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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Each end would be great, like that your clean water doesn’t immediately get sucked back up again.
  2. Replying to take my topic off the Unanswered Topic thing. A lot of jokes fail🙃
  3. It works fine and I’ve never had any big problems with it.
  4. Get out of here saltwater! 🙃 Although, Nemo is more photogenic than a BN pleco!
  5. Try dither fish such as neon tetras, a BN pleco, or something else which is robust.
  6. A screen is best ( unless you want to set up another aquarium which I fully understand 🙃)
  7. I agree with @Biotope Biologist, one of my angelfish used to hate everything until he got a nice female tank mate and started breeding!
  8. What kind of shrimp are they @giantlumberjack? Amanos are relatively safe I have found, whereas cherry shrimp need a thick ‘lawn’ of micro sword to keep them alive!
  9. Slime coatings are one of the most vital parts of a fishes immune system, a bit like your skin; it fends of fungal infections and diseases. Try taking it back to the store and using an old credit card to clean it off the glass.
  10. How long has she been like this? My first guess is dropsy, and keep on looking for signs of pinecone scales.
  11. It really cool watching peoples journeys from starting from their first (100% plastic) tank, and learn how to be master breeders. Do you do live plants?
  12. I checked out a couple of YouTube channels (KeepingFishSimple) who have had success breeding rare plecos, and they recommend to do a quick temperature drop, which then triggers spawning behavior.
  13. What I meant by too soft was the GH or KH or whatever you call it. Seeing as I’m trying to breed a lot of fish for an event, I’ve temporarily stopped my hybrid attempt. Thanks anyway, @anewbie!
  14. Thanks @anewbie, I have noticed that they aren’t willing to breed. The tank water is at 6.5 pH and water is borderline too soft
  15. Do you have any decorations that may potentially leach harmful chemicals into the water?
  16. That I such a cool pond concept! Hope the hurricane wasn’t to bad?
  17. Try and replicate the same conditions in the new aquarium. Dark water may be a problem… maybe halve the moss and put one half in the new tank to see how it does.
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