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  1. Noticed our two EBA’s that were in quarantine still being a little flirty so I gave them a pot and some smooth rocks and within 24 hours they had eggs! Hopefully they are just as good at being parents.
  2. Just did a water change and dumped in a bunch of BBS. This tank was African Cichlids until recently. Now it’s housing 250+ EBAs and 50+ BNPs. Measured parameters for BAP submission yesterday. Nitrates were unbelievably high. I’m changing water more frequently now. What’s everyone’s go-to plants for fastest nitrate uptake? I’ve got Pothos growing out of the HOBs and Java fern + Java moss growing in the tank. Are stem plants better / faster in your experience?
  3. Got Co-Op baby brine back in the fishroom ready this eve. Here's Electric Blue Acaras all gorging on it. Also a bunch of Bristlenose Pleco fry are out of their cave. Here’s the obligatory “count at least 10x” BNP fry for BAP (breeder’s award program).
  4. So I am in the process of setting up a new 90 gallon tank. I have some fish I really want, but others im unsure if compatible? It's so hard to search one by one which fish are compatible with which. The fish I 100% want are: electric blue acara severums blood parrot Fish I am wondering if compatible: geophagus such as steindachneri, balzanii, pellegrini, pearl cichlid, altifrons, ect. I love almost all the geophagus species Any help appreciated! thanks in advance.
  5. Treated this 40 gal breeder with API Fungus Cure. Water looks like engine coolant. Electric Blue Acaras could care less, and chose to spawn on a big shell. I'm trying to figure out exactly how I want to try to pull the eggs . . .
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