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Beardedbillygoat’s Fish & Shrimp Tank Journal

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@Atitagainits a weird thing early in this phase of my hobby I kept trying and trying to get good Neocaridina colonies going but failed. In the last 6 months it’s been a real breakthrough. I think lava rock, aquasoil and crushed coral have been great combo for the substrate in the sad bowl and in the tub it’s been aragonite sand and some crushed coral, with the plant grow out pond soil capped with gravel/crushed coral/Lava rock. Very different approaches but same results. Benign neglect- it’s weird to say but the less I focus on shrimp with more unscheduled feedings, throwing in the occasional vegetables, occasionally throwing in some Bacter ae or shrimp minerals it’s all turned out better. When I was counting them obsessively by putting in shrimp lollys weekly and doing all the textbook stuff it was a disaster. The other thing is water changes - I was very focused on dripping water in, avoiding big chemistry shifts and on and on but they’ve done best for me with at least 20-30% water changes with occasional breaks for 1-2 weeks every month or two and then a 50% change then back to the previous schedule. Once again this is usually intentionally unintentional I just work a ton and kids etc come up and I miss maintenance. I do keep tons of plant matter in with them from anubias cuttings and bucephelandra to mosses, hornwort and guppy grass as well as subwassertang. lately baby tears has become an amazing floating plant forming these plant matts that baby fish and shrimp love. Also tons of floaters red root in the plant grow out colony and dwarf water lettuce and duck weed in my other setups. I did not have success last year with them in my ponds but I plan to try again. I feel like I learned a lot. I am going to pump in as much air as I can. Each pond will have a sponge filter and a pond pump. Food they get mostly Tetra color tropical granules ala LRB along with spirulina flake, a couple shrimp sticks from Shrimp King complete and snowflake, Xtreme krill and nano and whatever the guppies don’t eat. There’s a ton of algae and biofilm as well. 7501E950-A682-44BC-8848-F3FFAA2B5418.jpeg.4d4b6c85f334ecd2e801d5484161a8aa.jpegDE5E0C21-B286-47FB-A957-64C22097754F.jpeg.df983e4af5e8468cbff88368c8960d16.jpeg
We’ve had a molt or two since these pics which is exciting. 

In terms of the electric blue Acara they’ve been put forward online both on YT and in articles as one of the better community cichlids. As he gets bigger I think there’s a very good chance my smaller fish will become tempting and I accept that I may lose a few but lately he has been more focused on the bottom dwellers and now that the plecos are out he’s been a bit happier. I’m sure more drama awaits but they’re fantastic looking and he’s more reactive then overtly aggressive. I think I’ve been lucky 🍀 and we’ll hope he and Spikey Feathers will continue to be fairly benign tank bosses. They’re cichlids so that could change at any time. 

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I know exactly what you mean. In this hobby the more technical, precise, note taking, chart keeping, and microscope using I try to be I get the worst results. 🥴 I’m sure some of that is me over analyzing (I tend to do that a lot) but it takes the joy away as well. I’ve made a decision that all my tanks will be for show only. NO: grow out tanks or breeding only tanks. I’m “trying” to create favorable environments and only let breeding stock my tanks at most. Maybe in the future I’ll go at it differently but for now just want to enjoy.

Baby tears as a floater, along with the fry and shrimp loving it I’m sure it looks really good also. I’m thinking of getting a pair of EBA to go with my Oscar. 🤷🏻‍♂️And if they don’t work out there I’m trying to come up with a back up plan. I believe my wife -this time- when she says “no more tanks!”😂🤣😂

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@Atitagainonce the fish room is completed my orders are to keep everything equipment wise in the fishroom. I’m allowed a coat rack outside the room to hang towels and the other equipments that get wet on there. So what happens in the fishroom gets to stay in the fish room. So if I throw more 10 g in there or do other things it’s all good. 
If the EBAs pair up and start getting feisty with the Oscar at breeding time not sure he’ll take it sitting down. I’d consider single specimens of an EBA, severum and or festivum over a pair.  

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I lost the last of the platys last night. The only live inhabitants from that tank are my 4 remaining silver lame ricefish. I fed them this AM and will await the jungle fungus clear and after they get fully treated will move them to a transitional tank. Want to say thank you to everyone who helped out. 

Last night I spent about an hour sketching out my plans for the aquascape in the 45 g which will eventually be updated with CO2. I bought plants this AM for that as well as the reset of the tower tank. In terms of the tower I think this will be the future home for DJ Turbo. I think I will create a scape just for him. I may throw in some kubotai rasboras or CPDs to go with him, maybe some Kuhli loaches. As i start the process I'll post my sketches and see what you folks think. This along with the fishroom and the update to the Wabi Kusa seems like plenty to help me get over this disaster. 

To infinity and beyond, have fun everyone. 

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On 2/3/2022 at 4:17 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

I’ve been trying to distract myself from the carnage in my tower tank. Here’s my wife’s wabi kusa. Think I’m going to get the shallow tank and stand from Hiro aquatics to put it in as unfortunately the vintage glass refrigerator jug leaks. I’ll give this to my wife for her birthday coming up!  8E0F108F-8D37-470E-9D16-2F0638D2151C.jpeg.f07bed66ca96e73f2019744814f46a0a.jpeg33107F5D-2210-4AB3-BDC5-569BFFB6D6A0.jpeg.b098ff7963cf5f75b21da0f6c3b44a38.jpeg4C1FE56C-1083-4554-B83A-754CD95C7290.jpeg.e47cd9e52f44eb2b5de1759fb97a7859.jpeg

Sorry it’s leaking!  Maybe you could find a shallow tank big enough to hold the whole thing and use it almost like a level in a fountain?  Use a powerhead with a prefilter, then tubing to take the water to the top level (over the wabi kusa) and let it overflow the sides of the vintage container down into the bottom tank.  With a rimless bottom tank you’d have a mix of vintage and modern that would be very cool.  You would still get to showcase the vintage container if it was elevated enough to see it above the water level of the rimless tank.

