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Help us with what content you watch on our channel.  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. What types of Aquarium Co-Op Videos do Prefer to Watch? Select all that apply.

    • 2 Hour Live Streams
    • Tours of Fish Farms, and other places.
    • Top 5 / Top 10 Style Content(fish lists, Top 5 hacks, etc)
    • Shorter Videos on a specific topic.(Care guides, Disease, Water Parameters)
    • Fish Room Vlogs (Cory's Fish Room)
    • Plant Related Videos
    • Fish Breeding Related Videos
    • Information about the business side or Cory's personal life.
    • Unboxings
    • Adventure Style (Collecting trips)
    • DIY Content
    • Other (explain what type of video interests you)

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We are interested to see what content forum users watch as a whole. If you only watch in a particular category every once in a while, leave it blank. If you always like a certain video type, select that. You can choose multiple.

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For some reason it would not let me select other and explain.  My other: would be something along the lines of a detailed spawning report.  
For those of us that have completed them you know what I’m talking about.  The video would be a very detailed description step by step.   Could be fish, plant invertebrates….    I also think this would free up Cory. Could use Dean, Or other employees.

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I tend to watch all. Rarely am around for the livestreams so I tend to watch them afterwards - really miss having the listing of topics covered in the stream in the description, it let me access the info that really interested me and skip what didn't.

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The 2 videos I link the most to people are the gravel vacing and HOB optimizing ones. Anything along those line is usually helpful when someone is seeking a specific answer.

I tend to love species spotlights and tank stocking videos. I have a hard time choosing. If you could make a video that goes into my head and tells me exactly how i wanna stock it without me second guessing that would be great lol. Is there tech for that? New video: Mind Reading Your Personal Ideal Stocking

Also, I just realized, not all the options showed up for me. I would have DEF voted for fish breeding if I could have. 

Edited by Cinnebuns
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On 5/13/2022 at 6:09 PM, Jenja said:

I tend to watch all. Rarely am around for the livestreams so I tend to watch them afterwards - really miss having the listing of topics covered in the stream in the description, it let me access the info that really interested me and skip what didn't.

Youtube basically updated the format where that data is integrated into the timeline / timecode now.


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Really the only item on that list that I don't watch with regularity are the livestreams, pretty much exclusively because I'm so rarely available during them and don't have enough interest in watching two hours of previously-filmed content that was largely dedicated to others' questions and interests, that sort of thing. Not to say I don't watch them; right now for example, I've got the aquascaping livestream recording queued up at home, and I've been watching it while I do things around the house. But, I have a lot of interest and excitement seeing things like fish farm tours, adventure-type videos, and... yeah, basically everything else. XD

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I like tours of stores, fishrooms/fish houses, breeders, etc; unboxings, Cory's fishroom, tank stocking ideas.

I'd like more/more in-depth videos about growing plants, breeding, and tank makeovers. Everyone loves a good before and after!

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I watch all the videos, at least the ones with Cory in them. The live streams i like to listen to when messing with my tanks. A lot of times i'll find really useful info buried in uexpected places like an hour and a half in a live stream, #6 on a top 10 list, half way through a vlog, etc. So, its worthwhile to watch every video, even if it doesn't seem like it would interesting.y favorite videos are probably the adventure/tour videos and the dean videos. If their is one thing i would like to see more of would be plant videos. Ive seen the plant live streams probably like 3-4 times each. I would love to see an in depth care guide on a specific type of plant, like an "everything you need to know about x-plant." The only videos like that on the channel are like 7 years old are really brief. Id also love to see videos on the rarer fish in the fish room, like the elipsifer eel and the cardinal shrimp. I am excited about the one tank at a time series. The only other fish channel i watch is md fish tanks, and of course most of his videos are setting up tanks. So, it would be interesting to see how Cory sets up tanks, since his approach will probably be a lot different.

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On 5/13/2022 at 3:51 PM, Cory said:

We are interested to see what content forum users watch as a whole. If you only watch in a particular category every once in a while, leave it blank. If you always like a certain video type, select that. You can choose multiple.

I like the shorter videos to share with people newly getting into the hobby. It can take a while to develop the longer attention span unless one is autistic and the Co-op is a special interest. 

Longer video format I share with the autistic homeschooling community. Parents love it when the kids make the Co-op an SI (special interest) and adults can get 2 hours of quiet to soak in the tub, read a book, or quietly enjoy a cup of coffee knowing that their kid is happy and watching something safe (and educational to boot!)

