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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Your GH is slightly low, just in relation to your KH. You mentioned potassium, but I would actually recommend using equilibrium as opposed to the liquid potassium. Equilibrium™ is a supplement designed to create or build general hardness (GH) due to its mineral content (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.) If you're seeing something missing or that the plants are using in abundance out of your portion of GH, then that would go ahead and give you a method to replenish it. Apart from that, please verify the rhizome is buried and then just keep an eye on light and surface movement. Ferns need time, much like anubias to just do their thing. It's a very, very shallow tank and you really shouldn't need a ton of light for them. Apart from the advice mentioned above, that is where I would personally start based on my experience. Edit: I just noticed the lights on the top. Because you have them in that situation with the low demand plants right in the middle, you can slightly push them outward. The one on the right looks fine, but I would shift the one on the left just a little bit to the left, maybe 1-1.5" or so. It's very minimal, but that might be just enough to balance the light on the ferns (if you ever see algae being an issue). You can likely adjust the lights up once you have nutrients balanced as well. For me: Step 1: plant/light placement Step 2: nutrient balance / substrate needs Step 3: Co2+circulation Step 4: balance of everything Step 5: keep it clean. You would do your water change first, then dose the ferts either right away or in the morning following. You can split the dose if you want. 4 pumps 2x a week or 8 pumps 1x a week.
  2. I had 2 leaves on a plant I had to pull. Just got a bit beat up and it looked like the leaf had snapped at the stem. I was checking all the adjustments I made and was dealing a bit with catching up. The swordtails were all right by the flow for some reason and then when I woke up they darted to the opposite side.... Just being weird I guess. I fed Riddick, in the shrimp tank, and then the shrimp spent all day in that spot with the remnants. Just a pile of shrimp hanging out in the sandy open area. The amanos and the red culls had a meeting near the Co2 diffuser... not sure why!
  3. I had half new (from the old unmodded tidal) and I had the stuff from the active tank. I added more matrix and then I had that old sicce/fluval mech stuff. I tossed all that in there. I don't know if it was calcium, but just the general "it's dusty" stuff. Maybe there was just some residue on the plastics. I should run carbon.... you're right. If I lose another one I'll adjust. Right now I was more focused on trying to understand it and not drain the tank just for the sake of changing things. I had one amano female, she released her zoey today and molted. Lost one red cull, another red cull, and then everyone seems ok. I have another amano about to molt too. I thought it was going to be low PH due to the active substrate, but that's fine. That was honestly the main concern. So far everyone seems to be ok, but I'll check in an hour or so and adjust.
  4. Yeah. It was the culls. I lost two red ones, one female. one male. I THINK... it was just that powder stuff over the media or maybe some residue on the sponges. (I was way too annoyed/frustrate to bother with trips to go rinse everything) I opened the box, saw all the things, tried step one, felt like I was just going to end up breaking everything.... Still not sure how to "fix it" or if I just leave it as is. Everything is installed, running fine, just is not made for a 75G tank. Sort of like trying to use a hammer/dremel to get an AC70 to fit.
  5. My apologies. Too many things at once, relaxing now! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Someone talk me out of barbs.
  6. NOPE. typo. nitrATE is 25. nitrite is 0. ammonia is 0. All the old media / ceramic is in the new filter.
  7. Lost another one. Water test time.... Testing Results: 10/07/2023 Temp: 74.0 Nitrate: 25 Nitrite: 0 GH: 12 deg KH: 4 deg .....so the "not rinsing the media" probably released some hardness. I'll keep an eye on it. Looks to be a slight GH bump and I don't want to mess with the shrimp too harshly. PROJECT #2! Huge shout-out to @mountaintoppufferkeeper for making a little dream of mine come true. Today is the day! Update: sewing susswassertang to quilting mesh is fine.... as long as you are good at tying knots with susswassertang fingers and everything is a bit damp. 😞 Second one I just did it the "other way" using the zip ties and two sheets. They are both in the tank now, I didn't manage a third, but we'll see how they do.
