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Everything posted by MAC

  1. Nice! Those are such fun fish. Enjoy!
  2. The other day I went in for frozen foods and some homemade algae wafers and came home with a special order of something I'd been on the lookout for. Just picked up a group and they are starting to get settled.
  3. MAC


    I had success with a pair of Gardneri in a densely planted 10g. It was more of a jungle than set up for display, but when I broke down the tank to move there were several fry of various sizes I caught out. A pair or trio would possibly give you some surviving fry if the tank had enough cover. I wouldn't do more than one male with that tank size.
  4. I agree with @Fish Folk the cinder block stands are easy cheap and don't look half bad. plus you can always keep building them out and you'll have a fish rack before you know it.
  5. No, just the one in a 40 gallon. Haven't tried any other tank mates as of yet. Not sure if I ever will, he seems pretty aggressive. Really fun and interactive though.
  6. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses. We absolutely love the GSP we have.
  7. Gold barbs, Barbodes semifasciolatus is my suggestion.
  8. I've been very close to buying some wild ones online that look like the top photo. Big fan of the natural variations.
  9. Good stuff @brandonnaturally. Even though I don't live close enough to the store to shop there anymore I still really enjoy checking out the list as it gets posted here. Thanks for keeping that going!
  10. The ones I have are very enthusiastic eaters. Mine go crazy at feeding time, they'll take care of anything that makes it to the bottom of the tank and will be right up at the surface holding their own when I feed floating foods.
  11. Marbled Hoplo catfish (Megalechis thoratica). One of my favorites.
  12. If you're looking at dwarf cichlids you could consider Pelvicachromis species (kribensis). I have P. Taeniatus and they are amazing. They may dig around a little in the substrate but I've kept them in community 29 gallons with no problems even when they were breeding. There are quite a few really interesting rarer species if you could track some down. They would do just fine in your water.
  13. Sounds like you need some rainbow fish!
  14. If you were going the catfish route I would suggest Hoplos instead of pictus. But a catfish tank would be fun. But if I had a 75 to stock right now I would do a Asian barb and loach tank. Build up the back with hardscape and driftwood to make lots of hides, attach lots of rhizome plants like anubius and java ferns, plant crypts in mid/foreground and get a decent amount of water flow. Odessa or other barbs, reticulated SAE, nice group of zebra or similar loach, maybe some stiphodon or similar gobies. Lots of options.
  15. @Fish Folk I have a group of Brochis in a 33 long with white sand, larger rocks and a canopy of water lettuce. I let the water lettuce take over because anything I had planted would get dig up. They are busy little sand hogs. Great fish to watch.
  16. Jeez I really need to get a group of these at some point. Gorgeous fish.
  17. Another trip to the fish store
  18. I'm sitting here watching my congo tetras in their 33 long wishing I had about 3x as many in a 75g. Really stunning fish as they mature and one to consider.
  19. Those are white clouds. Awesome, underrated fish. One of my all time favorites.
  20. Looks like Agamyxis pectinifrons. Spotted Rafael Catfish.
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