahaka do that running into the glass when surprized years ago. That was followed by acting odd was probably related to "ringing its own bell" with a solid hit. I added plants on the ends and cleared out the middle of any obstructions or plants to identify the limits better similar to flags on an electric fence where its a visual cue of the stop point.

Photos or video/gif might be useful in this case as well. 

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@mountaintoppufferkeeper@nabokovfan87 @Fish Folk im having issues uploading video from my phone but he has spent most of his time laying in this corner or on the plants at the far end of the tank there is a slight redness on his lips like where I suspect he hit the tank … I came out this morning and he wasn’t like happy to see me like usual ( been This way since he smacked glass)  every now and again he swims around but it’s seems like something is off with him.. thanks for the comments and help 



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I agree with @mountaintoppufferkeeper on how to treat/observe for now. Though I am not a puffer keeper I had a Black Neon with a severe swim bladder injury. I did treat for possible bacterial infection however I didn't know how he got the injury in the first place and he had signs of the infection. After I treated them though, it took at least another month before its internal injuries were healed enough that they started swimming correctly again. 

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On 6/27/2023 at 11:25 AM, The Doug said:

@mountaintoppufferkeeper@nabokovfan87 @Fish Folk im having issues uploading video from my phone but he has spent most of his time laying in this corner or on the plants at the far end of the tank there is a slight redness on his lips like where I suspect he hit the tank …

Upload it to youtube, then link it here if you can!

As a cautionary tale there are studies on sound, shadows, lights.... especially for major aquariums and their engineering challenges and the stress on the fish.  If you think back to what "spooked" the fish I would try to cover the side of the tank or something to give the fish a bit of comfort.  Tanks with a doorway and a lot of traffic can cause fish to jump too, especially with lights and stuff being turned on when the tank lights are off.  Just things to consider moving forward and try to think about.

@Guppysnail is there a way to merge these two threads?

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@nabokovfan87 the room is the same it has alway been he is the showpiece of my shop I do upholstery and there is a considerable amount of traffic and he has grown up around the ppl in the shop seeing everything go on so I’m not to press to believe it’s due to a change in environment  I can note during this period of him acting strange I cut back the pogo to give him more space basically removed it all 


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I would give him more time to heal.  I think it’s likely he concussed himself, bruised his face, etc, just like how we would feel after face-planting.  Do dim lighting only, as much peace and quiet as possible - consider covering half the tank front so he can choose if he wants to hide or not but you will still be able to peak and check on him.  I would hold off on meds, offer softer foods for the next few days.  If his head/face hurts he probably doesn’t want to crunch anything.  He should start to improve more over the next few days.

I would also use the plants on the ends to help him define the space like @mountaintoppufferkeeper suggested, so even if startled he will know that if he hits the plants, STOP!  Even a fairly thin layer of something like jungle Vallisneria would be like running onto the warning track in the baseball outfield - you better slow down or you’re going to slam into the wall!  Jungle Val would look great in that tank, too.  Just remember it can sometimes be a bit temperamental when first planted - it can take a few months to settle in or could take off right away.  Get more plants than you think you need to start.  You can always thin it later.

Keep us posted on how he does over the next few days.  I’ve got a family funeral service today, then will be traveling over the next couple days, so I may not be able to get on the forum much.  Others have given very solid advice.  Implement what you can and give him more time for recovery and healing.  Try not to worry too much!

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On 6/28/2023 at 2:15 PM, Odd Duck said:

I would give him more time to heal.  I think it’s likely he concussed himself, bruised his face, etc, just like how we would feel after face-planting.  Do dim lighting only, as much peace and quiet as possible - consider covering half the tank front so he can choose if he wants to hide or not but you will still be able to peak and check on him.  I would hold off on meds, offer softer foods for the next few days.  If his head/face hurts he probably doesn’t want to crunch anything.  He should start to improve more over the next few days.

I would also use the plants on the ends to help him define the space like @mountaintoppufferkeeper suggested, so even if startled he will know that if he hits the plants, STOP!  Even a fairly thin layer of something like jungle Vallisneria would be like running onto the warning track in the baseball outfield - you better slow down or you’re going to slam into the wall!  Jungle Val would look great in that tank, too.  Just remember it can sometimes be a bit temperamental when first planted - it can take a few months to settle in or could take off right away.  Get more plants than you think you need to start.  You can always thin it later.

Keep us posted on how he does over the next few days.  I’ve got a family funeral service today, then will be traveling over the next couple days, so I may not be able to get on the forum much.  Others have given very solid advice.  Implement what you can and give him more time for recovery and healing.  Try not to worry too much!

I agree with @Odd DuckI would follow the advice given 

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