  8. I was watching this yesterday and it talks a bit about handling and dealing with glare. Maybe it'll help. 🙂
  9. Very, very cool to see the notes and the "special features." I am definitely going to check them out after watching! The first comment in the video is the higher quality link to the 4K version. If that helps someone out here it is. (I later found out the narrator isn't in English in this one and no translated subtitles) I'm about 2 minutes in, opening sequence and the music chimes in. Talk about being on the edge of your seat for what is about to come! I love the scenery of the landscape and seeing the fish underwater in that darkness, reminds me of a game I played before on PlayStation called fl0w. It was a game designed as a college project that was centered around the idea of being lost and stuck in a trance, relaxing. I can only imagine that's what the divers had going on throughout their experiences. The further scenes in the opening sequence literally looks like creatures and screenshots from the game. I saw one random video title that said they predict Tsunamis. I wonder if that was just an AI thing and an auto-generated title or something. Overall, a very fun watch! I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
  10. Happy Saturday everyone! I have a challenge/request for all those on the forums that wish to do so. Whenever time allows, spend ~10 minutes without anything but some fish (or inverts or plants) in front of you and just enjoy that moment. Consider the place you're at, the room, the light, the noise of the filter if there is any, and just try to find one interesting thing that catches your eye inside the tank. Stay positive.... no algae sighting today!!!! Let us all know what you see. 🙂
  11. Today is day 1/step 1 in the process of "will it work correctly or improve the situation?" testing. The goal is to note behavior, drop checker status, and see how the fish do with regards to feeding easy and ability. Tidal is removed and the new stuff is on. Spraybar and all the equipment is shuffled around and I've got to seriously consider placement of everything at this point. I already am pretty mystified by some product design choices and I'll end up writing about all of that separately. I'm not sure what the "best option" is for the setup, but right now I just needed to make sure water was moving and that everything was working properly. I'll run some tests today as well. Right after I got things swapped over I had a shrimp that had passed. It was very likely due to getting accidentally crushed when the inlet was moved into place and I tried to install the prefilter sponge. 😞 I am hoping all the changes lead to much better stability and QoL for the animals and plants, that's always the goal. Fingers crossed.
  12. I think just cause green.... they are one of those amazing little fish I would love to have a tank just to see them swarm around. One day, one day I swear I'll have some!
  13. Very beautiful. How is the tank looking today??
  14. Definitely take the tubes to the sink/yard. There's no need to preserve the gunk in there.
  15. That's awesome. I couldn't get the freeze dried to stay down for the life of me. I need one of these. Made by Hikari and seems to be either no longer in production or japan only.
  16. Have you seen the vid of cory doing it? That's how I learned. I had no clue it was even a thing!
  17. Were you able to get this sorted, did it work out in the long run?
  18. when you pinch the hose are you able to actually stop the water flow completely on the hose? If not, then perhaps that's the crux of the issue. When I'm working on the shrimp tank I am battling 2-3 different challenges. One of them if that I have to immediately pause flow if I see a shrimp go up the tube. This means I need to be able to completely stop the flow. The second is that I need to be very methodical in time. If I change too much water, that can become an issue in some colonies. I have to adjust the placement of the siphon and stop-start the flow often to pump out the debris while I minimize the impact on water volume. Being able to stop and start at will is where you will really see a big difference in water volume that you're pulling out. I tend to have the tube in my hand wrapped around a finger or two so that I can then comfortably open and close the flow. It takes some practice, but I would start there.
  19. It's kind of tough for me, today, at this point in time to have a genuine recommendation. I think a pair of fish that you're really passionate about can be a great centerpiece for you personally in a tank. Even if it's a single fish, that's the heart of the tank for you. It might not need to be a massive fish, but maybe it's just one fish that has a certain color or attitude that you enjoy. I've also had schools as a centerpiece and it's something where I really enjoyed that setup. You have a good size tank to play with. I would think on what you want the tank to be in terms of hardscape and setup, then go from there.
  20. Very good point. I would extend that to simply say as well, try to have your own equipment for any QT tank for that reason as well. Keep it out of reach of the main tank and try not to contaminate. Excellent reminder @Chick-In-Of-TheSea , I totally forgot about that whole aspect of things. Agreed! Especially when using multiple at once.
  21. Correct. so... in my instance, and please correct me @Colu There are some meds like bacterial meds (kanaplex is one of these) where you have multiple doses so that it can slowly build up to a level over time. That's why it's important to not do water changes and to absolutely do water changes in other instances. With your situation, I would: -good water change on the tank, clean the filter, check everything, then you start "day 1" -follow the directions to the letter on kanaplex, dose in ich-x only on day 1. -after 3 doses of Kanaplex (one treatment) then you do your normal 30-50% water change and you can give the fish a rest day or proceed to the next series of doses and another dose of ich-X. In the end. "One treatment" would be 2 courses of kanaplex, 2 doses of ich-x over 2 weeks.
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