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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. You can look up computer liquid cooling websites as well. It's an extremely common size. Beyond that, McMaster Carr, trying to find some acrylic or PVC tubing.
  2. I can confirm.... Otos love to get stuck in nets. That armor plating though, they are tough as heck. I call your oto from this point forward. Rocky.
  3. Awesome tank. It's kind of funny because they are little buddies and roaming around acting like they are trying to decide if they are a pair or not. https://www.aquariumadvice.com/forums/f12/bolivian-ram-care-question-369917.html
  4. Currently on the website itself, laptop. My other option is mobile (android). What you're saying though, totally makes sense for what I'm seeing and the web design side of things.
  5. Question for @Zenzo or @Irene or whomever may be able to answer. On the website itself there are categories, 10, and I totally understand that going through 150+ articles and adding some more tags might not be efficient work for someone. As a user, it's *really difficult* to try to navigate. Let me explain. At the bottom of the page you will see X/Y for the results in your search. If it's clicking on the category or just navigating onto the page itself then you end up with that sort of an output. If you search for a result you end up with: I think this output is easier to show 25+ or 50+ articles so I can see the title, a bit about them, but I don't have to click so many times to get through to the information. The current view when clicking on the blog link is fine, it shows the same information and is more aesthetically pleasing. I guess the way to explain my question, Can we improve the ability to find something that's in the blog.... If I don't know what I don't know? I don't mean just beginners, but even someone like myself who might know what I'm doing, but hasn't explored so many aspects of the hobby. I might not know what to ask or use the certain word when trying to ask my question and then the user becomes frustrated. If I was able to view more articles, increasing the limit per page, a condensed view like shown on the search page, or when clicking on the category and having that ability to just keep scrolling down and see everything there is to see, it might give some light to articles that seem to escape the search tool. I'm not really sure of the solution, maybe a blog index? I think the majority of people get the blogs via the email and if it's something interesting, it's going to end up being one we hang on to and check out when time permits.
  6. The tannins initially might be pretty dark, but with any sort of a normal water change schedule I don't think it will be as bad as the Mrs. thinks. As far as a "what could work" I would say try something high oxygen, high flow, river type of a scape. My idea when reading your post would be.... Start with some borneo loaches or hillstream loaches. They are insanely unique and fun to watch day to day. Especially with the type of tanks you keep, bamboo shrimp, coldwater corys, some mountain minnows, it would be a pretty unique tank that points you towards a lot of fish you don't generally have, but that "community" works so well when I had mine going.
  7. one of my favorite things from the co-op! Not even kidding. So useful and unfortunately, stained blue from ich-x so ya need to get two 😉 Congratulations to all of the winners!
  8. It's been discussed above, but here's a great little video and a great tank / study. The topic of "how" various types of fish breed and how fry grow or are cared for in various environments (and specifically the "why"). All those good scientific method questions. Jimmy's tank (he later adds a moss wall to the back and the algae is a bit "better", one of my favorite tanks of his) with his rice fish and showing their method of caring for the fry.
  9. Plecos, bottom dwellers. such interesting little things.
  10. its definitely all depending on where you get it and the quality of that bit. I got some from a trusted source and it was like trimmings or something, so fine that I couldn't glue it. I am always waiting for it to be in stock, I ordered the mesh.... now I just need to get some suss!
  11. VideoI don't know if there is one created. Do we have a thread pinned somewhere that has a list of all the species that the co-op has done a dedicated care guide or "species spotlight" for? (or one done by the fish fam that is recommended viewing as well?) The reason I ask, I was watching the youtube community stuff and there was a post of Dean with his plecos. It made me wonder of the difference between a clown vs. leopard frog pleco in terms of their backgrounds and origins. Differences between the two. (apart from price) Then I started thinking about 4-5 different families of plecos and in each of those branches the top 4-5 specific patterns that we tend to see a lot in the videos or online. Just interesting stuff to me and I would like to hear someone like Dean, Cory, Jimmy, Lizzie, Robert, etc. etc. etc. basically anyone who loves the hobby the way that we see from the videos.... I would just really enjoy some content of being explained a bit more about some cool fish. SO.... the big question. What species would you like to see a dedicated video for? This is about as close of a photo I can find for mine... it's a variety of clown pleco. Second choice would be a bolivian ram highlight. EDIT: (Current Working List) African Dwarf Frog Video Amano Shrimp Amazon Puffer Angelfish Apistogramma Video Apistogramma agassizii Arrowhead Puffer Betta Video Bichir Black Ghost Knifefish Black Neon Tetra Blood Parrot Cichlid Video Cardinal Tetra Video CPD: Celestial Pearl Danios Video Cherry Shrimp Video Clown Killifish Video Clown Loach Corydoras (broadly speaking) Video Discus Video Dragon Puffer Dwarf Chain Loach Endler's Livebearer Video Fancy Goldfish Video Furcata Rainbowfish German Blue Ram Glofish Video Green Neon Rasbora Guppies Video Harlequin Rasbora Video Hatchetfish Heterandria Formosa Hillstream Loach Video Honey Gourami Video Kuhli Loach video MBU Puffer Mollies Video Molly, Liberty Molly Mystery Snail Neon Tetra Video Nerite Snails Video Otocinclus Video 1 Video 2 Pea Puffer Video Pencilfish Platies Video Pleco Video Praecox Rainbow Rainbow Shark Rosy Barb Shrimp (broadly speaking) Silvertip Tetra Tiger Barbs Video White Cloud Mountain Minnows Yellow Zebra Pleco - L199 Plants: Marimo Moss Balls Tiger Lotus Windelov Java Fern