I have been sharing your videos with my LFS owner, and his managers. My kid started watching your videos after getting a job at the LFS, and now has real world experience that helped what you were offering (knowledge wise) take root. 

All of your videos have made me seem a lot more "cool" in the eyes of my kids, because growing up all they heard was "the real world doesn't work that way" from people who thought I was a dreamer and too idealistic. 

Now my kids are watching your success, and realizing their parent wasn't quite as crazy as people made me out to be. 

Good pay, good health care, and a healthy work environment that values mental health actually is profitable. 


Who knew?🤷‍♂️😏

I have not yet found any videos that were not helpful. 

Each of them are beneficial to different audiences, so my recommendation would be do the videos you have fun with, and allow other employees the opportunity to volunteer to do the videos that you have made simply because having your teeth pulled wasn't available. (A little humor. You look like you are enjoying your self more often than not. My mom said "you can please some people, some of the time, but you can't please anyone (other  than yourself) all of the time and maintain your self-respect. So don't even try."

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On 5/13/2022 at 4:51 PM, Cory said:

We are interested to see what content forum users watch as a whole. If you only watch in a particular category every once in a while, leave it blank. If you always like a certain video type, select that. You can choose multiple.

I don’t like 2 hour live streams. I’m never around to catch them live, and I don’t have the time to listen for 2 hours. I love your videos no matter what format, just my email 2 cents. 

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On 5/13/2022 at 4:51 PM, Cory said:

We are interested to see what content forum users watch as a whole. If you only watch in a particular category every once in a while, leave it blank. If you always like a certain video type, select that. You can choose multiple.

I liked the idea of one tank at a time in your fish room. I’d like to see each tank from start to finish. Your thoughts on fish stocking, possible tank mates, filter, substrate and plants would be great. Also, spawning process of each would be so cool!

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On 5/13/2022 at 5:51 PM, Cory said:

We are interested to see what content forum users watch as a whole. If you only watch in a particular category every once in a while, leave it blank. If you always like a certain video type, select that. You can choose multiple.

My main interest are the live streams and fish room vlogs. So much information that relates directly to my fishroom. 
not saying I’ve not watched them but unboxing videos are the worst. The unboxing videos where they show B role of the fish helps. But generally just showing stressed out fish in a bag you can’t hardly see through is so boring.

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I watch all the videos except the live streams. I will tune in occasionally to the streams, but a lot of times I am at work or doing family stuff at home, my time I get to sit down and watch YouTube is usually in the evenings after my kids are in bed. However, I do download the livestreams when they are uploaded as a podcast and listen to them when I am mowing at work. 

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Honestly, I like the diversity of the content. Mixing it up is good.

I watch your channels because the videos are good quality and if there is advise, it's common-sense.

There are hundreds of other fish channels on youtube. They tend to touch on the same topics, some of them have very high quality production, and the advice is generally good. ... Aquarium Co-op just has a very good presentation. It's not a company or a personality talking to you, it's a friend.

As an experienced aquarist, I prefer the long members-only talks. That's probably not-so for the majority of viewers.

Edited by sumplkrum
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On 5/13/2022 at 5:02 PM, cavdad45 said:

I watch almost all of it, but I am more interested in species specific info

Me too.

I trust Cory and his team so I’d love more species profiles in a consistent format. Maybe five minutes or 8 minutes each. And show that species in your store, if available, or in Taz’s tanks, etc.

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I'm going back through and rewatching all the videos with my biz account, and will be commenting on the specific benefits of videos. 

It's a nice journey to watch how Jimmy's skills have evolved, how much more comfortable the entire team has gotten with being on camera, and the reminder that your ethics and specifically the fact you actually walk your talk @Cory is why the ACO is so successful. I really wish your business videos were a required viewing in business schools around the globe, because taking care of employees is a universal key to success that far too many people overlook/undervalue.

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I’m new and only known of the channel and been interested in fish keeping as a hobby for about a month. I’ve watched lots of channels to learn, but yours covers so much more and isn’t as niche driven. That’s great for a new person.

You’re high on the likable scale as well, so I’ve watched quite a bit of content I’d never have watched. No desire to start a fish store, but I was entertained and engaged anyway by two of those videos.

I said no to unboxing…because I’ve never seen one on your channel so far.

Edited by PithyUserName
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