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  1. Random thought, but I just wanted to take a poll of sorts. When do your Corydoras eat? Secondly, when are they most active in terms of breeding? A. Morning, after lights on they eat, usually always active. B. Generally difficult to tell, not very active. C. They eat whenever, breed at night. D. They eat usually after lights get dim, activity as well after late meals. E. Difficult to answer, almost always eat and always active. I would also ask to please state what corydoras you keep or have experience with for the above question. My hope is that details like this can help someone to target feed, breed more successfully, and maybe we can distinguish some patterns. I currently have two types of corydoras, experience with a few, but some do act very differently. (More details on this when I can find the article to link below) https://www.tfhmagazine.com/articles/freshwater/success-with-a-holy-grail-corydoras-weitzmani Thank you!
  2. Hello, so I had just gotten some new julli corys and have noticed them being active in the day and night. But are they nocturnal?
  3. I had about 2 dozen ottos in planted community tank that, over the course of about year, all disappeared. I started feeling guilty that perhaps I neglected feeding them enough, even though I have been feeding Repashy super green somewhat regularly. I thought maybe they were stressed by all the other rambunctious fish (lots of barb species). Or maybe they are just as fragile as people say. I thought -- am I really just using these like a disposable cleanup crew? Clean up the algae outbreak, then good luck to ya, you're on your own. However, in the middle of last night, I had to grab something from the room where my aquarium sits. When I turned on the light, there were all the ottos -- I quickly counted at least a dozen -- lounging around on sword leaves, manzanita wood branches, hanging off the glass. What gives? Why do they snub me all day long and then wait till I'm fast asleep to come out and party? (Hmmm . . . come to think of it . . .where the heck are my corys? I know there is at least 2 dozen of those ever multiplying little buggers in there!)
  4. Ever check out your fish at night? Thought I'd share a few nighttime shots from our tanks, in no particular order. Jump in and photo yours if you like.
  5. Are Hillstream’s active at night? Trying to make sure these guys eat enough. Also Will they feed on vegetables?
  6. A while (months and months) back I grabbed a Striped Raphael catfish out of the dollar tank at the CooP. I've seen him 4 times, I feel I've gotten my money's worth. He is now about 8" long judging by the very short glimpse I caught when I snuck in and turned on the tank light. I was actually checking on some new rainbow fishies and I was like, oh you're still here. Do you have any fish you rarely see?
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