Sorry about your tower tank.

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@Odd Duckhere is the link to the setup we are thinking of using since it will be in the entryway hallway I am giving my wife the reigns on this. HIRO Aquatics Nano Shallow Rimless Tank, 20X20X8cm, low-iron glass, fo

I will see if it could accommodate a setup like you're thinking, I am not sure honestly how my wife feels about the container. 

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On 2/4/2022 at 12:24 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Odd Duckhere is the link to the setup we are thinking of using since it will be in the entryway hallway I am giving my wife the reigns on this. HIRO Aquatics Nano Shallow Rimless Tank, 20X20X8cm, low-iron glass, fo

I will see if it could accommodate a setup like you're thinking, I am not sure honestly how my wife feels about the container. 

Ooh, that’s pretty!  If she doesn’t like the vintage container I’ll take it!  😆 😉  I’m not sure where I’d put it or what I’d do with it, but it’s too unique and cool to not see use.  I’m pretty sure my cats would use it as a water fountain whether I wanted them to, or not.  😝 

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On 2/3/2022 at 3:17 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Think I’m going to get the shallow tank and stand from Hiro aquatics to put it in as unfortunately the vintage glass refrigerator jug leaks


On 2/4/2022 at 1:12 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Odd DuckI will find a use for it if she won't let me set it up but you've got second dibs on it!

Can you take a picture of where it is leaking?

A couple of my repurposed drink dispensers have had leaks, and I have had a crash course in what can safely be resealed and what can't 😁

I'm so sorry about your platy, that's frustrating and sorrowful, *AND* you took excellent care of them.

Sometimes, we only get a season no matter how well we take care of our fin kids.

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On 2/5/2022 at 1:54 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@TorreyI think it is the plastic spigot, there a crack on the top that occurred with shipping and I am imagining there’s one near the seal as that’s where it’s leaking from. I found some stainless spigots with nice silicone washers that I’m going to give a trial. Found on the evil empire website. 

Seems like stainless spigots would be more vintage appropriate anyway, right?  Or chromed, but stainless is better.

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On 2/5/2022 at 12:54 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@TorreyI think it is the plastic spigot, there a crack on the top that occurred with shipping and I am imagining there’s one near the seal as that’s where it’s leaking from. I found some stainless spigots with nice silicone washers that I’m going to give a trial. Found on the evil empire website. 

That's the solution!

I've had to replace 3 spigots.

Well, I should have replaced 3😅

Two of the containers I set up over the turtle pond so the occasional drop went to good use, and I saved the money on replacing the spigot.

The 3rd one was a stronger drip, verging into stream category, so that one was replaced 😁

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Well my wife is a pretty amazing woman. I knew that already but she committed for my birthday to us building an insulated room in the garage and that’s what I’ve got! 52BDA2E4-DA03-4BD7-9276-987741030D72.jpeg.30d360f2b68fe5284bc5eb3f22128c0f.jpeg433CEEC9-0BEA-4452-BD69-2CF891C5B281.jpeg.a83ed8b0b002ed8165dfc3b368e78f2b.jpeg

Theres plenty of room to work in there. My wife helped me organize it - not sure I’ve ever had my hobby so together. AE181D82-4375-48C5-A7C2-5078AEB92A62.jpeg.92b613dce732797fc1086ba7de8c6b85.jpeg

I have another LED light to brighten up the whole space. I’ll get that setup next weekend. 

In addition, she gave me some space outside there for frequently used items and as a work space. I’ve got my wet dry, and I cleared off the rest of the stuff after I took this picture. 06DB1E16-88F8-418B-95CA-74AA16FDC51B.jpeg.a0a78a297852b7e3de4754f955d24549.jpeg

Next up is setting up the panda cory mansion this week. Then prepping tanks for Blue Hawaiian guppies and dwarf platys as well as shrimp. The 40 breeder will be ricefish, plecos and blue dream shrimp. Once I have my 17 g Dean Pond setup I’ll start my breeding setups for ricefish. One project and day at a time! Have fun everyone! 


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I'm curious if that insulation helps much when the weather is 20 below 0? I live in the south but even down here we sometime get a drop and the garage we had (I no longer live in that house); never stayed warm at all. I don't think it actually got below freezing but it sure was too cold to walk barefoot 😉 The silly things kids do... I think my little sister once tried to lick the floor to see if it was true that your tongue could stick to frozen concrete ....


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@anewbieI have already seen a significant difference in the temps in the room. Both maintaining temps and seeing the non heated tanks rising. I think if I was to add restaurant matts to the floor I might see even more of an increase. I also think I may get some insulation to put on the garage door. Next payday. It never stops. 

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@Hobbitthat's all my wife. She went to Lowe's and switched all my storage to clear boxes. She has read, watched and listened to all the Marie Kondo and other organization peoples talks so she got on a roll. Above my outside the room space we will have a peg board where I can put nets and other equipment. Very exciting. She made me promise scouts honor to work to keep the space clean and I am all for it. Easier it is to find the easier it is to do the projects I need to do. 

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