  12. Is there a possibility of adding some crushed coral to your filtration?
  13. What is the issue you're having and needing glue? King of DIY uses the one you mentioned. Check the ingredients list and you should be able to find something that either is exactly that under a different name or just the brand mentioned.
  14. this is the first thing that came to mind. Amanos are almost always "too big" for the rams and the rams will stick to their area and the shrimp will learn that. The only issue is going to be temps and keeping the bolivian ram happy but beyond that it is my favorite centerpiece fish that has such amazing coloration. I cannot wait to have one again.
  15. There's always something! Take a day, pour some tea, and see if your plants are pearling or not. Review settings, just sit and take in the tank and think about what you really want out of it. Enjoy that labor and just enjoy the fish. See how they are acting, their behaviors. Learn them moreso than before. It's such a cool part of the hobby to be at the point you're at and enjoying it. 🙂
  16. Definitely could be what was going on, but it looked like a ram that was hiding more than anything. That's the body language I got and video of course would help (or just more photos). Rams are generally really good about eating and not over eating. They like to hunt in their zone and sift around in the substrate. Having a food that drops in their zone would be a good way to handle it. Drop a pinch of food for the normal feeding, then a smaller sinking type of food (vibra bites, sinking pellets, etc.) would be something that the rams enjoy and they can eat easily.
  17. Good to hear. In the picture shown (perhaps you can show more of both rams and where they like to hang out) is there any way to add a piece of mopani or something like that above the ram as an arch to give him a bit of a hide? Another great option might be some terra cotta pots from the store (home depot had some flat side walled ones I really liked) and you can just have it on it's side in the tank. The coloration indicator for me when I had my rams was the strength of the yellow on their belly and the blue lines on their fins. Here is a good example of what you "should see" if the ram is doing ok.
  18. I will second this.... yes please. Jimmy did have a video on a method to make this happen (quilting mesh siliconed or suction cupped to the back wall. I have always wanted to get that going and very, very, very, very soon will be something I push towards. found it:
  19. I would not worry too heavily about the PH being slightly lower than 7. Generally most fish will adjust unless they are extremely sensitive to PH. There are also species that thrive in the 6.4-6.8 range compared to 7+. In my water, the PH is always about 6.4 and I've never had any issues. I do however have a lot more KH/GH than you're experiencing. That being said, I totally understand the wish to add some security and buffer water so that over time things adjust accordingly and you're less likely to have a major crash. I don't think there's much to it. you have two options, add it to the tank (like substrate) or add it to the canister as a chemical additive (after all of your filtration / media). It will release slowly over time. You can simply add it to the canister and you should be fine to go. Second to that, I would take a container for water (if you have one, if you don't, don't worry about it) so that you can treat this like saltwater and add some buffer to it while you're waiting to do a water change. You add some water for your water change, along with the crushed coral in the canister filter, I would imagine that from that point on.... you'll have enough "buffered" water in the tank to adequately handle the 10-15% swap when you do a normal water change.
  20. That sucks. I got my yarn from walmart. I had to look for the one that was specifically 100% nylon. Are you going to re-treat the whole tank again or run them through QT separately?
  21. is there any way to control this? Wifi plug or just an old school timer? It's the only way to start to solve this issue. You should not need to at all. You would use chemical fertilizers (easy green) for the plants to feed them nutrients, but without normal lighting the plants aren't going to get into a growing schedule and it can lead to some major issues. In terms of "keeping it clean" I would recommend adding some amano shrimp.
  22. Add 4-8 amano shrimp and you'll never regret it.
  23. Before I added "more" amanos After adding Amanos (3-4 days later, sorry about the dirty glass) This is on my smaller tank (not the one above) grows Anubias and so the lighting is much lower %. Hopefully this helps
  24. Does the tank have any amanos? Turn the blue down to 1% (all it does is grow algae) you can also turn UP warm white, and slightly turn down cold white (5% or so). I would recommend checking this one out if you need any tips or advice. Let me show you what mine is at for comparison. You're running a really long exposure time which isn't an issue if you control it in the tank with algae eaters or amanos.
  25. This is going to be the big thing. I would slant towards having a glass top if you can find one from the vendor who made your tank or have one made for your tank. It's totally worth it if you can find one. this one *might* work. Aqueon is good about releasing dimension sheets. https://www.petswarehouse.com/aqueon-versa-top-36-gallon-bow-front-29-3-wide/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpuvzzpfy9gIVXwytBh3sLgS_EAQYASABEgKtI_D_BwE
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