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Hello from the United Kingdom!


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Hi everyone just came across this forum today. Have always had fish since we were kids. Now have just setup a tank for my son to enjoy.  Have 4 platies, 2 mollies, 9 cardinal tetras (xl) and 6 corydoras. All going well, apart being able to feed the Cory's, as the other fish eat their food! I've tried feeding flakes first then dropping sinking pellets or wafers but no luck.  I seem to have trained all the other fish to eat cory food. Help!

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Hi, nice to have another person in my timezone. 

I'd try dropping the sinking food closer to the bottom ( you'll have to get your hand wet ) then feed floating and slow sinking food. The high level greedy fish will hopefully be deterred by your hand then distracted by the new floaty yummy.

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